American Labor Press Directory, 1940

Publishing Details
A. F. of L. Weekly News Service A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. American Federation of Labor American Federation Of Labor 1911, 7 cols., 2 pp. Columnist: Philip Pearl A. F. OF L. WEEKLY NEWS SERVICE (w) Sat. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ American Federation of Labor. Est. 1911, 7 cols., 2 pp. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. No ads.
American Federationist A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. American Federation of Labor American Federation Of Labor 1894, 7 by 10 in., 112 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. William Green, ed AMERICAN FEDERATIONIST (m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ American Federation of Labor. Established 1894, 7 by 10 in., 112 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. Wil liam Green, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Bulletin Of The Metal Trades Department A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor 1919. 6 by 9 in., 8 pp., 25c per yr. W. A. Calvin, sec-treas. BULLETIN OF THE METAL TRADES DEPARTMENT (m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor. Est. 1919. 6 by 9 in., 8 pp., 25c per yr. W. A. Calvin, sec-treas. Local and National labor news. No ads. AFL.WNS.
AFL Auto Worker, The 1220 Francis Palms Bldg., Detroit, Mich. International Union, United Automobile Work ers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. AFL. AUTO WORKER, THE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 1220 Francis Palms Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ International Union, United Automobile Work ers of America. AFL.. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Air Line Pilot, The 3145 W. 63d St., Chicago, Ill. The Air Line Pilots Association, International. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1932, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr. D. L. Behncke, ed. AIR LINE PILOT, THE (m) 1st of mo. 3145 W. 63d St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ The Air Line Pilots Association, International. AFL.. Est. 1932, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr. D. L. Behncke, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
American Flint, The Huron St. and Jefferson Ave., Toledo, O. Amer ican Flint Glass Workers' Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1909. 6i/2 by 10 in., 61 pp. av. H. H. Cook, ed. AMERICAN FLINT, THE (m) 1st of mo. Huron St. and Jefferson Ave., Toledo, O. Official Organ Amer ican Flint Glass Workers' Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1909. 6i/2 by 10 in., 61 pp. av. H. H. Cook, ed. Local and National labor news. Consum ers notes. No ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
American Photo-engraver, The 3138 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Inter. Photo-Engravers' Union of N. America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1908, 6 by 9 in., 86 pp. ay., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. Matthew Woll, ed. AMERICAN PHOTO-ENGRAVER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 3138 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ Inter. Photo-Engravers' Union of N. America. AFL.. Est. 1908, 6 by 9 in., 86 pp. ay., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. Matthew Woll, ed. National labor news. Auxiliary news. National ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated.
American Pressman, The Edit. Add. 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. Add. Pressman's Home, Tenn. International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1893, 9 by 11i/2 in., 48 pp., $2 per yr. T. E. Dunwody, ed. AMERICAN PRESSMAN, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. Add. 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. Add. Pressman's Home, Tenn. Official Organ International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1893, 9 by 11i/2 in., 48 pp., $2 per yr. T. E. Dunwody, ed. National labor news. National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 35,317 circ., sworn statement.
American Teacher, The 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. The American Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1916, 8% by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. av., $2.50 per yr., 35c per issue. G. T. Guernsey, ed. AMERICAN TEACHER, THE (-m. ex. summer) 1st of mo. 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ The American Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1916, 8% by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. av., $2.50 per yr., 35c per issue. G. T. Guernsey, ed. National labor and general news. Book reviews. Local ads. 23,000 circ., publisher's report.
Asbestos Worker, The Machin ists Bldg., Washington, D. C. The International Association of Heat and Frost Insula tors and Asbestos Workers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1890, 6% by 10V& in., 32 pp., 50c per yr. C. W. Sickles, sec.- treas. ASBEstOS WORKER, THE (q) 1st of mo. Machin ists Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ The International Association of Heat and Frost Insula tors and AsbEstos Workers. AFL.. Est. 1890, 6% by 10V& in., 32 pp., 50c per yr. C. W. Sickles, sec.- treas. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats., 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Bags And Baggage 3451 Michi gan Ave., Chicago, Ill. International Brotherhood of Red Caps. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Ernest Calloway, ed. BAGS AND BAGGAGE (m) 1st of mo. 3451 Michi gan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Red Caps. AFL.. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Ernest Calloway, ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary notes. No ads. Uses mats.
Bakers' Journal 2719 N. Wilton Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1885, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Joseph Schmidt, ed. BAKERS' JOURNAL (w) Sat. 2719 N. Wilton Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1885, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Joseph Schmidt, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. No ads. Uses mats.
Beltmaker, The 125 W. 33d St., New York, N. Y. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 2 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. BELTMAKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 125 W. 33d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. AFL.. Est. 1937, 2 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Consumer notes. No ads.
Black Worker, The 217 W. 126th St., New York, N. Y. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. A. P. Randolph, ed. BLACK WORKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 217 W. 126th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters' Union. AFL.. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. A. P. Randolph, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers notes. No ads. Uses mats.
Boiler Makers Journal, The 524 Brotherhood Block, Kansas City, Kan. International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1888. 8i/2 by Ii% in., 32 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. A. Freeman, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. BOILER MAKERS JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. 524 Brotherhood Block, Kansas City, Kan. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America. AFL.. Est. 1888. 8i/2 by Ii% in., 32 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. A. Freeman, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 25,200 circ., Esti mated.
Brewery Worker, The 2347-51 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. International Union of United Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drink Workers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1886, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Joseph Obergfell, ed. BREWERY WORKER, THE (w) Tue. 2347-51 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ International Union of United Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drink Workers of America. AFL.. Est. 1886, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Joseph Obergfell, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Radio, movies. No ads. Uses mats. 35,400 circ., publisher's report.
Bricklayer, Mason And Plasterer, The 815 15th St., Washington, D. C. Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1898, 9 by 12 in., 75c per yr. R. J. Gray, sec. BRICKLAYER, MASON AND PLASTERER, THE (m) 15th of mo. 815 15th St., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1898, 9 by 12 in., 75c per yr. R. J. Gray, sec. Local and National labor news. National ads. Uses mats. 67,000 circ., publisher's report.
Bridgemen's Magazine, The 1615 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Inter. Ass'n of Bridge, Structural and Orna mental Iron Workers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1901, 63^ by 10 in., 63 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. J. McCain, gen. sec. BRIDGEMEN'S MAGAZINE, THE (m) 15th of mo. 1615 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ Inter. Ass'n of Bridge, Structural and Orna mental Iron Workers. AFL.. Est. 1901, 63^ by 10 in., 63 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. J. McCain, gen. sec. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., Estimated.
Brotherhood Of Maintenance Of Way Employes 61 Putnam Aye., Detroit, Mich. Brotherhood of Main tenance of Way Employes. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1892, 7 by 10 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr. F. Finnson, asso. ed. BROTHERHOOD OF MAINTENANCE OF* WAY EMPLOYES (m) 1st of mo. 61 Putnam Aye., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Brotherhood of Main tenance of Way Employes. AFL.. Est. 1892, 7 by 10 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr. F. Finnson, asso. ed. Local and National labor news. Women's page, French section. National ads. Uses mats. 84,450 circ., Estimated.
Butcher Workman, The 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. Amal gamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1915, 7 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Dennis Lane, ed. BUTCHER WORKMAN, THE (m) 1st of mo. 160 N. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Amal gamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of America. AFL.. Est. 1915, 7 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Dennis Lane, ed. Local and na tional labor news, National general news. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Carpenter, The 222 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. United Broth erhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1881, 6 by 9 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Frank Duffy, sec. CARPENTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 222 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ United Broth erhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. AFL.. Est. 1881, 6 by 9 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Frank Duffy, sec. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 209,000 circ., Estimated.
Catering Industry Employee, The 528 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. The Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance, and Bartenders' Interna tional League of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1890, 6 by 10 in., 56 pp. av., $1.50 per yr., 20c per issue. H. W. Fox, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 95,000 circ., publisher's report. ILNS. CATERING INDUSTRY EMPLOYEE, THE (m) 12th of mo. 528 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ The Hotel and REstaurant Employees' International Alliance, and Bartenders' Interna tional League of America. AFL.. Est. 1890, 6 by 10 in., 56 pp. av., $1.50 per yr., 20c per issue. H. W. Fox, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 95,000 circ., publisher's report. ILNS.
Cigar Makers Official Journal 604 Carpenters' Bldg., Washington, D. C. Cigar Makers' International Union of America. AFL.. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1876, 63,4 by 9 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. R. E. Van Horn, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. 5,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS. CIGAR MAKERS OFFICIAL JOURNAL (q) 1st of mo. 604 Carpenters' Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Cigar Makers' International Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1876, 63,4 by 9 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. R. E. Van Horn, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. 5,000 circ., Esti mated. AFL.WNS.
Commercial Telegrapher, The 113 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. The Commercial Telegraphers' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions Pubn. Add. 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, Ill. COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHER, THE (m) 1st of ino. Edit. Add. 113 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. Add. 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, Ill. Official Organ The Commercial Telegraphers' Union.
Coopers International Journal, The 168 Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass. Coopers Int., Union of N. America. AFL.. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1890, 7 by 10 in., 20 pp., $1.25 per yr. COOPERS INTERNational JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. 168 Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass. Official Organ Coopers Int., Union of N. America. AFL.. Est. 1890, 7 by 10 in., 20 pp., $1.25 per yr. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 4,500 circ., Estimated.
Dining Car Worker 3806 S. Michigan Aye., Chicago, Ill. Joint Council of Dining Car Employees Unions. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions DINING CAR WORKER (m) 1st of mo. 3806 S. Michigan Aye., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Joint Council of Dining Car Employees Unions. AFL..
Educational Monthly News Review 3451 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. International Brotherhood of Red Caps (Educational Dep't.) AFL.. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1939, 8% by 11 in., 10 pp. Ernest Calloway, ed. EDUCATIONAL MONTHLY NEWS REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 3451 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Red Caps (Educational Dep't.) AFL.. Est. 1939, 8% by 11 in., 10 pp. ErnEst Calloway, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Elevator Constructor, The 12 S 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. International Union of Elevator Constructors, Oper ators and Starters. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 48 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Frank Feeney, Jr., ed. ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. 12 S 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ In terNational Union of Elevator Constructors, Oper ators and Starters. AFL.. Est. 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 48 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Frank Feeney, Jr., ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. National ads.
Emancipator, The 1012 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 9 by 12 in., 8 pp. Josephine Sortino, sec. EMANCIPATOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1012 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. AFL.. 9 by 12 in., 8 pp. Josephine Sortino, sec. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats.
Equity 45 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. Actors' Equity Association and Chorus Equity Association. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1915, 8i/2 by 12 in., 15 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Alfred Harding, ed. EQUITY (m) 15th of mo. 45 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Actors' Equity Association and Chorus Equity Association. AFL.. Est. 1915, 8i/2 by 12 in., 15 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Alfred Harding, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads.
Firemen And Oilers Journal Wells St., Chicago, Ill. International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers, Help ers, Roundhouse and Railroad Shop Laborers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1901, 30 pp. av., $1 per yr. John Clinton, ed. Alfred Harding, ed. FIREMEN AND OILERS JOURNAL (3 issues per yr.) 330 S. Wells St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers, Help ers, Roundhouse and Railroad Shop Laborers. AFL.. Est. 1901, 30 pp. av., $1 per yr. John Clinton, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Garment Worker, The 45 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. United Garment Workers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1901, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. T. A. Rickert, ed. GARMENT WORKER, THE (w) Fri. 45 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. Official Organ United Garment Workers of America. AFL.. Est. 1901, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. T. A. Rickert, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
General Bulletin, The , Washington, D. C. International Al liance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Pic ture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions GENERAL BULLETIN, THE (Irreg.) Earle Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Al liance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Pic ture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada. AFL..
Glass Cutter, The 11 E. Gay St., Columbus, O. Window Glass Cutters League of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1935, 4 cols., 4 pp. J. E. Mayeur, ed. GLASS CUTTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 11 E. Gay St., Columbus, O. Official Organ Window Glass Cutters League of America. AFL.. Est. 1935, 4 cols., 4 pp. J. E. Mayeur, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. AFL.WNS.
Government Standard, The 900 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Amer ican Federation of Government Employees. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. Lee Somers, ed. GOVERNMENT STANDARD, THE (w) Fri. 900 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Amer ican Federation of Government Employees. AFL.. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. Lee Somers, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 26,580 circ., sworn statement. AFL.WNS.
Granite Cutters' Journal, The 25 School St., Quincy, Mass. The Granite Cutters' International Association of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1877. 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Laurence Foley, mgr. GRANITE CUTTERS' JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. 25 School St., Quincy, Mass. Official Organ The Granite Cutters' International Association of America. AFL.. Est. 1877. 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Laurence Foley, mgr. Local and National labor news, National general news. Con sumers Notes. Local and National ads. 6,000 circ., Estimated.
Hat Worker, The , 245 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1938. 5 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. C. Rich, ed. HAT WORKER, THE (m) 15th of mo., 245 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union. AFL.. Est. 1938. 5 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. C. Rich, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 32,000 circ., Estimated.
Ibt News 50 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. International Brotherhood of American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions IBT NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 50 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Official Organ International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Chauffeurs & Helpers American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions Teamsters, Chauffeurs & Helpers. AFL.. Est. 1936. 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Frank Ryan, ed. Local and' National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
International Bookbinder, The A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1900. 6% by 10 in., 35 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. B. Prewitt, ed. INTERNational BOOKBINDER, THE (b-m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. AFL.. Est. 1900. 6% by 10 in., 35 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. B. Prewitt, ed. Local and National labor news. National ads. Uses mats. 20,000 circ., Estimated.
International Brotherhood Of Team Sters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen And Helpers Of America 222 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1904. 6% by 9i/2 in., 16 pp., $2 per yr. 20c per issue. D. J. Tobin, ed. INTERNational BROTHERHOOD OF TEAM STERS, CHAUFFEURS, STABLEMEN AND HELPERS OF AMERICA (m) 1st of mo. 222 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers of America. AFL.. Est. 1904. 6% by 9i/2 in., 16 pp., $2 per yr. 20c per issue. D. J. Tobin, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. 225,000 circ., Estimated.
International Engineer, The 1003 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. International Union of Operating Engineers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1899. 8% by 11i/2 in., 33 pp. av., $1 per yr. F. A. Fitzgerald, ed. INTERNational ENGINEER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1003 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Union of Operating Engineers. AFL.. Est. 1899. 8% by 11i/2 in., 33 pp. av., $1 per yr. F. A. Fitzgerald, ed. National labor and general news. National ads. Uses mats. 40,573 circ., sworn statement.
International Fire Fighter A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. International Association of Fire Fighters. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1918. 8 by 11 in., 32 pp., $2 per yr. F. W. Baer, ed. INTERNational FIRE FIGHTER (m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Association of Fire Fighters. AFL.. Est. 1918. 8 by 11 in., 32 pp., $2 per yr. F. W. Baer, ed. National labor news. Comics. No ads. Uses mats. 200 paid circ., publisher's report. 8,000 free circ., publisher's report.
International Molders Journal Edit. Add., P. O. Box 688, Cincinnati, O. Pubn. Add., 22 E. 12th St., Cincinnati, O. The International Molders Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1864, 6V2 by 9i/2 in., 60 pp. av., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. F. Dunachie, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. INTERNational MOLDERS JOURNAL (m) 8th of mo. Edit. Add., P. O. Box 688, Cincinnati, O. Pubn. Add., 22 E. 12th St., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ The International Molders Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1864, 6V2 by 9i/2 in., 60 pp. av., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. F. Dunachie, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 18,700 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
International Musician 39 Division St., Newark, N. J. American Federation of Musicians. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1894, 4 eols., 24 pp., 30c per yr. F. W. Birnbach, ed. INTERNational MUSICIAN (m) 1st of mo. 39 Division St., Newark, N. J. Official Organ American Federation of Musicians. AFL.. Est. 1894, 4 eols., 24 pp., 30c per yr. F. W. Birnbach, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats. 118,000 circ., sworn statement.
International Stereotypers' And Elec- Trotypers' Union Journal 17828 E. Park Drive, Cleveland, O. International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1906, 6 by 9 in., 66 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. J. Kelly, ed. INTERNational STEREOTYPERS' AND ELEC- TROTYPERS' UNION JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 17828 E. Park Drive, Cleveland, O. Official Organ International Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1906, 6 by 9 in., 66 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. J. Kelly, ed. National labor news. Ladies' Auxiliary Notes. Na tional ads. Uses mats. 8,700 cire;., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
International Wood Carver, The 25 De ForEst St., Hyde Park, Mass. The International Wood Carvers' Ass'n. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1899, 5 cols., 1 p., 5c per issue. INTERNational WOOD CARVER, THE (q) 1st of mo. 25 De ForEst St., Hyde Park, Mass. Official Organ The International Wood Carvers' Ass'n. AFL.. Est. 1899, 5 cols., 1 p., 5c per issue. Local and na tional labor news. No ads. 1,100 circ., Estimated.
Journal Of Electrical Workers And Op Erators 1200 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. International Elec trical Workers and Operators. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1901, 9 by 12 in., 54 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. G. M. Bugniazet, ed. JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS AND OP ERATORS (m) 1st of mo. 1200 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Elec trical Workers and Operators. AFL.. Est. 1901, 9 by 12 in., 54 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. G. M. Bugniazet, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Radio. Women's Page. Na tional ads. Uses mats. 150,000 circ., Estimated.
Journal Of State And Local Government Employees 448 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. American Federation of State, County, and Munici pal Employees' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 7 by 10 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. A. S. Zander, ed. JOURNAL OF STATE AND Local GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (m. ex. Aug.) 1st of mo. 448 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. Official Organ American Federation of State, County, and Munici pal Employees' Union. AFL.. Est. 1937, 7 by 10 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. A. S. Zander, ed. Local and National labor news. Book Reviews. No ads. Uses mats. 50,000 circ., publisher's re port. ILPA.
Journal Of Switchmen's Union Of N. A. 3 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Switchmen's Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1898, 8 by 11 in., 30 pp. av., $1.25 per yr. W. J. Trost, ed. JOURNAL OF SWITCHMEN'S UNION OF N. A. (m) 1st of mo. 3 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Official Organ Switchmen's Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1898, 8 by 11 in., 30 pp. av., $1.25 per yr. W. J. Trost, ed. National labor and general news. Auxil iary Notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Journeyman Barber, The 12th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1905, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. av., $1 per yr. W. C. Birthright, ed. JOURNEYMAN BARBER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 12th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1905, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. av., $1 per yr. W. C. Birthright, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports, education. Local and National ads, classi fied ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., Estimated.
Journeymen, Plumbers And Steamfit- Ters Journal Edit. Add. 9th and Mt. Vernon PL, Washington, D. C. Pubn. Add. 626 Federal St., Chicago, Ill. United Association of Journeymen, Plumbers, and Steam- fitters of the U. S. and Canada. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1885, 6 by 9i/2 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr. T. E. Burke, sec.- treas. JOURNEYMEN, PLUMBERS AND STEAMFIT- TERS JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Edit. Add. 9th and Mt. Vernon PL, Washington, D. C. Pubn. Add. 626 Federal St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ United Association of Journeymen, Plumbers, and Steam- fitters of the U. S. and Canada. AFL.. Est. 1885, 6 by 9i/2 in., 64 pp., $1 per yr. T. E. Burke, sec.- treas. National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 38,123 circ., publisher's report.
Justice Edit, add., 3 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 718 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. International Ladies Garment Workers Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1919, 5 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. M. D. Danish, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. JUSTICE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. Edit, add., 3 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 718 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Official Organ International Ladies Garment Workers Union. AFL.. Est. 1919, 5 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. M. D. Danish, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and na tional labor and general news. Sports, drama. No ads. Uses mats. 113,000 circ., Estimated.
Labor 10 Independence Ave. S. W., Wash ington, D. C. 15 recognized standard railroad labor organizations. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Edward Keating, ed. LABOR (w) Tues. 10 Independence Ave. S. W., Wash ington, D. C. Official Organ 15 recognized standard railroad labor organizations. AFL.. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Edward Keating, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 500,000 circ., Estimated.
Lather, The Detroit Ave. at W. 26th St., Cleveland, O. Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers International Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1901, 8i/2 by 11 in., 32 pp., $1.20 per yr., lOc per issue. Terry Ford, sec.-treas. LATHER, THE (m) 1st of mo. Detroit Ave. at W. 26th St., Cleveland, O. Official Organ Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers International Union. AFL.. Est. 1901, 8i/2 by 11 in., 32 pp., $1.20 per yr., lOc per issue. Terry Ford, sec.-treas. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated.
Lithographers' Journal 450 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. Amal gamated Lithographers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1915, 8i/2 by Hi/2 in., 40 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. Justus Ebert, ed. LITHOGRAPHERS' JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 450 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Amal gamated Lithographers of America. AFL.. Est. 1915, 8i/2 by Hi/2 in., 40 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. Justus Ebert, ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 8,200 circ., publisher's report.
Machinists Monthly Journal 9th St. and Mt. Vernon Place N. W., Washington, D. C. the International Association of Machinists. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1889, 6% by 10 in., 83 pp. av., $1 per yr. Fred Hewitt, ed. MACHINISTS MONTHLY JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 9th St. and Mt. Vernon Place N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ the International Association of Machinists. AFL.. Est. 1889, 6% by 10 in., 83 pp. av., $1 per yr. Fred Hewitt, ed. Local and na tional labor news, National general news. Women's Page. National ads. Uses mats. 102,400 circ., Esti mated.
Master, Mate And Pilot, The Edit. Add. 15 Moore St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. Add. 810-16 Rhode Island Ave. N. E., Washington, D. C. National Organization of Mas ters, Mates and Pilots of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1938, 9 by 12 in., 20 pp. av., $1 per yr. J. J. Scully, ed. MASTER, MATE AND PILOT, THE (m) 15th of mo. Edit. Add. 15 Moore St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. Add. 810-16 Rhode Island Ave. N. E., Washington, D. C. Official Organ National Organization of Mas ters, Mates and Pilots of America. AFL.. Est. 1938, 9 by 12 in., 20 pp. av., $1 per yr. J. J. Scully, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Metal Polisher, Buffer And Plater, The 514 Main St., Cincinnati, O. Metal Polishers, Buffers, Platers and Helpers International Union. AFL.. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1896. 6i/2 by 9i/a in., 30 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. W. Britton, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 9,000 circ., Estimated. METAL POLISHER, BUFFER AND PLATER, THE (b-m) 1st of mo. 514 Main St., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ Metal Polishers, Buffers, Platers and Helpers International Union. AFL.. Est. 1896. 6i/2 by 9i/a in., 30 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. W. Britton, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 9,000 circ., Estimated.
Monthly Bulletin, International Glove Workers Union Of America 5377 N. 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. International Glove Workers Union of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1938, 3 cols., 2 pp. Thomas Durian, ed. MONTHLY BULLETIN, INTERNational GLOVE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA (m) 1st of mo. 5377 N. 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ International Glove Workers Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1938, 3 cols., 2 pp. Thomas Durian, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Motorman Conductor And Motor Coach Operator Edit. add., 260 E. Vernor Highway, Detroit, Mich. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Amalgamated Association of Street Railway and American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions MOTORMAN CONDUCTOR AND MOTOR COACH OPERATpR (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 260 E. Vernor Highway, Detroit, Mich. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Official Organ Amalgamated Association of Street Railway and
Motor Coach Employes Of America American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1895, $1/2 by 11V& in., 75c per yr., 10c per issue. J. J. Woods, ed. Motor Coach Employes of America. AFL.. Est. 1895, $1/2 by 11V& in., 75c per yr., 10c per issue. J. J. Woods, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Auxiliary notes. National ads. Uses mats. 88,500 circ., sworn.
National Glass Budget 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. American Flint Glass Workers' Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1884, 4 cols., $2 per yr. A. W. Kimes, ed. National GLASS BUDGET (w) Sat. 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Official Organ American Flint Glass Workers' Union. AFL.. Est. 1884, 4 cols., $2 per yr. A. W. Kimes, ed.
National Rural Letter Carrier, The 1516 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. National Rural Letter Carriers Association. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in.. 14 pp., $2 per yr. R. H. Combs, ed. National RURAL LETTER CARRIER, THE (w) Sat. 1516 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ National Rural Letter Carriers Association. AFL.. Est. 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in.. 14 pp., $2 per yr. R. H. Combs, ed. National labor and general news. Auxiliary News. National ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., Estimated.
Official Bulletin Of The Screen Actors Guild 7046 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Screen Actors Guild. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp. Edward Arnold, sec. OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE SCREEN ACTORS GUILD (m) 1st of mo. 7046 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Official Organ Screen Actors Guild. AFL.. Est. 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp. Edward Arnold, sec. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Official Bulletin, International Metal Engravers Union 5552 Cooper Ave., Detroit, Mich. International Metal Engravers Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Conrad Woelfel, ed. OFFICIAL BULLETIN, INTERNational METAL ENGRAVERS UNION (m) 1st of mo. 5552 Cooper Ave., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ International Metal Engravers Union. AFL.. 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Conrad Woelfel, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. ALFWNS.
Official Journal International Jew Elry Workers Union 45 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. In terNational Jewelry Workers Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1938, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. S. E. Beardsley, sec.-treas. OFFICIAL JOURNAL INTERNational JEW ELRY WORKERS UNION (m) 1st of mo. 45 Astor Place, New York, N. Y. Official Organ In terNational Jewelry Workers Union. AFL.. Est. 1938, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. S. E. Beardsley, sec.-treas. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
Painter And Decorator, The Lafayette, Ind. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1887, 6l/2 by 10% in., 48 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. C. E. Swick, ed. PAINTER AND DECORATOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. Lafayette, Ind. Official Organ Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America. AFL.. Est. 1887, 6l/2 by 10% in., 48 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. C. E. Swick, ed. National labor news. Consumer notes. National ads. Uses mats. 113,000 circ., publisher's report.
Paper Makers Journal, The 112 State St., Albany, N. Y. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1902, 48 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Arthur Huggins, ed. PAPER MAKERS JOURNAL, THE (b-m) 1st of mo. 112 State St., Albany, N. Y. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Paper Makers. AFL.. Est. 1902, 48 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Arthur Huggins, ed. National labor news. Con sumers' Notes. No ads. 23,025 circ., sworn state ment.
Pattern Makers Journal 311 Machinists' Bldg., Washington, D. C. Pattern Makers' League of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1889, 6i/2 by 10 in., 19 pp., 50c per yr., 10c per issue. G. Z. Lynch, ed. PATTERN MAKERS JOURNAL (b-m) 1st of mo. 311 Machinists' Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Pattern Makers' League of North America. AFL.. Est. 1889, 6i/2 by 10 in., 19 pp., 50c per yr., 10c per issue. G. Z. Lynch, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. AFL.WNS.
Paving Cutters' Journal, The Box 130, Rockport, Mass. The Paving Cutters' Union of U. S. and Canada. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1905, 6 cols., 4 pp. A. M. Anderson, ed. PAVING CUTTERS' JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. Box 130, Rockport, Mass. Official Organ The Paving Cutters' Union of U. S. and Canada. AFL.. Est. 1905, 6 cols., 4 pp. A. M. Anderson, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Consumers Notes. No ads. 2,500 circ., Estimated. FP, AFL.WNS.
Plasterer, The 5145 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ill. Operative Plaster ers' and Cement Finishers' International, Associa tion of the United States and Canada. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1907, 7i/2 by 10i/2 in., 40 pp. John Donlin, ed. PLASTERER, THE (m) 15th of mo. 5145 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Operative Plaster ers' and Cement Finishers' International, Associa tion of the United States and Canada. AFL.. Est. 1907, 7i/2 by 10i/2 in., 40 pp. John Donlin, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILNS.
Plate Printer , Washington, D. C. In terNational Plate Printers and Die Stampers Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions F. J. Cole- man, ed. PLATE PRINTER (f) 414 Washington Loan and Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ In terNational Plate Printers and Die Stampers Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1902. F. J. Cole- man, ed.
Postal Record, The A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. The Na tional Association of Letter Carriers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1888, 8% by 11% in., 50 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. M. T. Finnan, ed. POSTAL RECORD, THE (m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ The Na tional Association of Letter Carriers. AFL.. Est. 1888, 8% by 11% in., 50 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. M. T. Finnan, ed. National labor news. Auxiliary Notes. Local and National ads. 61,000 circ., publisher's report.
Postmasters Gazette 7th and Mission Sts., San Francisco, Cal. The National Association of Postmasters of the United States. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1924, 9 by 12 in., 37 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. William H. McCarthy, ed. POSTMASTERS GAZETTE (m) 1st of mo. 7th and Mission Sts., San Francisco, Cal. Official Organ The National Association of Postmasters of the United States. AFL.. Est. 1924, 9 by 12 in., 37 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. William H. McCarthy, ed. National and labor news. Uses mats.
Potters Herald, The N. B. O. P. Bldg., WEst 6th St., East Liverpool, Ohio. National Brotherhood of Operative Potters. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1902, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. E. J. McKeever, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. POTTERS HERALD, THE (w) Thur. N. B. O. P. Bldg., WEst 6th St., East Liverpool, Ohio. Official Organ National Brotherhood of Operative Potters. AFL.. Est. 1902, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. E. J. McKeever, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Movies. Local ads. 12,000 circ., Estimated. ILNS, OLNS, AFL.WNS.
Progressive Miner, The 118-120 S. Main St., Marissa, Ill. Progressive Mine Workers of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1878, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. William Lochrie, ed. PROGRESSIVE MINER, THE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 118-120 S. Main St., Marissa, Ill. Official Organ Progressive Mine Workers of America. AFL.. Est. 1878, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. William Lochrie, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS.
Pulp And Paper Mill News 600i/2 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Pacific Coast Pulp and Paper Mill Employes' Association. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1935, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr. T. W. Salisbury, ed. PULP AND PAPER MILL NEWS (f) Fri. 600i/2 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Official Organ Pacific Coast Pulp and Paper Mill Employes' Association. AFL.. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr. T. W. Salisbury, ed. Local and National labor news. Con sumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Pulp, Sulphite And Paper Mill Workers' Journal, The Edit. add., Fort Edward, N. Y. Pubn. add., Glens Falls, N. Y. Official Organ InterNational Brotherhood of Pulp, Sul phite and Paper Mill Workers. AFL.. Est. 1906, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp. av., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. P. Burke, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions PULP, SULPHITE AND PAPER MILL WORKERS' JOURNAL, THE (q) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Fort Edward, N. Y. Pubn. add., Glens Falls, N. Y. Official Organ International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sul phite and Paper Mill Workers. AFL.. Est. 1906, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp. av., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. P. Burke, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., Estimated.
Railroad Telegrapher, The 3673 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, St. Louis, Mo. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1883, 8 by 11 in., 75 pp. av., $1 per yr. V. O. Gardner, ed. RAILROAD TELEGRAPHER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 3673 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, St. Louis, Mo. AFL.. Est. 1883, 8 by 11 in., 75 pp. av., $1 per yr. V. O. Gardner, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Ladies' Auxiliary Page. Na tional ads. Uses mats. 45,048 circ., sworn state ment.
Railroad Trainman, The Edit. add., Superior Ave. WEst, Cleveland, O. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Il1. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1883, 8i/2 by 11% in., 47 pp., $1 per yr. S. R. Harvey, ed. RAILROAD TRAINMAN, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Superior Ave. WEst, Cleveland, O. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Il1. Official Organ Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. AFL.. Est. 1883, 8i/2 by 11% in., 47 pp., $1 per yr. S. R. Harvey, ed. National labor and general news. National ads. Uses mats. 139,800 circ., sworn statement.
Railroad Yardmaster, The 33 N. High St., Columbus, O. Rail road Yardmasters of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1919, 8 by 11 in., 16 pp., $1.50 per yr. C. H. Burchfield, ed. RAILROAD YARDMASTER, THE (q) 1st of mo. 33 N. High St., Columbus, O. Official Organ Rail road Yardmasters of America. AFL.. Est. 1919, 8 by 11 in., 16 pp., $1.50 per yr. C. H. Burchfield, ed. Local and National labor news. Ladies' Auxil iary. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Railway Carmen's Journal 107 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1895, 8 by 11 in., 30 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Adames, ed. RAILWAY CARMEN'S JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 107 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Official Organ Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America. AFL.. Est. 1895, 8 by 11 in., 30 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Adames, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. 75,000 circ., Estimated.
Railway Clerk Vine and Court Sts., Cincinnati, O. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1899, 8 by 11 in., 35 pp. av. P. E. Ziegler, ed. RAILWAY CLERK (m) 1st of mo. Vine and Court Sts., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes. AFL.. Est. 1899, 8 by 11 in., 35 pp. av. P. E. Ziegler, ed. National labor and general news. National ads. Uses mats. 95,250 circ., Estimated.
Railway Post Office, The 508 A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Railway Mail Association, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 70 pp., $1.25 per yr. H. W. Strickland, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions RAILWAY POST OFFICE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 508 A. F. of L. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Railway Mail Association, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1902, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 70 pp., $1.25 per yr. H. W. Strickland, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Retail Clerks International Advocate, The Levering Bldg., Main St., Lafayette, Ind. Retail Clerks' Inter National Protective Association. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1892, 6% by 10 in., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. C. C. Coulter, ed. RETAIL CLERKS INTERNational ADVOCATE, THE (b-wi) 1st of mo. Levering Bldg., Main St., Lafayette, Ind. Official Organ Retail Clerks' Inter National Protective Association. AFL.. Est. 1892, 6% by 10 in., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. C. C. Coulter, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Rural Delivery Journal, The Edit. add., Northbrook, Il1. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. National Federation of Rural Letter Carriers. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions RURAL DELIVERY JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Northbrook, Il1. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Official Organ National Federation of Rural Letter Carriers. AFL.. Est. 1919. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated.
Seafarers' Log, The P. O. Box 522, Church St. Annex, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Seafarers' InterNational Union of North America. AFL.. Local and National labor news, na tional general news. No ads. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions SEAFARERS' LOG, THE (f ) 1st and 3rd Fri. P. O. Box 522, Church St. Annex, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Seafarers' International Union of North America. AFL.. Local and National labor news, na tional general news. No ads.
Service Bureau News Bulletin Pressman's Home, Tenn. Inter National Printing Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 5% by 8% in., 14 pp. av. J. C. Orr, ed. SERVICE BUREAU NEWS BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. Pressman's Home, Tenn. Official Organ Inter National Printing Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America. AFL.. Est. 1937, 5% by 8% in., 14 pp. av. J. C. Orr, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Signalman's Journal, The 4849 North WEstern Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1920, 8i/2 by lly2 in., 31 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. A. E. Lyon, ed. SIGNALMAN'S JOURNAL, THE (m) 1st of mo. 4849 North WEstern Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America. AFL.. Est. 1920, 8i/2 by lly2 in., 31 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. A. E. Lyon, ed. Local and na tional labor news. National ads. Uses mats. 7,778 circ., sworn statement.
Sleeping Car Conductor, The 107 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Order of Sleeping Car Conductors. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1918, 6 by 9 in., 22 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. M. S. Warfield, ed. SLEEPING CAR CONDUCTOR, THE (jn) 1st of mo. 107 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Official Organ Order of Sleeping Car Conductors. AFL.. Est. 1918, 6 by 9 in., 22 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. M. S. Warfield, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Special Messenger, The 337 S. High St., Columbus, O. The Na tional Association of Special Delivery Messengers of the U. S. Postal Service. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 3 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr. G. F. Mantor, ed. SPECIAL MESSENGER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 337 S. High St., Columbus, O. Official Organ The Na tional Association of Special Delivery Messengers of the U. S. Postal Service. AFL.. Est. 1937, 3 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr. G. F. Mantor, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Stone Cutters Jpurnal, The Box 767, Indianapolis, Ind. Journeymen Stone Cutters Association of N. A. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1853, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp., 60c per yr., 10c per issue. Joseph Blasey, ed. STONE CUTTERS JpURNAL, THE (b-m) 1st of mo. Box 767, Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ Journeymen Stone Cutters Association of N. A. AFL.. Est. 1853, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp., 60c per yr., 10c per issue. Joseph Blasey, ed. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 4,100 circ., Estimated.
Stove Mounters' And Range Workers' Journal 2806 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. The Stove Mounters' International Union of N. A. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1895, 6 by 9 in., 20 pp., 60c per yr. E. W. Kaiser, sec.- treas. STOVE MOUNTERS' AND RANGE WORKERS' JOURNAL (q) 1st of mo. 2806 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ The Stove Mounters' International Union of N. A. AFL.. Est. 1895, 6 by 9 in., 20 pp., 60c per yr. E. W. Kaiser, sec.- treas. Local and National labor news. No ads. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Events 215 E. 149th St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. Bldg. Service Employees' International Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 9 by 12 in., 11 pp. av., 10c per issue. George Cammarata, ed. EVENTS (m) 1st of mo. 215 E. 149th St., Bronx, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Bldg. Service Employees' International Union. AFL.. Est. 1937, 9 by 12 in., 11 pp. av., 10c per issue. George Cammarata, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Train Dispatcher, The 10 E. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. Train Dispatchers Association. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1919, 7 by 10 in., 60 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. E. A. H. Stevenson, ed. TRAIN DISPATCHER, THE (m. irreg.) 1st of mo. 10 E. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Train Dispatchers Association. AFL.. Est. 1919, 7 by 10 in., 60 pp. av., $1.50 per yr. E. A. H. Stevenson, ed. Local and National labor news. Ladies Auxil iary. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Typographical Journal, The Edit, add., Box 728, Indianapolis, Ind. Pubn. add., Meridian at 28th, Indianapolis, Ind. The International Typographical Union. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1889, 6 by 9 in., 119 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Woodruff Randolph, ed. TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, THE (m) 5th of mo. Edit, add., Box 728, Indianapolis, Ind. Pubn. add., Meridian at 28th, Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ The International Typographical Union. AFL.. Est. 1889, 6 by 9 in., 119 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Woodruff Randolph, ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary Notes. National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 78,200 circ., sworn state ment.
Union Leader, The 332-334 S. Ash land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employes of America. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1889, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1.25 per yr., 5c per issue. J. J. Woods, ed. UNION LEADER, THE (w) Sat. 332-334 S. Ash land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employes of America. AFL.. Est. 1889, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1.25 per yr., 5c per issue. J. J. Woods, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 20,474 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Union Postal Clerk, The A. F. of L Bldg., Washington, D. C. The National Federation of Post Office Clerks. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1903, 9 by 12 in., 80 pp. av., $2 per yr. L. E. George, ed. UNION POSTAL CLERK, THE (m) 1st of mo. A. F. of L Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ The National Federation of Post Office Clerks. AFL.. Est. 1903, 9 by 12 in., 80 pp. av., $2 per yr. L. E. George, ed. National labor and general news. Aux iliary News. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 100 circ., Estimated-paid. 45,803 circ., Estimated- free distribution.
Upholsterers' Journal 19 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Up holsterers' International Union of N. A. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1922, 5 cols., 6 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. S. B. Hoffman, ed. UPHOLSTERERS' JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 19 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Up holsterers' International Union of N. A. AFL.. Est. 1922, 5 cols., 6 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. S. B. Hoffman, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. No ads. Uses mats. 30,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Voice Of The Union Cement Worker 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Il1. Official Organ United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Work ers InterNational Union. AFL.. Est. 1938, 83^ by 12 in., 20 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. William Schoenberg, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions VOICE OF THE UNION CEMENT WORKER (m) 1st of mo. 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Il1. Official Organ United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Work ers International Union. AFL.. Est. 1938, 83^ by 12 in., 20 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. William Schoenberg, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
West Coast Sailor 59 Clay St., San Francisco, Calif. Sailors' Union of the Pacific. American Federation Of Labor National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp. Harry Lundeberg, ed. WEst COAST SAILOR (w) Thur. 59 Clay St., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Sailors' Union of the Pacific. AFL.. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp. Harry Lundeberg, ed. Local and National labor news, na tional general news. No ads. Uses mats.
Labor Advocate 1729i/2 3rd Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala. Retail Clerks of Alabama American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Sat. 1729i/2 3rd Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala. Official Organ Retail Clerks of Alabama; AsbEstos Workers No. 78. AFL.. Est. 1890, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. James Home, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Southern Labor Review 2421 7th Ave. S., Birmingham, Ala. Birming ham Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1918, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. A. H. Cather, ed. SOUTHERN LABOR REVIEW (w) Wed. 2421 7th Ave. S., Birmingham, Ala. Official Organ Birming ham Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1918, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. A. H. Cather, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. 1,000 circ., Estimated. ILPA.
Arizona Labor Journal Box 463, 225 Ellis Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz. Ari zona State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1912, 6 cols., 6 pp. av., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. S. Holohan, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. ARIZONA LABOR JOURNAL (w) Thur. Box 463, 225 Ellis Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz. Official Organ Ari zona State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1912, 6 cols., 6 pp. av., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. S. Holohan, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 5,284 circ., Estimated.
Phoenix Labor Press 1737 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, Ariz. Phoenix Labor Temple and Allied Crafts of the State of Ari zona. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 5 cols., 10 pp., $1 per yr. 10c per issue. H. N. Jefferries, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. PHOENIX LABOR PRESS (m) Last Fri. 1737 W. Jefferson St., Phoenix, Ariz. Official Organ Phoenix Labor Temple and Allied Crafts of the State of Ari zona. AFL.. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 10 pp., $1 per yr. 10c per issue. H. N. Jefferries, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, farm topics, household hints, chil dren's serial, stories, sports. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILPA, McClure, AN, WNU.
Southwestern Labor Record 227-229 E. 10th St., Tucson, Ariz. Tucson Central Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. J. Durkin, ed. SOUTHWEstERN LABOR RECORD (w) Thurs. 227-229 E. 10th St., Tucson, Ariz. Official Organ Tucson Central Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1919, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. J. Durkin, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS.
Union Labor Bulletin 1414 Donoghey Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1898, 6 cols., $2 per yr. Herbert Latkin, ed. UNION LABOR BULLETIN (w) Fri. 1414 Donoghey Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Official Organ Arkansas State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1898, 6 cols., $2 per yr. Herbert Latkin, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS.
Kern County Union Labor Journal, The 2121 Eye St., Bakersfield, Calif. Kern County Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1903, 6 cols., 6 pp. av., $2 per yr. Daniel Harris, ed. Columnist: Geo. Knapp. KERN COUNTY UNION LABOR JOURNAL, THE (w) Fri. 2121 Eye St., Bakersfield, Calif. Official Organ Kern County Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1903, 6 cols., 6 pp. av., $2 per yr. Daniel Harris, ed. Columnist: Geo. Knapp. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats. 2,332 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS, ILPA.
Tri-county Labor News 479 N. Fresno St., P. O. Box 835, Fresno, Calif. Fresno Labor Council and Fresno Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. C. Kautenberg, ed. TRI-COUNTY LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 479 N. Fresno St., P. O. Box 835, Fresno, Calif. Official Organ Fresno Labor Council and Fresno Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. C. Kautenberg, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Comics. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,600 circ., Estimated.
Glendale And San Fernando Valley Labor News 411 E. Broadway, Glendale, Calif. Glendale Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Gil Rankin, ed. GLENDALE AND SAN FERNANDO VALLEY LABOR NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 411 E. Broadway, Glendale, Calif. Official Organ Glendale Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1934. Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 3,900 circ., Estimated.
Labor News 235 E. 4th St., Long Beach, Calif. Central Labor Council of Long Beach. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1920, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Carl Fletcher, ed. Columnists: George L. Knapp, Modestus. LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 235 E. 4th St., Long Beach, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor Council of Long Beach. Est. 1920, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Carl Fletcher, ed. Columnists: George L. Knapp, ModEstus. Local and National labor and gen eral news. Local ads. Uses mats. 16,000 circ., Estimated.
Furniture Worker, The 8315 Towne Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Pa cific Advisory Council of Furniture and Kindred Products Workers, North Central District Council of Furniture and Wooden Ware Workers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 2c per issue. George Walker, ed. FURNITURE WORKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 8315 Towne Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ Pa cific Advisory Council of Furniture and Kindred Products Workers, North Central District Council of Furniture and Wooden Ware Workers. AFL.. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 2c per issue. George Walker, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Los Angeles Citizen, The Room 300, Union Labor Temple Annex, 532-540 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1906, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Harvey E. Garman, ed. LOS ANGELES CITIZEN, THE (w) Fri. Room 300, Union Labor Temple Annex, 532-540 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ Los Angeles Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1906, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Harvey E. Garman, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Woman's Page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Farmer-labor News O. Box 682, ModEsto, Calif. Modesto Central Labor Council and Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of Stanislaus County. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. 500 circ., Esti mated. AFL. FARMER-LABOR NEWS (w) P. O. Box 682, ModEsto, Calif. Official Organ ModEsto Central Labor Council and Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of Stanislaus County. AFL.. Est. 1923. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. 500 circ., Esti mated. AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS.
Monterey Labor News O. Box 609, Mon terey, Calif. Monterey Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. C. McDonald, ed. Uses mats. MONTEREY LABOR NEWS (w) P. O. Box 609, Mon terey, Calif. Official Organ Monterey Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. J. C. McDonald, ed. Uses mats.
East Bay Labor Journal 2111 Web ster St., Oakland, Calif. Central Labor and Building and Construction Trades Councils of Alameda County, Calif. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1918, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Paul Fuhrer, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. EAST BAY LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. 2111 Web ster St., Oakland, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor and Building and Construction Trades Councils of Alameda County, Calif. AFL.. Est. 1918, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Paul Fuhrer, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Movies, legal notices. Local ads. 23,000 circ., Estimated.
Labor Advocate 42 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, Calif. Pasadena and Pomona Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. C. Tutt, ed. LABOR ADVOCATE (m) 1st of mo. 42 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, Calif. Official Organ Pasadena and Pomona Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. J. C. Tutt, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Contra Costa County Labor Journal Brotherhood Hall, Richmond, Calif. Bredsteen & Tosh, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1920, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. Brotherhood Hall, Richmond, Calif. Bredsteen & Tosh, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1920, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats.
Riverside Labor Record Labor Temple, 8th and Orange Sts., Riverside, Calif. Official Organ Riverside County Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. M. Brown, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions RIVERSIDE LABOR RECORD (m) 1st of mo. Labor Temple, 8th and Orange Sts., Riverside, Calif. Official Organ Riverside County Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. M. Brown, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Sacramento Valley Union Labor Bul Letin 8th and Eye Sts., Sacramento, Calif. Federated Trades Council, Allied Printing and Building Trades Councils. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1928, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Wal ter J. Moran, ed. SACRAMENTO VALLEY UNION LABOR BUL LETIN (w) Fri. 8th and Eye Sts., Sacramento, Calif. Official Organ Federated Trades Council, Allied Printing and Building Trades Councils. AFL.. Est. 1928, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Wal ter J. Moran, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,000 circ., Estimated.
Salinas Labor News O. Box 1410, Salinas, Calif. Monterey County Central Labor Council and Salinas Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. E. McDonald, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. SALINAS LABOR NEWS (w) P. O. Box 1410, Salinas, Calif. Official Organ Monterey County Central Labor Council and Salinas Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. J. E. McDonald, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated.
Inland California Labor Journal Labor Temple, San Bernardino, Calif. Official Organ San Bernardino Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 4,200 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions INLAND CALIFORNIA LABOR JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Labor Temple, San Bernardino, Calif. Official Organ San Bernardino Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 4,200 circ., Estimated.
San Diego Labor Leader 621 6th Ave., San Diego, Calif. Imperial Val ley and San Diego County Central Labor Councils, California. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1906, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Edward F. Pierce, ed. SAN DIEGO LABOR LEADER (w) Fri. 621 6th Ave., San Diego, Calif. Official Organ Imperial Val ley and San Diego County Central Labor Councils, California. AFL.. Est. 1906, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Edward F. Pierce, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local ads; classified ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Esti mated. AFL.WNS.
Labor Clarion 2940 16th St., San Fran cisco, Calif. San Francisco Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1902, 3 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Charles A. Deny, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. LABOR CLARION (w) Fri. 2940 16th St., San Fran cisco, Calif. Official Organ San Francisco Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1902, 3 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Charles A. Deny, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. ILNS.
Musical News, The 230 Jones St., San Francisco, Calif. Musicians' Union Local No. 6, American Federation of Musi cians. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1920, 9 by 12 in., 26 pp. av. Eddie B. Love, ed. MUSICAL NEWS, THE (m) 1st of mo. 230 Jones St., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Musicians' Union Local No. 6, American Federation of Musi cians. AFL.. Est. 1920, 9 by 12 in., 26 pp. av. Eddie B. Love, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated.
Organized Labor 238 13th St., San Francisco, Calif. State and Local Building and Construction Trades Councils of Cali fornia. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. Cress Gannon, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. ORGANIZED LABOR (w) Sat. 238 13th St., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ State and Local Building and Construction Trades Councils of Cali fornia. AFL.. Est. 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. Cress Gannon, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Building con tracts. Local ads. 14,500 circ., Estimated.
West Coast Firemen Box 1240, San Francisco, Calif. Seattle, Portland, San Pedro, and Honolulu Branches of West Coast Firemen. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp. WEst COAST FIREMEN (w) Tues. Box 1240, San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Seattle, Portland, San Pedro, and Honolulu Branches of WEst Coast Firemen. AFL.. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp. Local and National labor news.
Field And Cannery News. Labor Temple, San Jose, Calif. Official Organ 12 Locals, Field And Can Nery Workers. Afl.. Lloyd Lahmann, Ed. 4,000 Circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions FIELD AND CANNERY NEWS. Labor Temple, San Jose, Calif. Official Organ 12 Locals, Field and Can nery Workers. AFL.. Lloyd Lahmann, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Union Gazette, The 2d St., San Jose, Calif. Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council of Santa Clara County. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Wallace Watson, ed. UNION GAZETTE, THE (w) 72 N. 2d St., San Jose, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council of Santa Clara County. AFL.. Wallace Watson, ed.
San Mateo County Union Gazette , San Mateo, Calif. San Mateo County Building Trades Council and Central Labor Council of San Mateo County. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SAN MATEO COUNTY UNION GAZETTE (w) 318 B St., San Mateo, Calif. Official Organ San Mateo County Building Trades Council and Central Labor Council of San Mateo County. AFL..
Harbor Worker, The 327 7th St., San Pedro, Calif. San Pedro-Wilming ton Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. O. G. and V. F. Schindler, eds. HARBOR WORKER, THE (w) Fri. 327 7th St., San Pedro, Calif. Official Organ San Pedro-Wilming ton Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. O. G. and V. F. Schindler, eds. Local and National labor and general news. Movies, recipes, church news, school news, club news, sports. Local and National ads; classified ads. Uses mats. 250 circ., paid, sworn statement. 13,500 circ., free distribution, sworn statement.
Orange County Labor News 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana, Calif. Orange County Central Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL. ORANGE COUNTY LABOR NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana, Calif. Official Organ Orange County Central Union. AFL.. Est. 1937. Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Union Labor News 32 East Victoria St., Santa Barbara, Calif. Santa Bar bara County Building Trades Council American Federation Of Labor Local Unions UNION LABOR NEWS (w) Wed. 32 East Victoria St., Santa Barbara, Calif. Official Organ Santa Bar bara County Building Trades Council ; Central Labor Council of Santa Barbara County. AFL.. Est. 1924, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. H. Bred- steen, bus. mgr. Local, National labor and general news. Legal notices, church news. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats.
Santa Cruz Labor Journal , Santa Cruz, Calif. Santa Cruz County Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. E. McDonald, ed. Uses mats. SANTA CRUZ LABOR JOURNAL (w) 109 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. Official Organ Santa Cruz County Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. J. E. McDonald, ed. Uses mats.
Santa Maria -san Luis Obis Po Union Labor News Broadway, Santa Maria, Calif. Santa Maria Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SANTA MARIA -SAN LUIS OBIS PO UNION LABOR NEWS (w) 109 S. Broadway, Santa Maria, Calif. Official Organ Santa Maria Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. AFL..
Beach Cities Labor Journal Edit. Add. 320 Broadway, Santa Monica, Calif. Pubn. Add. 1418i/2 2d St., Santa Monica, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor Council, Santa Monica Bay District. AFL.. Est. 1923, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. F. A. Hyatt, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, National general news. Lo cal and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS, ASLNP. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions BEACH CITIES LABOR JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Edit. Add. 320 Broadway, Santa Monica, Calif. Pubn. Add. 1418i/2 2d St., Santa Monica, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor Council, Santa Monica Bay District. AFL.. Est. 1923, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. F. A. Hyatt, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, National general news. Lo cal and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS, ASLNP.
North Bay Labor Journal , Santa Rosa, Calif. Cen tral Labor Councils of Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Marin Counties. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Joseph Bred- steen, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL. NORTH BAY LABOR JOURNAL (w) 213 Exchange Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa, Calif. Official Organ Cen tral Labor Councils of Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Marin Counties. AFL.. Est. 1921. Joseph Bred- steen, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS.
Stockton Labor Journal 122 N. San Joaquin St., Stockton, Calif. San Joaquin County Central Labor Council and Building and Construction Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1922, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. STOCKTON LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. 122 N. San Joaquin St., Stockton, Calif. Official Organ San Joaquin County Central Labor Council and Building and Construction Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1922, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats.
West Side Union Taft, Calif. Official Organ Taft Central Labor Union. Est. 1938, 5 cols. E. A. Sanders, ed. Uses mats. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions WEst SIDE UNION (w) Thurs. Taft, Calif. Official Organ Taft Central Labor Union. Est. 1938, 5 cols. E. A. Sanders, ed. Uses mats.
Labor Journal 316 Virginia St., St. Val lejo, Calif. Central Labor Councils of Vallejo and Napa. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1920, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. AFL. LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. 316 Virginia St., St. Val lejo, Calif. Official Organ Central Labor Councils of Vallejo and Napa. AFL.. Est. 1920, 8 cols., $2 per yr. Joseph Bredsteen, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS.
Ventura County Labor News Oak St., Ventura, Calif. Ventura County Building and Construction Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 2,100 circ., Estimated. AFL. VENTURA COUNTY LABOR NEWS (w) 113 S. Oak St., Ventura, Calif. Official Organ Ventura County Building and Construction Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. Gil Rankin, ed. Uses mats. 2,100 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Watsonville Labor Journal , Watsonville, Calif. Watsonville Central Labor Council and Santa Cruz County Build ing Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. E. McDon ald, ed. Uses mats. 1,000 circ., Estimated. WATSONVILLE LABOR JOURNAL (w) 462-A Main St., Watsonville, Calif. Official Organ Watsonville Central Labor Council and Santa Cruz County Build ing Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. J. E. McDon ald, ed. Uses mats. 1,000 circ., Estimated.
Labor News, The 112 E. Cucharras, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Springs Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1902, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. A. S. Dorey, ed. Column ists : Philip Pearl, G. L. Knapp. LABOR NEWS, THE (w) Thur. 112 E. Cucharras, Colorado Springs, Colo. Official Organ Colorado Springs Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1902, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. A. S. Dorey, ed. Column ists : Philip Pearl, G. L. Knapp. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 720 circ., sworn. ILNS, UNS.
Colorado Labor Advocate 507 In terstate Trust Bldg., Denver, Colo. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions COLORADO LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Thur. 507 In terstate Trust Bldg., Denver, Colo. Official Organ
Colorado State Federation Of Labor. Afl.. Est. 1922, 7 Cols., 6 Pp., $1 Per Yr. W. A. Matchley, Ed. Local And National Labor News, National General News. Woman's Page, Radio, Legal Notices. Local Ads. Uses Mats. 19,789 Circ., Estimated. Afl.Wns, Ilns, Ilpa. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Colorado State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr. W. A. Matchley, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Woman's page, radio, legal notices. Local ads. Uses mats. 19,789 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS, ILPA.
Labor Herald, The 415 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del. State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1899, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. C. Saylor, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. LABOR HERALD, THE (w) Sat. 415 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del. Official Organ State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1899, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. C. Saylor, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Movies, comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,800 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS, ILPA.
Trade Unionist, The 720 5th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Central Labor Union, Building Trades Council, Union Label League. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1895, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. J. B. Colpoys, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. TRADE UNIONIST, THE (w) Sat. 720 5th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Central Labor Union, Building Trades Council, Union Label League. AFL.. Est. 1895, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. J. B. Colpoys, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Local and National ads. 5,000 circ.. Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Union Labor News 126 Myrtle Lane, Daytona Beach, Fla. Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. T. D. Moore, ed. UNION LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 126 Myrtle Lane, Daytona Beach, Fla. Official Organ Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1937, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. T. D. Moore, ed. Local and National labor news. Church news. Local and National ads.
Labor Journal, The 111 E. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Federation of Labor, Jacksonville Building Trades Council, and Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1931, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. L. Rhodes, ed. LABOR JOURNAL, THE (w) Fri. 111 E. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. Official Organ Florida Federation of Labor, Jacksonville Building Trades Council, and Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1931, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. L. Rhodes, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Miami Citizen Edit, add., 1 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Pubn. add., 152 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Florida Federation of Labor, Central Labor Union, Building Trades Council, and Labor's Citizenship Committee. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1918, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. R. Livings ton, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. MIAMI CITIZEN (w) Thur. Edit, add., 1 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Pubn. add., 152 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Official Organ Florida Federation of Labor, Central Labor Union, Building Trades Council, and Labor's Citizenship Committee. AFL.. Est. 1918, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. R. Livings ton, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and na tional labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Miami News W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Official Organ Miami Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1919. J. R. Livingston, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions MIAMI NEWS (w) 1 S. W. 1st St., Miami, Fla. Official Organ Miami Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1919. J. R. Livingston, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Florida Labor Advocate 206 S. Franklin St., Tampa, Fla. Tampa Central Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1927, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. C. E. Silva, ed. FLORIDA LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Fri. 206 S. Franklin St., Tampa, Fla. Official Organ Tampa Central Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1927, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. C. E. Silva, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILPA.
Union Labor News 537 Gardenia St., W. Palm Beach, Fla. Palm Beach Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1926, 5 cols., $1 per yr. W. E. Hobby, ed. Uses mats. 950 circ., publisher's report. AFL. UNION LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 537 Gardenia St., W. Palm Beach, Fla. Official Organ Palm Beach Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1926, 5 cols., $1 per yr. W. E. Hobby, ed. Uses mats. 950 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS.
Journal Of Labor, The Peters Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Federation of Trades and Allied Unions. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1898, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Jerome Jones, ed. JOURNAL OF LABOR, THE (w) Fri. Peters Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Official Organ Atlanta Federation of Trades and Allied Unions. AFL.. Est. 1898, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Jerome Jones, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,380 circ., publisher's report.
Labor Review, The 24 Campbell Bldg., Augusta, Ga. The Labor Review Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1915, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. May Wilk, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, radio, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,800 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, CNS, GNS, GPS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR REVIEW, THE (w) Fri. 24 Campbell Bldg., Augusta, Ga. The Labor Review Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1915, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. May Wilk, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, radio, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,800 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, CNS, GNS, GPS.
Fox Valley Labor News 220 Fox St., Aurora, Ill. Aurora Trades and Labor Assembly, Kane County Building Trades Council, Elgin Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1914, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. G. Esnorff, ed. FOX VALLEY LABOR NEWS (w) Thur. 220 Fox St., Aurora, Ill. Official Organ Aurora Trades and Labor Assembly, Kane County Building Trades Council, Elgin Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1914, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. G. Esnorff, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Radio, legal notices. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,379 circ., publisher's report. ILPA, AFL.WNS.
Labor Bulletin, The Belleville, Ill. Belleville Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1924, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. E. J. Loehr, ed. LABOR BULLETIN, THE (f) Sat. Belleville, Ill. Official Organ Belleville Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1924, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. E. J. Loehr, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. AFL.WNS.
Chicago Union Teacher 509 S. Wabash Aye., Chicago, Ill. Amer ican Federation of Teachers, Local No. 1. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1936, 8l/2 by 11l/2 in., 26 pp. av., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. Ethel Parker, ed. CHICAGO UNION TEACHER (m) 1st of mo. 509 S. Wabash Aye., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Amer ican Federation of Teachers, Local No. 1. AFL.. Est. 1936, 8l/2 by 11l/2 in., 26 pp. av., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. Ethel Parker, ed. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads. Uses mats.
Federation News 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Federa tion of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 5 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. L. P. Stranbe, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. FEDERATION NEWS (w) Sat. 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Chicago Federa tion of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1919, 5 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. L. P. Stranbe, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 27,000 circ., publisher's statement. AFL.WNS.
Pioneer, The P. O. Box 5624, Chicago, Ill. National Federation of Post Office Clerks, Union No. 1. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 3 cols., 4 pp. PIONEER, THE (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 5624, Chicago, Ill. Official Organ National Federation of Post Office Clerks, Union No. 1. AFL.. Est. 1939, 3 cols., 4 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Reporter 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. Chicago Typographical Union No. 16. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1906, 2 cols., 4 pp. E. A. Patzke, sec.-treas. REPORTER (m) 1st of mo. 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Chicago Typographical Union No. 16. AFL.. Est. 1906, 2 cols., 4 pp. E. A. Patzke, sec.-treas. Local labor news. No ads.
Weekly News Letter, Illinois State Fed Eration Of Labor 666 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. Illinois State Fed eration of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1915, 3 cols., 3 pp. av., $2.50 per yr. V. H. Olander and R .G. Soders- trom, eds. WEEKLY NEWS LETTER, ILLINOIS STATE FED ERATION OF LABOR (w) Sat. 666 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Illinois State Fed eration of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1915, 3 cols., 3 pp. av., $2.50 per yr. V. H. Olander and R .G. Soders- trom, eds. Local and National labor news. No ads. 3,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Decatur Weekly News 542 E. El dorado St., Decatur, Ill. Decatur Trades-Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1920, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. DECATUR WEEKLY NEWS (w) Thur. 542 E. El dorado St., Decatur, Ill. Official Organ Decatur Trades-Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1920, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., publisher's report.
Union News, The 410 Metropoli tan Bldg., East St. Louis, Ill. Alumi num Workers Local No. 18,780. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 4 cols., 6 pp. H. B. Stookey, ed. UNION NEWS, THE (m) 1st of mo. 410 Metropoli tan Bldg., East St. Louis, Ill. Official Organ Alumi num Workers Local No. 18,780. AFL.. Est. 1939, 4 cols., 6 pp. H. B. Stookey, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local ads; classified ads.
Labor Record, The P. O. Box 965, Joliet, Ill. Will County Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. S. P. Miller, ed. LABOR RECORD, THE (w) Thurs. P. O. Box 965, Joliet, Ill. Official Organ Will County Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. S. P. Miller, ed. Local and National labor news. Shopping guide. Local ads. 2,000 circ., Estimated. ILPA.
Tri- County Labor Journal, The Edit. add., 336 La Harpe St., La Salle, Ill. Pubn. add., 2222 4th St., Peru Ill. Trades and Labor Councils of La Salle, Perce and Spring Valley, Oglesby Trades Council, Ottawa Building Trades Council, Ottawa Central Labor Union, Team sters, Joint Council No. 59. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Arthur Shinske, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. TRI- COUNTY LABOR JOURNAL, THE (w) Fri. Edit. add., 336 La Harpe St., La Salle, Ill. Pubn. add., 2222 4th St., Peru Ill. Official Organ Trades and Labor Councils of La Salle, Perce and Spring Valley, Oglesby Trades Council, Ottawa Building Trades Council, Ottawa Central Labor Union, Team sters, Joint Council No. 59. AFL.. Est. 1939, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Arthur Shinske, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Na tional general news. Recipes, legal notices. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,600 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Independent Weekly, The 2816 Shelby Ave., Mattoon, Ill. Mattoon Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1932, 6 cols., $1 per yr. Everette Henne, ed. Uses mats. 1,240 circ., publisher's report. AFL. INDEPENDENT WEEKLY, THE (w) Fri. 2816 Shelby Ave., Mattoon, Ill. Official Organ Mattoon Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1932, 6 cols., $1 per yr. Everette Henne, ed. Uses mats. 1,240 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Labor Gazette 226 N. Adams St., Pe oria, Ill. Peoria Central Labor Coun cil. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1896, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. C. E. Tidabock, ed. 1,900 circ., Estimated. AFL. LABOR GAZETTE (w) Fri. 226 N. Adams St., Pe oria, Ill. Official Organ Peoria Central Labor Coun cil. AFL.. Est. 1896, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. C. E. Tidabock, ed. 1,900 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Labor Temple News 400 N. Jefferson Ave., Peoria, Ill. Labor Temple Asso ciation. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. H. Wald, ed. LABOR TEMPLE NEWS (w) Fri. 400 N. Jefferson Ave., Peoria, Ill. Official Organ Labor Temple Asso ciation. AFL.. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. H. Wald, ed. Local and National labor, general news. Comics, movies, consumer notes, fiction. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,750 circ., Estimated. ILNS, FP, AFL.WNS.
Labor News 331 Hampshire St., Quincy, HI. Quincy Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1892, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. C. R. Hoffman, ed. Uses mats. 2,800 circ., Estimated. LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 331 Hampshire St., Quincy, HI. Official Organ Quincy Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1892, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. C. R. Hoffman, ed. Uses mats. 2,800 circ., Estimated.
Quincy Record 514-516 Jersey St., Quincy, Ill. Trades and Labor Assem bly, Building Trades Council, Women's Union Label League. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1912, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. Columnist: Philip Pearl. QUINCY RECORD (w) Thur. 514-516 Jersey St., Quincy, Ill. Official Organ Trades and Labor Assem bly, Building Trades Council, Women's Union Label League. AFL.. Est. 1912, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Woman's page, radio, comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,268 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Rockford Labor News 1418 Broad way, Rockford, Ill. Rockford Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1914, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. C. Brady, ed. ROCKFORD LABOR NEWS (w) Thur. 1418 Broad way, Rockford, Ill. Official Organ Rockford Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1914, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. C. Brady, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Legal notices, radio, movies, comics, sports. Local and National ads.; classified ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., sworn.
Tri – City Labor Review Labor Tem ple, Rock Island, Ill. Tri-City Fed eration of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1911, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. A. Reagan, ed. Col umnist: Philip Pearl. TRI – CITY LABOR REVIEW (w) Fri. Labor Tem ple, Rock Island, Ill. Official Organ Tri-City Fed eration of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1911, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. A. Reagan, ed. Col umnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Book reviews, recipes. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Illinois Tradesman, The 223V2 S. 6th St., Springfield, Ill. Springfield Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1897, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. E. Woodmansee, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. ILLINOIS TRADESMAN, THE (w) Fri. 223V2 S. 6th St., Springfield, Ill. Official Organ Springfield Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1897, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. E. Woodmansee, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. 3,600 circ., publisher's re port. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Streator Labor News Sterling St., Streator, Ill. Streator Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions STREATOR LABOR NEWS (w) 112V2 N. Sterling St., Streator, Ill. Official Organ Streator Trades and Labor Council. AFL..
Labor Forum, The 210 N. Fulton Ave., Evansville, Ind. Evansville Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. George Van Horn, ed. LABOR FORUM, THE (w) Fri. 210 N. Fulton Ave., Evansville, Ind. Official Organ Evansville Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1919, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. George Van Horn, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP, AFL.WNS.
Ft. Wayne Labor News , Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ft. Wayne Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions L. B. Norris, ed. FT. WAYNE LABOR NEWS (w) 248 Farmer Trust Bldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Official Organ Ft. Wayne Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1935. L. B. Norris, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,000 circ., Estimated.
Bulletin, The 2820 N. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. The International Typographical Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1913, 5*4 by 8 in., 23 pp., 50c per yr. Woodruff Randolph, sec. BULLETIN, THE (m) 1st of mo. 2820 N. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ The International Typographical Union. AFL.. Est. 1913, 5*4 by 8 in., 23 pp., 50c per yr. Woodruff Randolph, sec. National labor and general news. No ads. 2,300 circ., Estimated.
Union, The 230 E. Ohio St., Indianap olis, Ind. Central Labor Union and Railroad Brotherhoods of Indianapolis, Ind. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1884, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. C. R. Thorbahn, ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. UNION, THE (w) Thur. 230 E. Ohio St., Indianap olis, Ind. Official Organ Central Labor Union and Railroad Brotherhoods of Indianapolis, Ind. AFL.. Est. 1884, 8 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. C. R. Thorbahn, ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. Local and National labor news, National general news. Lo cal and National ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., sworn statement. FP.
Union Labor News 31 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Labor News, Inc., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 4 pp. av., $2 per yr. W. R. Bassett, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. 2,850 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions UNION LABOR NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 31 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Labor News, Inc., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 4 pp. av., $2 per yr. W. R. Bassett, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. 2,850 circ., Estimated.
Terre Haute Advocate Terre Haute, Ind. Indiana State Federation of Labor, Vigo County Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions TERRE HAUTE ADVOCATE (w) Fri. Terre Haute, Ind. Official Organ Indiana State Federation of Labor, Vigo County Central Labor Union. AFL..
Est. 1919, 8 Cols., 6 Pp., $1 Per Yr., 3c Per Issue. Local And National Labor News. Comics, Sports, Church News. Local And National Ads ; Classified Ads. Uses Mats. 3,500 Circ., Estimated. Ilpa. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Est. 1919, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Local and National labor news. Comics, sports, church news. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated. ILPA.
Burlington News P. O. Box 547, Burlington, Iowa. Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. Paul Richardson, ed. Uses mats. 800 circ., publisher's report. BURLINGTON NEWS (w) Thurs. P. O. Box 547, Burlington, Iowa. Official Organ Burlington Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1919, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. Paul Richardson, ed. Uses mats. 800 circ., publisher's report.
Cedar Rapids Tribune, The 210-214 3d Ave., S. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Tribune Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1904, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. Joe McCprmick, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,450 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions CEDAR RAPIDS TRIBUNE, THE (w) Fri. 210-214 3d Ave., S. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Tribune Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1904, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. Joe McCprmick, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,450 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Farmer – Labor Press 513 S. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Council Bluffs Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1927, 7 cols., $1 per yr. S. M. Nelson, ed. Uses mats. 3,440 circ., Estimated. AFL. FARMER – LABOR PRESS (w) Thur. 513 S. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Official Organ Council Bluffs Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1927, 7 cols., $1 per yr. S. M. Nelson, ed. Uses mats. 3,440 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS, FP.
Des Moines Federationist 216 Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa. Des Moines Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. B. C. Kindig, ed. DES MOINES FEDERATIONIST (w) Thur. 216 Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa. Official Organ Des Moines Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. B. C. Kindig, ed. Local and National labor news. Local
Iowa Unionist, The 203 7th St., Des Moines, Iowa. A.F.L. Unions of Polk County, Iowa. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1899, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. R. E. Hughes, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. IOWA UNIONIST, THE (w) Fri. 203 7th St., Des Moines, Iowa. Official Organ A.F.L. Unions of Polk County, Iowa. AFL.. Est. 1899, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. R. E. Hughes, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. National labor news, Local and National general news. Comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 11,000 circ., Estimated. WNU, ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Kansas Federationist 530 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Kansas State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1927, 4 cols., $1.50 per yr. William Howe, ed. KANSAS FEDERATIONIST (m) 1st of mo. 530 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Official Organ Kansas State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1927, 4 cols., $1.50 per yr. William Howe, ed.
Labor Bulletin, The 711 Armstrong Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Central Labor Union of Kansas City, Kansas. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. T. A. Withers, ed. LABOR BULLETIN, THE (w) Fri. 711 Armstrong Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Official Organ Central Labor Union of Kansas City, Kansas. AFL.. Est. 1919, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. T. A. Withers, ed. Local and National labor news. Legal notices. Local and National ads.
Kansas Labor Weekly 621 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan. Topeka Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1914, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. L. V. Doud, ed. Uses mats. AFL. KANSAS LABOR WEEKLY (w) Thur. 621 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan. Official Organ Topeka Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1914, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. L. V. Doud, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Plain Dealer, The 323 N. Main St., Wichita, Kan. Wichita Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 6 cols., 4 pp. J. E. Tilma, ed. PLAIN DEALER, THE (w) Fri. 323 N. Main St., Wichita, Kan. Official Organ Wichita Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1919, 6 cols., 4 pp. J. E. Tilma, ed. Local and National labor and gen eral news. Consumers notes, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Labor Advocate Lexington, Ky. Official Organ Lexington Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1923. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR ADVOCATE (Irreg.). Lexington, Ky. Official Organ Lexington Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1923.
Journal Of Labor, The 1129 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. The Journal of Labor Publish ing Co., Incorporated, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. H. Davis, ed. National labor and general news. Comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions JOURNAL OF LABOR, THE (w) Sat. 1129 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. The Journal of Labor Publish ing Co., Incorporated, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1900, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. H. Davis, ed. National labor and general news. Comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., Estimated.
Official Bulletin, The 7 W. 6th St., Newport, Ky. Central Labor Coun cil 7 Kenton and Campbell Counties. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1921, 5 cols., $1 per yr. W. J. Eagen, ed. OFFICIAL BULLETIN, THE (f). 7 W. 6th St., Newport, Ky. Official Organ Central Labor Coun cil 7 Kenton and Campbell Counties. AFL.. Est. 1921, 5 cols., $1 per yr. W. J. Eagen, ed.
Federationist, The 321 Chartres St., New Orleans, La. Louisiana State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1918, 7 cols., $2 per yr. W. L. Donnels, ed. Uses mats. AFL. FEDERATIONIST, THE (w) Fri. 321 Chartres St., New Orleans, La. Official Organ Louisiana State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1918, 7 cols., $2 per yr. W. L. Donnels, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Labor Record, The 315 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. Louisi ana State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1911, 7 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. T. J. Kilmed, ed. LABOR RECORD, THE (m) 1st of mo. 315 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. Official Organ Louisi ana State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1911, 7 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. T. J. Kilmed, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Lo cal ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, ILNS, WNU.
Labor News, The Augusta, Maine. Maine State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1932, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. L. J. Ashey, ed. LABOR NEWS, THE (m) 15th of mo. Augusta, Maine. Official Organ Maine State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1932, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. L. J. Ashey, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Consumers notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Baltimore Federationists Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1921, 4 cols., $2 per yr. T. K. Sanderson, ed. AFL. BALTIMORE FEDERATIONISTS (q) 1222 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Official Organ Baltimore Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1921, 4 cols., $2 per yr. T. K. Sanderson, ed. AFL.WNS.
Maryland Master Plumber, The 423 St. Paul PL, Baltimore, Md. National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1926, 9 by 12 in., 18 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. C. F. Shields, sec. MARYLAND MASTER PLUMBER, THE (m) 15th of mo. 423 St. Paul PL, Baltimore, Md. Official Organ National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States. AFL.. Est. 1926, 9 by 12 in., 18 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. C. F. Shields, sec. National labor news. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats.
Typographical Union Bulletin 7 Water St., Boston, Mass. Boston Typographical Union, No. 13. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1904, 3 cols., 4 pp. J. A. Moriarty, sec-treas. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 7 Water St., Boston, Mass. Official Organ Boston Typographical Union, No. 13. AFL.. Est. 1904, 3 cols., 4 pp. J. A. Moriarty, sec-treas. Local and National labor news, National general news. No ads.
Labor News, The 17 Federal St., Wor cEster, Mass. The News Printing and Publishing Co., Inc., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. F. M. Saltus, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices, movies, women's page, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR NEWS, THE (w) Fri. 17 Federal St., Wor cEster, Mass. The News Printing and Publishing Co., Inc., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. F. M. Saltus, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices, movies, women's page, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Square Deal, The 301 Woodward Square Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Battle Creek Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1925, 7 cols., $1 per yr. J. E. Merrill, ed. Uses mats. 2,600 circ., Estimated. AFL. SQUARE DEAL, THE (w) Fri. 301 Woodward Square Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Official Organ Battle Creek Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1925, 7 cols., $1 per yr. J. E. Merrill, ed. Uses mats. 2,600 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Industrial Herald 309 9th St., Bay City, Mich. Bay City Central Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions E. C. Washington, ed. INDUSTRIAL HERALD (w) Fri. 309 9th St., Bay City, Mich. Official Organ Bay City Central Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1901. E. C. Washington, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 11,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS, ILNS.
Detroit Labor News 274 E. Vernor Highway, Detroit, Mich. Detroit and Wayne County Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1898, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. DETROIT LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 274 E. Vernor Highway, Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Detroit and Wayne County Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1898, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Women's page, sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 95,000 circ., Estimated.
Flint Weekly Review, The Flint, Mich. The Flint Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1910, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr. Jimmy Schiavone, ed. FLINT WEEKLY REVIEW, THE (w). Flint, Mich. Official Organ The Flint Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1910, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr. Jimmy Schiavone, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Legal notices, movies, comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 24,137 circ., sworn state ment.
Grand Rapids Labor News 203 Keith Theatre Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1910, 7 cols., $2 per yr. C. L. Daniels, ed. Uses mats. 5,900 circ., Estimated. AFL. GRAND RAPIDS LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 203 Keith Theatre Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Official Organ Grand Rapids Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1910, 7 cols., $2 per yr. C. L. Daniels, ed. Uses mats. 5,900 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Square Deal, The 618 E. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich. Jackson Federa tion of Labor, Albion Trades Council, Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1907, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. H. Tobin, ed. SQUARE DEAL, THE (w) Fri. 618 E. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich. Official Organ Jackson Federa tion of Labor, Albion Trades Council, Ann Arbor Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1907, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. H. Tobin, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices, household hints. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Square Deal, The 206 Capitol Theatre Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1925, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. F. H. Gilmartin, ed. SQUARE DEAL, THE (w) Fri. 206 Capitol Theatre Bldg., Kalamazoo, Mich. Official Organ Kalamazoo Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1925, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. F. H. Gilmartin, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Con sumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,820 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Lansing Auto Worker 608i/2 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Mich. Local No. 182, United Automobile Workers of America, A. F. of L. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Oliver Starks, ed. LANSING AUTO WORKER (f) Wed. 608i/2 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Mich. Official Organ Local No. 182, United Automobile Workers of America, A. F. of L. AFL.. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Oliver Starks, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Lansing Industrial News Lansing, Mich. Lansing Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1920, 6 cols., 4 pp. Stanley Sharpe, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. LANSING INDUSTRIAL NEWS (w) Fri. Lansing, Mich. Official Organ Lansing Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1920, 6 cols., 4 pp. Stanley Sharpe, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. 2,700 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Port Huron Labor News, The 511i/2 Walter St., Fort Huron, Mich. Port Huron Trades-Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. E. A. Parks, ed. PORT HURON LABOR NEWS, THE (w) Thur. 511i/2 Walter St., Fort Huron, Mich. Official Organ Port Huron Trades-Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. E. A. Parks, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Movies. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,200 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Labor News, The 242 Goff Bldg., Sagi naw, Mich. Saginaw, Bay City, Owosso and Shiawassee County Federations of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1926, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr. E. B. Drug, ed. Columnists: Henry Zon, Philip Pearl. LABOR NEWS, THE (w) Fri. 242 Goff Bldg., Sagi naw, Mich. Official Organ Saginaw, Bay City, Owosso and Shiawassee County Federations of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1926, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr. E. B. Drug, ed. Columnists: Henry Zon, Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,750 circ., sworn statement. MLPA, AFL.WNS.
Labor World, The 320 W. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. Federated Trades Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1895, 8 cols., 8 pp. av., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. E. Ramberg, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. LABOR WORLD, THE (w) Thur. 320 W. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. Official Organ Federated Trades Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1895, 8 cols., 8 pp. av., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. E. Ramberg, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., publisher's report. ILNS.
Minneapolis Labor Review, The 529 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Central Labor Union of Minneapolis and Hennepin Counties. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1907, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. R. D. Kramer, ed. MINNEAPOLIS LABOR REVIEW, THE (w) Fri. 529 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Official Organ Central Labor Union of Minneapolis and Hennepin Counties. AFL.. Est. 1907, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. R. D. Kramer, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Esti mated. PP.
Northwest Organizer, The 257 Plymouth Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis Teamsters Joint Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. M. B. Dunne, ed. NORTHWEst ORGANIZER, THE (w) Thur. 257 Plymouth Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Official Organ Minneapolis Teamsters Joint Council. AFL.. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. M. B. Dunne, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. 20,000 circ., Estimated.
Minnesota Federatwnist Labor Temple, St. Paul, Minn. Minne sota State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1927, 2 cols., 4 pp. R. A. Oslon, ed. MINNESOTA FEDERATWNIST (m) 15th of mo. Labor Temple, St. Paul, Minn. Official Organ Minne sota State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1927, 2 cols., 4 pp. R. A. Oslon, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. No ads.
Minnesota Union Advocate, The 408-10 N. Franklin St., St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1897, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. F. Lockhart, ed. Columnists : Philip Pearl, Henry Zon. MINNESOTA UNION ADVOCATE, THE (w) Thur. 408-10 N. Franklin St., St. Paul, Minn. Official Organ St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1897, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. A. F. Lockhart, ed. Columnists : Philip Pearl, Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Movies, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP.
Coast Labor News Box 480, Gulfport, Miss. Gulfport Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions T. E. Freeman, ed. COAST LABOR NEWS. Box 480, Gulfport, Miss. Official Organ Gulfport Central Labor Union. AFL.. T. E. Freeman, ed.
Mississippi Labor Federationist 151 Wesley Ave., Jackson, Miss. Mis sissippi Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. F. W. Patton, ed. MISSISSIPPI LABOR FEDERATIONIST (w) Fri. 151 Wesley Ave., Jackson, Miss. Official Organ Mis sissippi Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. F. W. Patton, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. UNS, ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Hannibal Labor Press, The Box 45, Hannibal, Mo. Hannibal Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1915, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. B. F. Brown, ed. HANNIBAL LABOR PRESS, THE (w) Fri. Box 45, Hannibal, Mo. Official Organ Hannibal Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1915, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. B. F. Brown, ed. Local and National labor news. Cartoons. Serial stories, fashions, legal notices, comics, movie news, recipes. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, WNU.
Missouri Trades Unionist, The Room 212, Central Hotel Bldg., Jefferson City, Mp. Jefferson City Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1906, 6 cols., $1 per yr. C. W. Fear, ed. 2,400 circ., publisher's report. AFL. MISSOURI TRADES UNIONIST, THE (m) 1st of mo. Room 212, Central Hotel Bldg., Jefferson City, Mp. Official Organ Jefferson City Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1906, 6 cols., $1 per yr. C. W. Fear, ed. 2,400 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS.
Labor Herald, The 402-410 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Carpenters' District Council, Central Labor Union, and Allied Printing Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1904, 6 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. LABOR HERALD, THE (w) Fri. 402-410 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Official Organ Carpenters' District Council, Central Labor Union, and Allied Printing Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1904, 6 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Theatre news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., Estimated.
St. Joseph Union – Observer, The 8th and Edmond Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Warren Adams, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1900, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Warren Adams, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Women's corner, legal notices. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats. 4,100 circ., publisher's report. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions ST. JOSEPH UNION – OBSERVER, THE (w) Fri. 8th and Edmond Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Warren Adams, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1900, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Warren Adams, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Women's corner, legal notices. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats. 4,100 circ., publisher's report.
St. Louis Labor Tribune 1023 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. District Building Laborers Council No. B-19. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. H. B. Winkeler, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. ST. LOUIS LABOR TRIBUNE (w) Sat. 1023 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ District Building Laborers Council No. B-19. AFL.. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. H. B. Winkeler, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 50,000 circ., Estimated. WNU, AFL.WNS.
St. Louis Union Labor Advocate 3019 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Carpenters' District Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 8 cols., 4 pp., $5 per yr. M. A. Dillmon, ed. ST. LOUIS UNION LABOR ADVOCATE (f ) 1st and 15th of mo. 3019 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ Carpenters' District Council. AFL.. Est. 1934, 8 cols., 4 pp., $5 per yr. M. A. Dillmon, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads ; classified ads. Uses mats.
Trades Council Union News 932-933 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Bldg. Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1917, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. P. J. Morrin, ed. TRADES COUNCIL UNION NEWS (w) Fri. 932-933 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ St. Louis Bldg. Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1917, 6 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. P. J. Morrin, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Women's page. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Union Labor Record Walnut, Springfield, Mo. Springfield Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Claud Hawley, ed. UNION LABOR RECORD (w) 302i/2 E. Walnut, Springfield, Mo. Official Organ Springfield Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1937. Claud Hawley, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 2,600 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Montana Labor News Edit. Add. Box 1989, Butte, Mont. Pubn. Add. 21 E. Quartz St., Butte, Mont. Silver Bow Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1924, 7 cols., 4 pp. av., $2 per yr. Clarence Blewitt, ed. MONTANA LABOR NEWS (w) Thur. Edit. Add. Box 1989, Butte, Mont. Pubn. Add. 21 E. Quartz St., Butte, Mont. Official Organ Silver Bow Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. 1924, 7 cols., 4 pp. av., $2 per yr. Clarence Blewitt, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, legal notices. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats. 2,860 circ., sworn statement. FP.
Flathead Labor Journal P. O. Box 363, Kalispell, Mont. Central Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Everett Henne, ed. FLATHEAD LABOR JOURNAL (f ) Tues. P. O. Box 363, Kalispell, Mont. Official Organ Central Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1938, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Everett Henne, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Central Labor Journal Box 438, Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1930, 3 cols., $1.50 per yr. A. L. Larkin, ed. 5,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL. CENTRAL LABOR JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Box 438, Lincoln, Neb. Official Organ Lincoln Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1930, 3 cols., $1.50 per yr. A. L. Larkin, ed. 5,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Unionist, The Edit. Add. Box 808, Omaha, Neb. Pubn. Add. 312 S. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1925, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. A. M. Wiggins, ed. UNIONIST, THE (w) Fri. Edit. Add. Box 808, Omaha, Neb. Pubn. Add. 312 S. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. Official Organ Omaha Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1925, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. A. M. Wiggins, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,576 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS.
New Hampshire Labor News of mo. ManchEster, N. H. New Hamp shire Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. L. Barry and B. H. Crowell, eds. Columnist : Philip Pearl. NEW HAMPSHIRE LABOR NEWS (m) 1st Tues. of mo. ManchEster, N. H. Official Organ New Hamp shire Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1938, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. L. Barry and B. H. Crowell, eds. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
New Jersey Labor Herald 57 N. Bartram Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. New Jersey State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. M. Herrmann, ed. NEW JERSEY LABOR HERALD (m) 1st of mo. 57 N. Bartram Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Official Organ New Jersey State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. L. M. Herrmann, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILPA.
Union Labor Advocate, The 1038 Grove St., Elizabeth, N. J. Union County Central Labor Union, Plainfield Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1903, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. G. J. Reiss, ed. UNION LABOR ADVOCATE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1038 Grove St., Elizabeth, N. J. Official Organ Union County Central Labor Union, Plainfield Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1903, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. G. J. Reiss, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads., 3,500 circ., Estimated.
New Jersey Teacher, The 738 Hight St., Newark, N. J. New Jersey State Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Simon Chasen, ed. NEW JERSEY TEACHER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 738 Hight St., Newark, N. J. Official Organ New Jersey State Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1938. Simon Chasen, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., Estimated.
Labor News, The 137 Klockner Road, Tren ton, N. J. Mercer County Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions M. C. MacRobert, ed. LABOR NEWS, THE (w) . 137 Klockner Road, Tren ton, N. J. Official Organ Mercer County Central Labor Council and Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1931. M. C. MacRobert, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 5,500 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
New Yofk State Federation Of Labor Bulletin 9 So. Hawks St., Al bany, N. Y. New York State Federa tion of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1924, 2 cols., 6 pp. J. M. O'Hanlon, sec.-treas. NEW YOFK STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 9 So. Hawks St., Al bany, N. Y. Official Organ New York State Federa tion of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1924, 2 cols., 6 pp. J. M. O'Hanlon, sec.-treas. Local and National labor news. No ads. 3,000 circ., Estimated.
Federation Of Labor Herald 310 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1931, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. R. A. Smith, ed. FEDERATION OF LABOR HERALD (w) Fri. 310 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Official Organ Buffalo Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1931, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. R. A. Smith, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads, clas sified ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Labor Journal 75 E. Eagle St., Buffalo, N. Y. Allied Building Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1917, 8 cols., $1 per yr. C. A. Zinkert, ed. Uses mats. AFL. LABOR JOURNAL (w) Thurs. 75 E. Eagle St., Buffalo, N. Y. Official Organ Allied Building Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1917, 8 cols., $1 per yr. C. A. Zinkert, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Labor News Review 209-11 W. Hudson St., Elmira, N. Y. Elmira Central Trades and Labor Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. E. Murphy, ed. LABOR NEWS REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 209-11 W. Hudson St., Elmira, N. Y. Official Organ Elmira Central Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. E. Murphy, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Nassau-suffolk Labor News 157 Greenwich St., Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Central Trades and Labor Council of Nassau- and Suffolk Counties. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. John O'Rourke, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. NASSAU-SUFFOLK LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 157 Greenwich St., Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Official Organ Central Trades and Labor Council of Nassau- and Suffolk Counties. AFL.. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. John O'Rourke, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. UP, AFL.WNS.
Architectural And Engineering Guild Bulletin 15 E. 40th St., New. York, N. Y. Local 66, International Federation of Technical Engineers', Architects', and Draughtsmen's Unions. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 2 cols., 4 pp. J. L. Raimist, ed. ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING GUILD BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 15 E. 40th St., New. York, N. Y. Official Organ Local 66, International Federation of Technical Engineers', Architects', and Draughtsmen's Unions. AFL.. Est. 1937, 2 cols., 4 pp. J. L. Raimist, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. 3,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Building Service News 570, 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. Building' Service Employees', Local 32B. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. J. Bambrick, ed. AFL. BUILDING SERVICE NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 570, 7th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Building' Service Employees', Local 32B. AFL.. Est. 1934. J. J. Bambrick, ed. AFL.WNS.
Butcher Worker, The 40 W. 17th St., New York, N. Y. Hebrew Butcher Workers Union, Local 234. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 9 by 12 in., $4 per yr., 25c per issue. Joseph < Belsky, ed. BUTCHER WORKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 40 W. 17th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Hebrew Butcher Workers Union, Local 234. AFL.. Est. 1937, 9 by 12 in., $4 per yr., 25c per issue. Joseph < Belsky, ed. Local labor news, National general news. Women's Page, Yiddish Section. Local ads. Uses mats.
Fleshers Observer 957 Willoughby Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fur Dressers Union, Local 2. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Samuel Mindel, ed. 500 circ., Estimated. AFL. FLESHERS OBSERVER (q) . 957 Willoughby Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. Official Organ Fur Dressers Union, Local 2. AFL.. Est. 1936. Samuel Mindel, ed. 500 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Journeyman Barbers Beacon 118 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Journey men Barbers, Locals 1 and 4. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions S. R. Rubenstein, ed. 5,000 circ., Estimated. JOURNEYMAN BARBERS BEACON (m). 118 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Journey men Barbers, Locals 1 and 4. AFL.. Est. 1937. S. R. Rubenstein, ed. 5,000 circ., Estimated.
Labor Chest News Service , 3 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Labor Chest for Relief and Liberation of Workers of Europe. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 6 cols., 1 p. Matthew Woll, chmn. Inter LABOR CHEst NEWS SERVICE (m) 1st of mo. , 3 W. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Labor ChEst for Relief and Liberation of Workers of Eu rope. AFL.. Est. 1934, 6 cols., 1 p. Matthew Woll, chmn. International news. No ads.
Monthly Bulletin 853 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Typographical Union, Local 6. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1888, 3 cols., 8 pp. av. J. J. McGrath, sec.-treas. MONTHLY BULLETIN (m) Last of mo. 853 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Typographical Union, Local 6. AFL.. Est. 1888, 3 cols., 8 pp. av. J. J. McGrath, sec.-treas. Local anl National labor news. No ads.
New York Teacher, The 114 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Ameri can Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 9 by 12 in., 39 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Blanche Hoerichter, chmn. NEW YORK TEACHER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 114 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Ameri can Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1935, 9 by 12 in., 39 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Blanche Hoerichter, chmn. Local and National labor news, National general news. Movies, music, book re- " views, theatre. Local and National ads, classified ads. 8,800 circ., sworn statement.
Project Educator 28 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. WPA Teachers Union, Local 453, American Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Amnon Balber, ed. Uses mats. 5,500 – circ., Estimated. PROJECT EDUCATOR (f). 28 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ WPA Teachers Union, Local 453, American Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1936. Amnon Balber, ed. Uses mats. 5,500 – circ., Estimated.
Trade Union Courier 55 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. American Federa tion of Labor Local unions. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1936, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. M. C. Raddock, ed. TRADE UNION COURIER (f) Fri. 55 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ American Federa tion of Labor Local unions. AFL.. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. M. C. Raddock, ed. Local and National labor news. Theater reviews. ., Local and National ads., classified ads. Uses mats.
Union Electrical Manufacturing News New York City, N. Y. Local No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 9 by 12 in., 6 pp. Lillian Fund, ed. UNION ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING NEWS (m) 1st of mo. New York City, N. Y. Official Organ Local No. 3, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. AFL.. Est. 1937, 9 by 12 in., 6 pp. Lillian Fund, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Union Hairdresser 330 Flatbush Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hairdressers Union, Local 913-C. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions S. R. Rubenstein, ed. UNION HAIRDRESSER (m). 330 Flatbush Aye., Brooklyn, N. Y. Official Organ Hairdressers Union, Local 913-C. AFL.. Est. 1936. S. R. Rubenstein, ed. Local ads. 2,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Labor 16 State St., RochEster, N. Y. Official Organ Central Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Jack Cadden, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR (w) Fri. 16 State St., RochEster, N. Y. Official Organ Central Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Jack Cadden, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Labor Herald And Citizen 400 Terminal Bldg., RochEster, N. Y. Rochester Central Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1913, 7 cols., $1 per yr. E. J. Walsh, ed. Uses mats. LABOR HERALD AND CITIZEN (w) Sat. 400 Terminal Bldg., RochEster, N. Y. Official Organ RochEster Central Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1913, 7 cols., $1 per yr. E. J. Walsh, ed. Uses mats.
Workman, The Yonkers, N. Y. AFL.. Est. 1908. William Collins, ed. AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions WORKMAN, THE (w). Yonkers, N. Y. AFL.. Est. 1908. William Collins, ed. AFL.WNS.
Charlotte Labor Journal And Dixie Farm News, The 302 S. College St., Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1931, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. W. M. Witter, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. CHARLOTTE LABOR JOURNAL AND DIXIE FARM NEWS, THE (w) Thurs. 302 S. College St., Charlotte, N. C. Official Organ Charlotte Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1931, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. W. M. Witter, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,200 circ., sworn statement. AFL.WNS.
Union Herald, The 110 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. Capital Printing Co., pubr. Est. ' 1918, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. AFL.. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, movies, consumers guide, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,400 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions UNION HERALD, THE (w) Thur. 110 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. Capital Printing Co., pubr. Est. ' 1918, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. AFL.. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, movies, consumers guide, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,400 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
North Carolina Federationist P. O. Box 226, Salisbury, N. C. North Carolina State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATIONIST (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 226, Salisbury, N. C. Official Organ North Carolina State Federation of Labor. AFL..
North Dakota State Labor Review, The P. O. Box 97, Bismarck, N. D. North Dakota State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 9 by 12 in., 100 pp. av. L. J. Mero, ed. NORTH DAKOTA STATE LABOR REVIEW, THE (a) . P. O. Box 97, Bismarck, N. D. Official Organ North Dakota State Federation of Labor. AFL.. 9 by 12 in., 100 pp. av. L. J. Mero, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Labor Union, The Edit. add., 739 First Central Tower Bldg., Akron, O. Pubn. add., 211 S. Ludlow St., Dayton, O. Summit County Trades and Labor Assembly and The United Labor Congress. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1927, 8 cols., 7 pp. av., $3 per yr. J. F. Bechtel, ed. LABOR UNION, THE (w) Fri. Edit. add., 739 First Central Tower Bldg., Akron, O. Pubn. add., 211 S. Ludlow St., Dayton, O. Official Organ Summit County Trades and Labor Assembly and The United Labor Congress. AFL.. Est. 1927, 8 cols., 7 pp. av., $3 per yr. J. F. Bechtel, ed. Local and National labor * and general news. Women's page, comics. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
United Labor News 403 4th St. N. E., Canton, O. AFL. Unions . of Canton, Ohio. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1925, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr. D. W. Harter, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. UNITED LABOR NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 403 4th St. N. E., Canton, O. Official Organ AFL. Unions . of Canton, Ohio. AFL.. Est. 1925, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr. D. W. Harter, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated. ILP, OLNS, ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Chronicle, The 407 Brotherhood Rail way Clerks Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Central Labor Council of Cincinnati and vicinity. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1891, 6 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. CHRONICLE, THE (w) Fri. 407 Brotherhood Rail way Clerks Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Official Organ Central Labor Council of Cincinnati and vicinity. AFL.. Est. 1891, 6 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Women's page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 16,238 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, OLNS.
Cleveland Citizen, The ChEster and E. 11th, Cleveland, O. Cleveland Fed eration of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1891, 8 cols., 6 pp. av., $3 per yr. M. S. Hayes, ed. CLEVELAND CITIZEN, THE (w) Fri. ChEster and E. 11th, Cleveland, O. Official Organ Cleveland Fed eration of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1891, 8 cols., 6 pp. av., $3 per yr. M. S. Hayes, ed. Local and National labor news. Radio, sports. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 42,980 circ., sworn state ment. OLNS.
Labor Tribune, The 247i/2 S. High St., Columbus, O. Columbus Federa tion of Labor and the Fairfi eld County Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. LABOR TRIBUNE, THE (w) Fri. 247i/2 S. High St., Columbus, O. Official Organ Columbus Federa tion of Labor and the Fairfi eld County Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., sworn statement. OLNS, AFL.WNS.
Quarterly Bulletin Suite 405, Atlas Bldg., Columbus, O. Ohio State Federation of Labor. AFL.. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions QUARTERLY BULLETIN (q). Suite 405, Atlas Bldg., Columbus, O. Ohio State Federation of Labor. AFL..
Butler County Press, The 326 Mar ket St., Hamilton, O. Trades and Labor Councils of Middleton and Hamilton. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1901, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Columnist : Philip Pearl. BUTLER COUNTY PRESS, THE (w) Fri. 326 Mar ket St., Hamilton, O. Official Organ Trades and Labor Councils of Middleton and Hamilton. AFL.. Est. 1901, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Legal advice. Local and National ads. 2,800 circ., Estimated. ILNS, OLNS, WNU.
Labor Review, The Room 325 National Bank Bldg., Portsmouth, O. The Labor Review, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1918, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. F. W. Sheridan, ed. Local and National , labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,300 circ., Estimated. OLNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR REVIEW, THE (w) Fri. Room 325 National Bank Bldg., Portsmouth, O. The Labor Review, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1918, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. F. W. Sheridan, ed. Local and National , labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 2,300 circ., Estimated. OLNS, AFL.WNS.
Springfield Tribune, The 138 W. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SPRINGFIELD TRIBUNE, THE (w) Fri. 138 W.
High St., Springfield, O. Official Organ Springfield . Trades And Labor Assembly. Afl.. Est. 1909, 6 Cols., 4 Pp., $1 Per Yr. Local And National Labor News. Comics, Legal Notices. Local And National Ads. Uses Mats. 1,500 Circ., Estimated. Olns. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions High St., Springfield, O. Official Organ Springfield . Trades and Labor Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1909, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor news. Comics, Legal Notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. OLNS.
Springfield Tribune, The: Annual Re View Springfield, O. The Spring field Tribune, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1909, 9 by 12 in., 32 pp. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SPRINGFIELD TRIBUNE, THE: ANNUAL RE VIEW (a) May 5th. Springfield, O. The Spring field Tribune, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1909, 9 by 12 in., 32 pp. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated.
Union Leader, The 1103 Cherry Ave., Toledo, O. Toledo Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1907, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Walter Guntrup, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. UNION LEADER, THE (w) Fri. 1103 Cherry Ave., Toledo, O. Official Organ Toledo Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1907, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Walter Guntrup, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Consumers notes, movies. Uses mats.
Zanesville Tribune, The 7 Main h St., Zanesville, 0. Cement Workers' Local Union No. 18,457. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1921, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. W. Bridwell, ed. ZANESVILLE TRIBUNE, THE (w) Fri. 7 Main h St., Zanesville, 0. Official Organ Cement Workers' Local Union No. 18,457. AFL.. Est. 1921, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. W. Bridwell, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Theatre news. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated. OLNS, AFL.WNS.
Oklahoma Federationist 417 Equity Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1908, 5 cols., 8 pp. Thelma Levering, ed. OKLAHOMA FEDERATIONIST (m) 1st of mo. 417 Equity Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Official Organ Oklahoma State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1908, 5 cols., 8 pp. Thelma Levering, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Southwest Organizer. Castle Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Official Organ Chauffers, Teamsters And Helpers Local Union No. 523. Afl.. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SOUTHWEst ORGANIZER. Castle Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Official Organ Chauffers, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 523. AFL..
Unionist-journal 818 S. Chey enne, Tulsa, Okla. Tulsa Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1916, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. V. V. Van Tilburg, ed. UNIONIST-JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 818 S. Chey enne, Tulsa, Okla. Official Organ Tulsa Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1916, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. V. V. Van Tilburg, ed. National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,000 circ., Estimated.
Oregon Labor Press 4th Ave. and Jefferson St., Portland, Ore. Oregon Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1900, 7 cols., 4, pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. E. Allen, ed. OREGON LABOR PRESS (w) Fri. 4th Ave. and Jefferson St., Portland, Ore. Official Organ Oregon Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1900, 7 cols., 4, pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. E. Allen, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Theatre news, Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., publish er's report. AFL.WNS.
Beaver Valley Labor News Beaver, Pa. Beaver Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions T. L. Anderson, ed. BEAVER VALLEY LABOR NEWS (w) Thurs. Beaver, Pa. Official Organ Beaver Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1915. T. L. Anderson, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,600 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Bradford Union 84 Mechanic St., Brad ford, Pa. Bradford Trades Assembly. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 4 cols., 6 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. J. P. Barrett, ed. BRADFORD UNION (w) Fri. 84 Mechanic St., Brad ford, Pa. Official Organ Bradford Trades Assembly. AFL.. Est. 1934, 4 cols., 6 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. J. P. Barrett, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. 4,300 circ., Estimated.
Central Pennsylvania Labor News 221 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 8 cols., $2.50 per yr. T. E. Stephenson, ed. Uses mats. AFL. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 221 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Official Organ Harrisburg Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1934, 8 cols., $2.50 per yr. T. E. Stephenson, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Labor Journal Monongahela, Pa. Monongahela Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions J. E. Reegan, ed. LABOR JOURNAL (w) . Monongahela, Pa. Official Organ Monongahela Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1920. J. E. Reegan, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Progressive Labor World 829 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. AFL. Unions of Philadelphia, Pa. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1917, 8 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. G. T. Simmons, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. PROGRESSIVE LABOR WORLD (w) Thur. 829 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ AFL. Unions of Philadelphia, Pa. AFL.. Est. 1917, 8 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. G. T. Simmons, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. ' Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. ILPA, WNU.
Trades Union News, The 827 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Central Labor Union of Philadelphia and vicinity. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1903, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. F. Faunce, ed. TRADES UNION NEWS, THE (w) Fri. 827 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ The Central Labor Union of Philadelphia and vicinity. AFL.. Est. 1903, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. F. Faunce, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,500 circ., publisher's report.
Reading Labor Advocate 27 Reed St., Reading, Pa. Federated Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1898, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. S. Hofses, ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. READING LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Fri. 27 Reed St., Reading, Pa. Official Organ Federated Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1898, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. R. S. Hofses, ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. Local and National labor news, National gen eral news. Comics, movies. Local ads. Uses mats. 9,600 circ., Estimated. FP.
Labor News, The Strand Theater Bldg., Providence, R. I. Rhode Island State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1928, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. W. L Connolly and J. T. Cahir, eds. Columnist: G. L Knapp. LABOR NEWS, THE (m) 4th week of mo. Strand Theater Bldg., Providence, R. I. Official Organ Rhode Island State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1928, 7 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. W. L Connolly and J. T. Cahir, eds. Columnist: G. L Knapp. Local and National labor news. Local ads Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
South Carolina Federationist, The American Federation Of Labor Local Unions SOUTH CAROLINA FEDERATIONIST, THE (m 1st of mo. 1205 Hampton St., Columbia, S. C. Official Organ South Carolina Federation of Labor. AFL. Est. 1938, 8i/2 by 12 in., 16 pp., $2 per yr. C. E Silva, ed. Columnists: G. L. Knapp, Philip Pear] Local and National labor news. Local ads. Use mats. ILPA.
Labor World, The 310 W. 8th St. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chattanoogi Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1916, 5 cols., i pp. T. R. Cuthbert, ed. LABOR WORLD, THE (w) Fri. 310 W. 8th St. Chattanooga, Tenn. Official Organ Chattanoogi Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1916, 5 cols., i pp. T. R. Cuthbert, ed. Local and National labo: news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,00i circ., Estimated.
Knoxville Labor News 210 Fret Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxvill Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1933, 8 cols, 4 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. W. S. Goodson ed. KNOXVILLE LABOR NEWS (w) Thur. 210 Fret Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Official Organ Knoxvill Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1933, 8 cols, 4 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. W. S. Goodson ed. Local and National labor news. Local and na tional ads.
Progressive Labor 3311 N. Broad way, Knoxville, Tenn. Scandlyn Printing Company pubr. AFL.. Est. 1922, 4 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr S. H. Scandlyn, ed. Local and National labor am general news. Radio, movies, legal notices. Loca ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., publish er's report. AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions PROGRESSIVE LABOR (w) Thur. 3311 N. Broad way, Knoxville, Tenn. Scandlyn Printing Company pubr. AFL.. Est. 1922, 4 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr S. H. Scandlyn, ed. Local and National labor am general news. Radio, movies, legal notices. Loca ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 5,000 circ., publish er's report. AFL.WNS.
Memphis Labor Review 210 Madisoi Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Tennessee Federation of Labor, Memphis Trades and Labor Coun cil. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1917, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. Cohen, ed. MEMPHIS LABOR REVIEW (w) Fri. 210 Madisoi Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Official Organ Tennessee Federation of Labor, Memphis Trades and Labor Coun cil. AFL.. Est. 1917, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. J. Cohen, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Sports. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Labor Advocate, The 710-11 Ex change Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. A. F. of L. Unions in Nashville, Tenn. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1891, 5 cols., 4 pp. av., 5c per issue. W. M. Taft, ed. LABOR ADVOCATE, THE (w) Thur. 710-11 Ex change Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Official Organ A. F. of L. Unions in Nashville, Tenn. AFL.. Est. 1891, 5 cols., 4 pp. av., 5c per issue. W. M. Taft, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, legal notices. Local ads, classified ads. 5,000 circ., Esti mated.
Trades And Labor News Edit, add., Labor Temple, Nashville, Tenn. Pubn. add., Printing Crafts Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Nashville Trades and Labor Council, Tennes see Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Ben Faucett, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS. TRADES AND LABOR NEWS (w) Thur. Edit, add., Labor Temple, Nashville, Tenn. Pubn. add., Printing Crafts Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Official * organ Nashville Trades and Labor Council, Tennes see Federation of Labor. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Ben Faucett, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Dallas Craftsman, The Edit, add., P. O. Box 897, Dallas, Tex. Pubn. add., 1727 Young St., Dallas, Tex. The Farm Labor Union of Dallas County. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1913, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Mrs. W. M. Reilly, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. DALLAS CRAFTSMAN, THE (w) Fri. Edit, add., P. O. Box 897, Dallas, Tex. Pubn. add., 1727 Young St., Dallas, Tex. Official Organ The Farm Labor Union of Dallas County. AFL.. Est. 1913, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Mrs. W. M. Reilly, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Theatre Notices. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
El Paso City And County Labor Advocate 223 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Building Trades Council and Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1908, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Moran, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. EL PASO CITY AND COUNTY LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Fri. 223 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. Official Organ El Paso Building Trades Council and Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1908, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Moran, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, Legal Notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,560 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Southwestern Bricklayer, The P. O. Box 677, El Paso, Texas. Texas State Conference of Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1912, 3 cols., $1 per yr. W. J. Moran, ed. 6,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL. SOUTHWEstERN BRICKLAYER, THE (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 677, El Paso, Texas. Official Organ Texas State Conference of Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America. AFL.. Est. 1912, 3 cols., $1 per yr. W. J. Moran, ed. 6,000 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Union Banner, The , 2nd and 4th weeks. Edit. add., Box 1196, Fort Worth, Texas. Pubn. add., 209 Moore Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. The Union Banner, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1894, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. W. Woodman, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,300 circ., Estimated. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions UNION BANNER, THE (f) Fri., 2nd and 4th weeks. Edit. add., Box 1196, Fort Worth, Texas. Pubn. add., 209 Moore Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. The Union Banner, pubr. AFL.. Est. 1894, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. W. Woodman, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,300 circ., Estimated.
Union Review, The 217 Tremont St., GalvEston, Texas. Galveston Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1919, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. M. E. Shay, ed. 2,500 circ., Estimated. UNION REVIEW, THE (w) Pri. 217 Tremont St., GalvEston, Texas. Official Organ GalvEston Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1919, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. M. E. Shay, ed. 2,500 circ., Estimated.
Tri-cities Labor Leader Box 836, Goose Creek, Texas. Tri-Cities Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions DeForEst San- ford, ed. TRI-CITIES LABOR LEADER (w) . Box 836, Goose Creek, Texas. Official Organ Tri-Cities Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1938. DeForEst San- ford, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,100 circ., Esti mated. AFL.WNS, UNS, FP.
Houston Labor Journal P. O. Box 4008, 1120 Franklin Ave., Houston, Tex. Houston Labor and Trades Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1928, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Leroy Williams, ed. HOUSTON LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. P. O. Box 4008, 1120 Franklin Ave., Houston, Tex. Official Organ Houston Labor and Trades Council. AFL.. Est. 1928, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Leroy Williams, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Consumers notes, women's page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. FP, ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Texas Labor News, The P. O. Box 1271, Longview, Tex. of Local unions. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. J. R. Anderson, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. TEXAS LABOR NEWS, THE (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 1271, Longview, Tex. Official Organ of Local unions. AFL.. Est. 1937, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. J. R. Anderson, ed. Columnist : Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, ILNS.
Peoples Press 322 Proctor St., Port Arthur, Texas. Port Arthur Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1932, 5 cols., $2 per yr. Carl White, ed. Uses mats. 2,500 circ., publisher's report. PEOPLES PRESS (w) Fri. 322 Proctor St., Port Arthur, Texas. Official Organ Port Arthur Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1932, 5 cols., $2 per yr. Carl White, ed. Uses mats. 2,500 circ., publisher's report.
Weekly Dispatch, The Room 8, Labor Temple, San Antonio, Tex. AFL. Unions in San Antonio and vicinity. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1889, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. W. B. Arnold, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. WEEKLY DISPATCH, THE (w) Fri. Room 8, Labor Temple, San Antonio, Tex. Official Organ AFL. Unions in San Antonio and vicinity. AFL.. Est. 1889, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. W. B. Arnold, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,600 circ., publisher's report. ILPA.
East Texas Labor Chronicle, The P. O. Box 915, Tyler, Texas. Tyler Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1932, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. K. M. Sutton, ed. EAST TEXAS LABOR CHRONICLE, THE (w) Fri. P. O. Box 915, Tyler, Texas. Official Organ Tyler Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1932, 6 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. K. M. Sutton, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. AFL.WNS, ILNS, TLPA.
Farm And Labor Journal 616 Washing ton Ave., Waco, Texas. Waco Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions FARM AND LABOR JOURNAL (w). 616 Washing ton Ave., Waco, Texas. Official Organ Waco Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1906. AFL.WNS.
Norfolk Labor Journal 209 W. Tazewell St., Norfolk, Va. Norfolk Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1930, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. E. L. Pickler, ed. NORFOLK LABOR JOURNAL (w) Thur. 209 W. Tazewell St., Norfolk, Va. Official Organ Norfolk Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1930, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. E. L. Pickler, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. UNS, ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Union News 307 Brewer St., Nor- folk, Va. Virginia State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1925, 3 cols. C. J. Hughes, ed. AFL. UNION NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 307 Brewer St., Nor- folk, Va. Official Organ Virginia State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1925, 3 cols. C. J. Hughes, ed. AFL.WNS.
Labor Herald 1306 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Richmond Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions H. M. Monchan, ed. LABOR HERALD (w) Fri. 1306 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Official Organ Richmond Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1915. H. M. Monchan, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Labor Bulletin, The 104 N. G St., Aberdeen, Wash. Grays Harbor County Central Labor Union. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1929, 5 cols., 8 pp. J. B. Ross, ed. LABOR BULLETIN, THE (w) Fri. 104 N. G St., Aberdeen, Wash. Official Organ Grays Harbor County Central Labor Union. AFL.. Est. 1929, 5 cols., 8 pp. J. B. Ross, ed. Local and National labor news. Comics, movies. Local and National ads, clas sified ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Bellingham Labor News 324 Sun set Bldg., Bellingham, Wash. Belling ham Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1936, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Einar Mohn, sec. Columnist: Philip Pearl. BELLINGHAM LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 324 Sun set Bldg., Bellingham, Wash. Official Organ Belling ham Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1936, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Einar Mohn, sec. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news. Legal Notices. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Bremerton Journal, The Elks Temple, Bremerton, Wash. The Bre merton Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1932, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Elbert Ben nett, ed. BREMERTON JOURNAL, THE (w) Thur. Elks Temple, Bremerton, Wash. Official Organ The Bre merton Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1932, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Elbert Ben nett, ed. Local and National labor news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,900 circ., publisher's report. FP.
Labor Journal, The Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Everett Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1891, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. B. Wilcox, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. LABOR JOURNAL, THE (w) Fri. Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Official Organ Everett Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1891, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. B. Wilcox, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor news, National gen eral news. Legal Notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Official Labor Journalìîìêå¨ì¥ìîìõ Annual Industrial Edition Official Organ Everett Central Labor Council. AFL.. 9 by 12 in., 44 pp. J. B. Wilcox, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions OFFICIAL LABOR JOURNALÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ Annual Industrial Edition (a) Labor Temple, Everett, Wash. Official Organ Everett Central Labor Council. AFL.. 9 by 12 in., 44 pp. J. B. Wilcox, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Union Register, The 222 2nd Ave., So., Seattle, Wash. Oregoa-Washing- ton Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. P. E. Terzick, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. UNION REGISTER, THE (w) Fri. 222 2nd Ave., So., Seattle, Wash. Official Organ Oregoa-Washing- ton Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers. AFL.. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. P. E. Terzick, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, movies, consum ers guide. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., sworn statement.
Washington State Labor News Labor Temple, Seattle, Wash. Central Labor Council of Seattle and Washington State Fed eration of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1924, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. WASHINGTON STATE LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. Labor Temple, Seattle, Wash. Official Organ Central Labor Council of Seattle and Washington State Fed eration of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1924, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 8,500 circ., publisher's report.
Washington Teamster, The 552 Denny Way, Seattle, Wash. Joint Council of Teamsters, No. 28. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Sept. 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Lew- Shaw, ed. WASHINGTON TEAMSTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 552 Denny Way, Seattle, Wash. Official Organ Joint Council of Teamsters, No. 28. AFL.. Est. Sept. 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Lew- Shaw, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Labor World, The WEst 19 Pacific Ave., Spokane, Wash. Central Labor Coun cil, State Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1898, 7 cols., $1 per yr. J. A. Fraser, ed. Uses mats. AFL. LABOR WORLD, THE (w) Fri. WEst 19 Pacific Ave., Spokane, Wash. Official Organ Central Labor Coun cil, State Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1898, 7 cols., $1 per yr. J. A. Fraser, ed. Uses mats. AFL. WNS.
Tacoma Labor Advocate P. O. Box 1223, Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1908, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. John McGivney, ed. TACOMA LABOR ADVOCATE (w) Fri. P. O. Box 1223, Tacoma, Wash. Official Organ Tacoma Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1908, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. John McGivney, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Legal Notices. Local ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
North Central Washington Labor Advo Cate 23 S. Mission St., Wenatchee, Wash. Central Labor Councils of Wenatchee, Yakima, Ellenburg, and Grand Coulee. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1934, 5 cols., $2 per yr. J. G. McLean, ed. Uses mats. 1,700 circ., Estimated. AFL. NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON LABOR ADVO CATE (w) Fri. 23 S. Mission St., Wenatchee, Wash. Official Organ Central Labor Councils of Wenatchee, Yakima, Ellenburg, and Grand Coulee. AFL.. Est. 1934, 5 cols., $2 per yr. J. G. McLean, ed. Uses mats. 1,700 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS, ILNS.
North Central Washington Labor Advo Cate Yakima, Wash. Wenatchee Central Labor Council, Yakima Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., $2 per yr. NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON LABOR ADVO CATE (w) Fri. Yakima, Wash. Official Organ Wenatchee Central Labor Council, Yakima Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1938, 5 cols., $2 per yr.
Labor Union, The. Charleston, W. Va. Official Organ West Virginia State Federation Of Labor. Afl.. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions LABOR UNION, THE. CharlEston, W. Va. Official Organ WEst Virginia State Federation of Labor. AFL..
Labor Review, The Williamson, W. Va. Williamson Central Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions W. D. Baugh, ed. LABOR REVIEW, THE (w). Williamson, W. Va. Official Organ Williamson Central Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1935. W. D. Baugh, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 7,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS.
News-forum. Appleton, Wis. Official Organ Apple- Ton Trades And Labor Council. Afl.. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions NEWS-FORUM. Appleton, Wis. Official Organ Apple- ton Trades and Labor Council. AFL..
Kenosha Labor, The Edit. add., Schwartz Bldg., Kenosha, Wis. Pubn. add., 2225 Sixty-third St., Milwaukee, Wis. Kenosha Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions Nov. 1935, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Paul Porter, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. KENOSHA LABOR, THE (w) Fri. Edit. add., Schwartz Bldg., Kenosha, Wis. Pubn. add., 2225 Sixty-third St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ Kenosha Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. Nov. 1935, 8 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Paul Porter, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, movies, auxiliary news. Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Madison Teacher, The Box 149, Bascom Hall., Madison, Wis. Local No. 223, American Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 4 cols., 4 pp. David Erdman, ed. MADISON TEACHER, THE (m) Irreg. Box 149, Bascom Hall., Madison, Wis. Official Organ Local No. 223, American Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1938, 4 cols., 4 pp. David Erdman, ed. Local labor news, Local and National general news. Local ads. 2,500 circ., publisher's report.
Union Label News Labor Temple, Madison, Wis. Madison Federation of Labor. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 3 cols., 6 pp. av. S. A. Yeager, sec. UNION LABEL NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Labor Temple, Madison, Wis. Official Organ Madison Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1938, 3 cols., 6 pp. av. S. A. Yeager, sec. Local and National labor news. Book Reviews. Local ads, classified ads. AFL.WNS.
Wisconsin State Employee, The 448 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. Official Organ Wisconsin State Employees' Association. AFL.. Est. 1932, 8 by, 11 in., 18 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. R. E. Kubista, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 2,633 paid circ., sworn statement, 2,367 free circ., sworn statement. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions WISCONSIN STATE EMPLOYEE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 448 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. Official Organ Wisconsin State Employees' Association. AFL.. Est. 1932, 8 by, 11 in., 18 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. R. E. Kubista, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 2,633 paid circ., sworn statement, 2,367 free circ., sworn statement.
Union Baker News, The 1126 W. Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. The Bakery Workers Union, Local 205. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. Fred Kuntz, ed. UNION BAKER NEWS, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1126 W. Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ The Bakery Workers Union, Local 205. AFL.. Est. 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. Fred Kuntz, ed. Local labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Wisconsin Union Teacher, The 615 N. Plankinton Aye., Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Federation of Teachers. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp. J. L. Fitzpatrick, ed. WISCONSIN UNION TEACHER, THE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 615 N. Plankinton Aye., Milwaukee. Official Organ The Wisconsin Federation of Teachers. AFL.. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp. J. L. Fitzpatrick, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads.
Racine Day, The 507 Park Ave., Racine, Wis. Racine Central Trades and Labor Council. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. RACINE DAY, THE (w) Fri. 507 Park Ave., Racine, Wis. Official Organ Racine Central Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers notes, radio, comics, movies. Local and National ads. 11,972 circ., Esti mated. FP.
Wyoming Labor Journal Cheyenne, Wyo. Wyoming Labor Journal Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1911, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS. American Federation Of Labor Local Unions WYOMING LABOR JOURNAL (w) Fri. Cheyenne, Wyo. Wyoming Labor Journal Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1911, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
C. I. O. News, The: National Edition Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadel phia, Pa. Congress of Industrial Or ganizations. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THE: National Edition (w) Mon. Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadel phia, Pa. Official Organ Congress of Industrial Or ganizations. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Economic Outlook, The Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Congress of Industrial Organizations, Un employment Division. CIO. Est. 1940, 2 cols., 4 pp. Ralph Hetzel, Jr., director. National labor and general news. No ads. Congress Of Industrial Organizations ECONOMIC OUTLOOK, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Congress of Industrial Organizations, Un employment Division. CIO. Est. 1940, 2 cols., 4 pp. Ralph Hetzel, Jr., director. National labor and general news. No ads.
Union News Service 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Con gress of Industrial Organizations. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations 1936, 7 cols., 1 p. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. National labor and general news. No ads. UNION NEWS SERVICE (w) Fri. 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Con gress of Industrial Organizations. CIO. Est. 1936, 7 cols., 1 p. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. National labor and general news. No ads.
Aca News Edit. add., 10 Bridge St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. American Communications Asso ciation. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Charles Silberman, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. ACA NEWS (f ) Sat. Edit. add., 10 Bridge St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ American Communications Asso ciation. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Charles Silberman, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
Advance, The 15 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1917, 3 cols., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. B. S. Hardman, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Movies, book reviews, sports. No ads. Uses mats. ADVANCE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 15 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1917, 3 cols., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. B. S. Hardman, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Movies, book reviews, sports. No ads. Uses mats.
Amalgamated Journal, The 500 S. Main St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Amal gamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1900, 4 cols., 24 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. L. W. Davis, ed. Col. umnist: G. L. Knapp. Local and National labor news. Women's Page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILP, AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS. AMALGAMATED JOURNAL, THE (w) Thur. 500 S. Main St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Official Organ Amal gamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America. CIO. Est. 1900, 4 cols., 24 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. L. W. Davis, ed. Col. umnist: G. L. Knapp. Local and National labor news. Women's Page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. ILP, AFL.WNS, ILNS, UNS.
American Marine Engineer, The 9th and Mt. Vernon Place, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1907, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp., $1.50 per yr. A. L. Jones, ed. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,355 circ., sworn state ment. AMERICAN MARINE ENGINEER, THE (m) 10th of mo. 9th and Mt. Vernon Place, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. Official Organ National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association. CIO. Est. 1907, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp., $1.50 per yr. A. L. Jones, ed. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,355 circ., sworn state ment.
Carpet An Drug Notes 44 East 23rd St., New York City, N. Y. Textile Work ers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 8V2 by H in., 6 pp. CARPET AN DRUG NOTES (f). 44 East 23rd St., New York City, N. Y. Official Organ Textile Work ers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 8V2 by H in., 6 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads.
C. I. O. News, Theìîìêå¨ì¥ìîìõ Aluminum Workers Edition Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Aluminum Work ers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor and general news. Comics, sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THEÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ Aluminum Workers Edition (w) Mon. Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Aluminum Work ers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor and general news. Comics, sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, Theìîìêå¨ì¥ìîìõ F. A. E. C. T. Edition Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D C. Pubn add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Federation of Architects, Engi neers, Chemists and Technicians. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THEÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ F. A. E. C. T. Edition (w) Mon. Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washing ton, D C. Pubn add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Federation of Architects, Engi neers, Chemists and Technicians. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, The ; Farm Equipment Workers Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. Farm Equipment Work ers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THE ; Farm Equipment Workers (w) Mon. Edit. add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. Official Organ Farm Equipment Work ers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, The ; Gas, Coke And Chemical Work Ers Edition Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 216 E. Locust St., Harrisburg, Pa. Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers Union of the United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THE ; Gas, Coke and Chemical Work ers Edition (w) Tues. Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 216 E. Locust St., Harrisburg, Pa. Official Organ Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers Union of the United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, The; Glass Workers' Edition Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. Federation of Flat Glass Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. FP. C. I. O. NEWS, THE; Glass Workers' Edition (w) Mon. Edit, add., 1106 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. Official Organ Federation of Flat Glass Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Len De Caux, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
C. I. O. News, The ; Mine, Mill And Smelter Work Ers Edition 303 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. A. S. Embree, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THE ; Mine, Mill and Smelter Work ers Edition (w) Mon. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. Official Organ International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. A. S. Embree, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, The ; P. W. O. C. Edition Edit. add., 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. L. O'Rear, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP. C. I. O. NEWS, THE ; P. W. O. C. Edition (w) Mon. Edit. add., 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. L. O'Rear, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
C. I. O. News, Retail Employee, The Edit, add., 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Retail and Wholesale Employees of America. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 14 pp. av., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. A. G. Delman, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads., classified ads. Uses mats. FP. C. I. O. NEWS, RETAIL EMPLOYEE, THE (w) Mon. Edit, add., 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Retail and Wholesale Employees of America. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 14 pp. av., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. A. G. Delman, ed. National labor and general news. Local and National ads., classified ads. Uses mats. FP.
C. I. O. News, The; Shoe Workers' Edition 917 15th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. United Shoe Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Leo Goodman, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, THE; Shoe Workers' Edition (w) Mon. 917 15th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ United Shoe Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Leo Goodman, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Federal Record Edit, add., 532 17th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Wal nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Federal Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Lewis Car- liner, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Movies, consumers' guide. Local ads. Uses mats. 15,000 circ., Estimated. FP. FEDERAL RECORD (f) Fri. Edit, add., 532 17th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 1512 Wal nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Federal Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Lewis Car- liner, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Movies, consumers' guide. Local ads. Uses mats. 15,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Fur And Leather Worker 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Inter National Fur Workers Union of the United States and Canada. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., 52c per yr., 5c per issue. George Kleinman, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. FUR AND LEATHER WORKER (m) 1st of mo. 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Inter National Fur Workers Union of the United States and Canada. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., 52c per yr., 5c per issue. George Kleinman, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
Furniture Workers Press Edit, add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Furniture Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Victor Levitt, ed. 12,903 circ., sworn statement. UNS, FP. FURNITURE WORKERS PRESS (w) Sat. Edit, add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Furniture Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Victor Levitt, ed. 12,903 circ., sworn statement. UNS, FP.
Government Guide 2 Lafayette St., New York N. Y. Organ State, County and Mu nicipal Workers of America. CIO. Est 1939, 8% by 11% in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Alex ander Taylor, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions GOVERNMENT GUIDE (m) 1st of mo. 2 Lafayette St., New York N. Y. Organ State, County and Mu nicipal Workers of America. CIO. Est 1939, 8% by 11% in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Alex ander Taylor, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Guild Reporter, The 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American Newspaper Guild. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. Clyde Beals, ed. Local and National labor news. Drama. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. GUILD REPORTER, THE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Official Organ American Newspaper Guild. CIO. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 10c per issue. Clyde Beals, ed. Local and National labor news. Drama. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
Hosiery Worker, The 2319 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. The American Federation of Hosiery Workers. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1922, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. HOSIERY WORKER, THE (f) 2nd and 4th weeks. 2319 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ The American Federation of Hosiery Workers. CIO. Est. 1922, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue.
Alfred Hoffmann, Ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. Local And National Labor News. Comics. No Ads. Uses Mats. 55,000 Circ., Estimated. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions Alfred Hoffmann, ed. Columnist: Henry Zon. Local and National labor news. Comics. No ads. Uses mats. 55,000 circ., Estimated.
Industrial Leader, The 241 N. Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. W. T. Bradford, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions INDUSTRIAL LEADER, THE (w) Fri. 241 N. Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. W. T. Bradford, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
New Voices 104 E. 9th St., New York, N. Y. United Wholesale and Warehouse Employees of New York. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Jack Paley, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,000 circ., Estimated. UNS. NEW VOICES (m) 1st of mo. 104 E. 9th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ United Wholesale and Warehouse Employees of New York. CIO. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Jack Paley, ed. Local and National labor news, Local general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,000 circ., Estimated. UNS.
Office And Professional News Edit. add., 8 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ United Office and Professional Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. W. P. Mangold, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Book Reviews. Uses mats. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 8 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 220 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ United Office and Professional Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. W. P. Mangold, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Book Reviews. Uses mats.
People's Press, Dyers Federation Edition Edit. add., 18 Church St., Patterson, N. J. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Federation of Dyers, Finishers, Printers and Bleachers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats. PEOPLE'S PRESS, Dyers Federation Edition (w) Sat. Edit. add., 18 Church St., Patterson, N. J. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Federation of Dyers, Finishers, Printers and Bleachers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats.
Pilot, The 126 11th Ave., New York, N. Y. National Maritime Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1936, 5 cols., 24 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Corby Paxton, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news, na tional general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. PILOT, THE (w) Fri. 126 11th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Maritime Union of America. CIO. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 24 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Corby Paxton, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news, na tional general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Rayon Yarn Notes 14 E. 23rd St., New York, N. Y. Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 8i/2 by 11 in., 5 pp. RAYON YARN NOTES (m) 15th of mo. 14 E. 23rd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 8i/2 by 11 in., 5 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Shape Up 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. International Longshore men's Association. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1932, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 2c per issue. Local and National labor news. Uses mats. SHAPE UP (m) 1st of mo. 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ International Longshore men's Association. CIO. Est. 1932, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 2c per issue. Local and National labor news. Uses mats.
Shipyard Worker, The 2332 Broad way, Camden, N. J. Organ The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. S. J. Kramer, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Consumers' advice. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions SHIPYARD WORKER, THE (f) Fri. 2332 Broad way, Camden, N. J. Organ The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. S. J. Kramer, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Consumers' advice. Local and National ads, want ads. Uses mats.
Slaughtering & Meat Packing Labor Notes 4758 S. Marshfield, Chi cago, Ill. Packing Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1939, 8i/2 by 11 in., 3 pp. Cy Record, ed. National labor news. No ads. SLAUGHTERING & MEAT PACKING LABOR NOTES (m) 1st of mo. 4758 S. Marshfield, Chi cago, Ill. Official Organ Packing Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1939, 8i/2 by 11 in., 3 pp. Cy Record, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Steel Labor 2457 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. The Steel Work ers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1936, 4 cols., 8 pp., 25c per yr. Vincent Sweeney, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. STEEL LABOR (m) 1st of mo. 2457 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Official Organ The Steel Work ers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 8 pp., 25c per yr. Vincent Sweeney, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Synthetic Yarn Notes 44 East 23d St., New York City, N. Y. Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, Sy2 by 11 in., 6 pp. SYNTHETIC YARN NOTES (f). 44 East 23d St., New York City, N. Y. Official Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1938, Sy2 by 11 in., 6 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Technical America 116 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1934, 9 by 12 in., 19 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. Allen Morris, Beryl Gilman, eds. Local and National labor news. National general news. Book reviews. Local and National ads TECHNICAL AMERICA (m) 1st of mo. 116 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians. CIO. Est. 1934, 9 by 12 in., 19 pp. av., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. Allen Morris, Beryl Gilman, eds. Local and National labor news. National general news. Book reviews. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats.
Textile Facts 44 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1935, 8i/2 by 11 in., 8 pp. av. TEXTILE FACTS (b-m) Wed. 44 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 8i/2 by 11 in., 8 pp. av. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Timber Worker, The 4128 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash. International Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions TIMBER WORKER, THE (w) Thur. 4128 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Official Organ International
Woodworkers Of America. Cio. Est. 1935, 8 Cols., 4 Pp. Av., $2 Per Yr. K. L. Pettus Ed. Local And National Labor And General News. Sports, Radio, Book Reviews. Local And National Ads. Uses Mats. 24,356 Circ., Sworn Statement. Uns. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions Woodworkers of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp. av., $2 per yr. K. L. Pettus ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, radio, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 24,356 circ., sworn statement. UNS.
Transport Bulletin 153 W. 64th St., New York, N. Y. Transport Workers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1934, 5 cols., 16 pp. M. H. Forge, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Con sumers' notes, sports, Ladies Auxiliary page. Local ads. Uses mats. 56,000 circ., Estimated. FP. TRANSPORT BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 153 W. 64th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Transport Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 16 pp. M. H. Forge, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Con sumers' notes, sports, Ladies Auxiliary page. Local ads. Uses mats. 56,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Ucapawa News Edit. add., Tivoli Bldg., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Cannery, Agriculture, Packing and Allied Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1939, 3 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. Elinor Curtis, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. UCAPAWA NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Tivoli Bldg., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Cannery, Agriculture, Packing and Allied Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 3 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. Elinor Curtis, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
U. E. News, District 4 Edition Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Local and National general news. Con sumer notes. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. U. E. NEWS, DISTRICT 4 EDITION (w) Sat. Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Local and National general news. Con sumer notes. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
U. E. News, National Edition Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Julius Emspak, ed. National labor and general news. Consumers' notes, women's page. Local ads. Uses mats. U. E. NEWS, National EDITION (w) Sat. Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Julius Emspak, ed. National labor and general news. Consumers' notes, women's page. Local ads. Uses mats.
United Automobile Worker Wed. 281 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. In terNational Union, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Na tional general news. Sports, women's auxiliary. No ads. Uses mats. FP. UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKER (w). Wed. 281 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ In terNational Union, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Na tional general news. Sports, women's auxiliary. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
United Automobile Worker, California Edition 823i/2 W. Pice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKER, CALIFORNIA EDITION (w) . 823i/2 W. Pice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ United Automobile Workers of America. CIO.
United Mine Workers Journal Washington, D. C. The United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1891, 9i/2 by 12i/2 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr. Ellis Searles, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 378,225 circ., publisher's report. UNITED MINE WORKERS JOURNAL (f) 1st and 15th of mo. Washington, D. C. Official Organ The United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1891, 9i/2 by 12i/2 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr. Ellis Searles, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. 378,225 circ., publisher's report.
United Rubber Worker 503 United Bldg., Akron, Ohio. United Rubber Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. S. H. Dalrymple, ed. National labor news. Sports, consumers notes. No ads. Uses mats. FP. UNITED RUBBER WORKER (m) 1st of mo. 503 United Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Official Organ United Rubber Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. S. H. Dalrymple, ed. National labor news. Sports, consumers notes. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
Uopwa News Edit, add., 8 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. United Office and Professional Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. Hy Kravif, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Sports, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 45,000 circ., Estimated. FP. UOPWA NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Edit, add., 8 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ United Office and Professional Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. Hy Kravif, ed. Local and National labor news. National general news. Sports, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 45,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Utility Post 147 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Amalgamated Utility Workers. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations National And International Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. F. E. Delude, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., Estimated. UTILITY POST (m) 1st of mo. 147 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Amalgamated Utility Workers. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., 5c per issue. F. E. Delude, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., Estimated.
Alabama News Digest, The 624 Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Ala bama Industrial Union Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1934, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. T. O'Con- nell, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. FP, UNS. ALABAMA NEWS DIGEst, THE (w) Thur. 624 Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Official Organ Ala bama Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1934, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. T. O'Con- nell, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. FP, UNS.
Union News, The Jasper, Ala. District 20, United Mine Workers of America and Central Labor Union. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1934, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. Bernard Guthrie, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated. UNS. UNION NEWS, THE (w) Thur. Jasper, Ala. Official Organ District 20, United Mine Workers of America and Central Labor Union. CIO. Est.1934, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. Bernard Guthrie, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated. UNS.
Labor Journal, The Edit. add., 1108% Garrison Ave., Ft. Smith, Ark. Pubn. add., Paris, Ark. Arkansas State Industrial Union Council, and Fort Smith Labor Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Tom Bowlin, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. LABOR JOURNAL, THE (w) Fri. Edit. add., 1108% Garrison Ave., Ft. Smith, Ark. Pubn. add., Paris, Ark. Official Organ Arkansas State Industrial Union Council, and Fort Smith Labor Council. CIO. Est. 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Tom Bowlin, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Northern California Free Press And Union Labor News Edit. add., Box 186, Crescent City, Calif. Pubn. add., Crescent City, Calif. Del Norte Industrial Union Council, Eureka Central Labor Council, Fort Bragg Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FREE PRESS AND UNION LABOR NEWS (w) Wed. Edit. add., Box 186, Crescent City, Calif. Pubn. add., Crescent City, Calif. Official Organ Del Norte Industrial Union Council, Eureka Central Labor Council, Fort Bragg
Timber Workers. Cio. Est. 1937, 7 Cols., 4 Pp., $1.50 Per Yr. E. F. Benedict, Ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local And National Labor News. Local General News. Local Ads. 2,500 Circ., Estimated. Uns, Fp. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions Timber Workers. CIO. Est. 1937, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. E. F. Benedict, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Local ads. 2,500 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP.
California Oil Worker 1005 E. 6th St., Long Beach, Calif. District No. 1, Oil Workers International Union. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1934, 8 cols., 5 pp. av., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Franklyn E. Wolfe, ed. Columnists: Len De Caux, Henry Zon. Local and National labor news. National general news. Sports. Local ads. Classified ads. Uses mats. ILNS, F(P, UNS. CALIFORNIA OIL WORKER (f ) Thur. 1005 E. 6th St., Long Beach, Calif. Official Organ District No. 1, Oil Workers International Union. Est. 1934, 8 cols., 5 pp. av., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Franklyn E. Wolfe, ed. Columnists: Len De Caux, Henry Zon. Local and National labor news. National general news. Sports. Local ads. Classified ads. Uses mats. ILNS, F(P, UNS.
Industrial Unionist, The , Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles Industrial Union Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions Tom Cullen, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. UNS. INDUSTRIAL UNIONIST, THE (w) 310 Currier Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ Los Angeles Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1927. Tom Cullen, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. UNS.
I. L. A. Bulletin, The Ferry, P. O. Box 3395, San Francisco, Calif. Interna tional Longshoremen's Association, Local 38-79. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions I. L. A. BULLETIN, THE (Irreg.). Ferry, P. O. Box 3395, San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Interna tional Longshoremen's Association, Local 38-79. CIO.
Labor Herald, The 593 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Northern Cali fornia Congress of Industrial Organizations and the Industrial Union Councils of San Francisco, Alameda County, Contra Costa County and Sacramento County. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. W. H. Grattan, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 21,000 circ., sworn statement. LABOR HERALD, THE (w) Thur. 593 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Northern Cali fornia Congress of Industrial Organizations and the Industrial Union Councils of San Francisco, Alameda County, Contra Costa County and Sacramento County. CIO. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. W. H. Grattan, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 21,000 circ., sworn statement.
Voice Of The Federation 24 Cali fornia St., San Francisco, Calif. The Maritime Federation of the Pacific Coast. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr., 5c per issue. A. Wilson ass't. ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 17,000 circ., Estimated. VOICE OF THE FEDERATION (w) Thur. 24 Cali fornia St., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ The Maritime Federation of the Pacific Coast. CIO. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr., 5c per issue. A. Wilson ass't. ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 17,000 circ., Estimated.
Torrence Union Worker 2027 Andreo St., Torrence, Calif. Locals 1414 and 1623 Steel Workers Union. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions K. C. Beight, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. UNS. TORRENCE UNION WORKER (b-m). 2027 Andreo St., Torrence, Calif. Official Organ Locals 1414 and 1623 Steel Workers Union. CIO. Est. 1937. K. C. Beight, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Esti mated. UNS.
C. P. L. News 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. State, County and Munic ipal Workers of America, Local 88. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions C. P. L. NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ State, County and Munic ipal Workers of America, Local 88. CIO.
Semi-monthly, The 121 7th St., Rockford, Ill. Local No. 225, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 8 by 11 in., 8 pp. av. Robert Totten, ed. Local labor news. Local ads. SEMI-MONTHLY, THE (f ) 1st and 15th of mo. 121 7th St., Rockford, Ill. Official Organ Local No. 225, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 8 by 11 in., 8 pp. av. Robert Totten, ed. Local labor news. Local ads.
C. I. O. News, Baltimore Edition Edit. add., 106 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official or gan Baltimore Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Fred d'Avila, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. FP, UNS. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions C. I. O. NEWS, BALTIMORE EDITION (w) Mon. Edit. add., 106 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official or gan Baltimore Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Fred d'Avila, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. FP, UNS.
Western Maryland Industrial Voice Of Labor P. O. Box 299, Cumberland, Md. Western Maryland Industrial Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 2c per issue. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 12,500 circ., Estimated. WEstERN MARYLAND INDUSTRIAL VOICE OF LABOR (f ) Thur. P. O. Box 299, Cumberland, Md. Official Organ WEstern Maryland Industrial Council. CIO. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 2c per issue. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 12,500 circ., Estimated.
Electrical Union News 819 WEst ern Ave., Lynn, Mass. Local No. 201, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., 2c per issue. Alfred Coulthard, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers notes. Local ads. Uses mats. 7,000 circ., Estimated. FP. ELECTRICAL UNION NEWS (w) Thurs. 819 WEst ern Ave., Lynn, Mass. Official Organ Local No. 201, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., 2c per issue. Alfred Coulthard, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers notes. Local ads. Uses mats. 7,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Electrical Employee. 32 Stevens St., Spring Field, Mass. Official Organ United Electrical, Radio And Machine Workers Of America. Cio. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions ELECTRICAL EMPLOYEE. 32 Stevens St., Spring field, Mass. Official Organ United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO.
Chrysler Facts 281 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Chrysler Workers, UAWA-CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. CHRYSLER FACTS (irreg.). 281 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Chrysler Workers, UAWA-CIO. Est. 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. Local labor news. No ads.
C. I. O. News, Michigan Edition 803 Hofmann Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michi gan State Industrial Union Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Frank Winn, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP. C. I. O. NEWS, MICHIGAN EDITION (w) Mon. 803 Hofmann Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Michi gan State Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Frank Winn, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP.
Plymouth Beacon. 2121 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Local 51, United Automobile Workers Of America. Cio. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions PLYMOUTH BEACON. 2121 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Local 51, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO.
United Automobile Worker, Local 2 Eye Opener Edition 1320 Clay Ave., Detroit, Mich. Local 2, United Auto mobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Elliot Bradas, ed. Local labor news. No ads. UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKER, Local 2 EYE OPENER EDITION (w) Wed. 1320 Clay Ave., Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Local 2, United Auto mobile Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Elliot Bradas, ed. Local labor news. No ads.
C. I. O. Auto Worker, Flint Edition 710 Flint P. Smith Bldg., Flint, Mich. United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 1c per issue. R. H. Marlatt, managing ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary notes, sports. Local ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. AUTO WORKER, FLINT EDITION (w) Tues. 710 Flint P. Smith Bldg., Flint, Mich. Official Organ United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 1c per issue. R. H. Marlatt, managing ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary notes, sports. Local ads. Uses mats.
Lansing Auto Worker 2151 N. Wash ington Ave., Lansing, Mich. Local 182, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Lester Washburn, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. LANSING AUTO WORKER (w) Wed. 2151 N. Wash ington Ave., Lansing, Mich. Official Organ Local 182, United Automobile Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. LEster Washburn, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. Auto Worker, Pontiac Edition Edit. add., 148i/2 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, Mich. Pubn. add., 710 Flint P. Smith Bldg., Flint, Mich. United Automobile Workers of Amer ica. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 1c per issue. R. H. Marlatt, managing ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary notes, sports. Lo cal ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. AUTO WORKER, PONTIAC EDITION (w) Tues. Edit. add., 148i/2 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, Mich. Pubn. add., 710 Flint P. Smith Bldg., Flint, Mich. Official Organ United Automobile Workers of Amer ica. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 1c per issue. R. H. Marlatt, managing ed. Local and National labor news. Women's Auxiliary notes, sports. Lo cal ads. Uses mats.
The Unionist 510 E. pakland, Austin, Minn. Local 9, Packinhouse Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 6 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. Svend Godfredsen, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local and National ads THE UNIONIST (w) Fri. 510 E. pakland, Austin, Minn. Official Organ Local 9, Packinhouse Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1935, 6 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. Svend Godfredsen, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local and National ads ; classified ads. 3,500 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP.
Midwest Labor Winthrpp Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Duluth Industrial Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. K. Davis, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal ads. Uses mats. 9,000 circ., Estimated. UNS. MIDWEst LABOR (w) Fri. Winthrpp Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Official Organ Duluth Industrial Council. CIO. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. K. Davis, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal ads. Uses mats. 9,000 circ., Estimated. UNS.
Miner's Voice Box 1127, Butte, Mont. Butte Miners Union No. 1. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp. William Mason, sec. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. UNS, FP. MINER'S VOICE (m) 1st of mo. Box 1127, Butte, Mont. Official Organ Butte Miners Union No. 1. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp. William Mason, sec. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. UNS, FP.
People's Press, Northern New Jersey Edition Edit. add., 427 Prospect St., East Orange, N. J. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. of 54 New Jersey labor unions. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats. PEOPLE'S PRESS, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY EDITION (w) Sat. Edit. add., 427 Prospect St., East Orange, N. J. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ of 54 New Jersey labor unions. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats.
E-j Union News 34 Chenango St., Bingham, N. Y. E-J Workers Organizing Committee of the United Shoe Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. George Martin, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Italian column. No ads. Uses mats. FP. E-J UNION NEWS (w) Mon. 34 Chenango St., Bingham, N. Y. Official Organ E-J Workers Organizing Committee of the United Shoe Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. George Martin, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor news. Italian column. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
Building Trades Union Press Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Trade Union Serv ice, Inc., pubr. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Harry Kelber, ed. 10,404 circ., sworn statement. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions BUILDING TRADES UNION PRESS (w) Sat. Edit. add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Trade Union Serv ice, Inc., pubr. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Harry Kelber, ed. 10,404 circ., sworn statement.
Civil Service News Views 114 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians, Local 23. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 8V2 by 11 in., 5 pp. CIVIL SERVICE NEWS VIEWS (m) 15th of mo. 114 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians, Local 23. CIO. Est. 1938, 8V2 by 11 in., 5 pp. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Civil Service Standard 3 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. District No. 1 of the State, County and Municipal Workers of America. CIO. Harry Ross, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers' notes. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions CIVIL SERVICE STANDARD (w) Fri. 3 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ District No. 1 of the State, County and Municipal Workers of America. CIO. Harry Ross, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers' notes. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
Furriers Bulletin 250 W. 26th St., New York, N. Y. Furriers Joint Council, Int. Fur Workers Union. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 3 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. National general news. Yiddish section. No ads. FURRIERS BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 250 W. 26th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Furriers Joint Council, Int. Fur Workers Union. CIO. Est. 1938, 3 cols., 4 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. National general news. Yiddish section. No ads.
News Letter, The 39 E. 30th St., New York, N. Y. Social Service Employees Union, Local 19. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 2 cols., 6 pp. Evelyn Adler, pres. Local and National labor news. No ads. NEWS LETTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 39 E. 30th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Social Service Employees Union, Local 19. CIO. Est. 1937, 2 cols., 6 pp. Evelyn Adler, pres. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Paint Worker, The 1 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, New York, N. Y. Local 12129, United Mine Workers of America, Dis trict 50. CIO. Edward Wallace, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions PAINT WORKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Local 12129, United Mine Workers of America, Dis trict 50. CIO. Edward Wallace, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
People's Press, New York Edition Edit, add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bakery and Confectionery Workers Locals. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats. UNS, FP. PEOPLE'S PRESS, NEW YORK EDITION (w) Sat. Edit, add., 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 225 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Bakery and Confectionery Workers Locals. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., $1 per yr. Cameron Mackenzie, ed. Uses mats. UNS, FP.
Retail Drug Workers, The 250 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Re tail Drug Store Employees Union, Local 1199, U. R. W. E. A. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. Jack Schwartz, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies. Local ads. Uses mats. RETAIL DRUG WORKERS, THE (m) 1st of mo. 250 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Re tail Drug Store Employees Union, Local 1199, U. R. W. E. A. CIO. Est. 1938, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. Jack Schwartz, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies. Local ads. Uses mats.
Shoe Reporter, The 125 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Retail Shoe Salesman's Union No. 1268. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 8V2 by 11 in., 8 pp. Sidney Steinman, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. SHOE REPORTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 125 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Retail Shoe Salesman's Union No. 1268. CIO. Est. 1938, 8V2 by 11 in., 8 pp. Sidney Steinman, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Textile Labor Edit. add., 44 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Textile Work ers' Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Flo Pryor, ed. Na tional labor news. No adds. Uses mats. TEXTILE LABOR (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 44 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Textile Work ers' Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. Flo Pryor, ed. Na tional labor news. No adds. Uses mats.
Electrical Union News 301 Liberty St., Schenectady, N. Y. Local No. 301, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Work ers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. L. Jandreau, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP. ELECTRICAL UNION NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 301 Liberty St., Schenectady, N. Y. Official Organ Local No. 301, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Work ers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. L. Jandreau, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
Union Advocate, The. P. O. Box 727, Durham, N. C. Cio. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions UNION ADVOCATE, THE. P. O. Box 727, Durham, N. C. CIO.
Industrial Leader, The 241 N. Lib erty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. W. T. Bradford. ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. INDUSTRIAL LEADER, THE (w) Fri. 241 N. Lib erty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Official Organ Textile Workers Union of America. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. W. T. Bradford. ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
Cleveland Union Leader, The 2110 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Union Leader Co., pubr. CIO. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 3c per issue. Ted Cox, ed. Col umnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. 8,000 circ., Estimated. FP. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions CLEVELAND UNION LEADER, THE (w) Thur. 2110 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Union Leader Co., pubr. CIO. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 3c per issue. Ted Cox, ed. Col umnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. 8,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Mcdonald Uniter, The McDon ald, Ohio. Local 1307, S. W. O. C. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Eddie Weygandt, ed. Local labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. MCDONALD UNITER, THE (m) 1st of mo. McDon ald, Ohio. Official Organ Local 1307, S. W. O. C. CIO. Est. 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Eddie Weygandt, ed. Local labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, Die Casters Edition 1605 Jefferson St., Toledo, Ohio. To ledo Industrial Union Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. W. F. Peters, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Theatre news. Local ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS, DIE CASTERS EDITION (w) Mon. 1605 Jefferson St., Toledo, Ohio. Official Organ To ledo Industrial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. W. F. Peters, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Theatre news. Local ads. Uses mats.
C. I. O. News, Toledo Industrial Union Council 1605 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Toledo Industrial Union Coun cil. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. W. F. Peters, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Movies. Local ads. C. I. O. NEWS, TOLEDO INDUSTRIAL UNION COUNCIL (w) Mon. 1605 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Official Organ Toledo Industrial Union Coun cil. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. W. F. Peters, ed. Columnist: Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Movies. Local ads.
D-x Strike P. O. Box 556, WEst Tulsa, Okla. Mid-Continent Strike Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 8V2 by 13 in., 2 pp., D-X STRIKE (w. irreg.) Mon. P. O. Box 556, WEst Tulsa, Okla. Official Organ Mid-Continent Strike Committee. CIO. Est. 1938, 8V2 by 13 in., 2 pp., Local labor news. No ads.
Labor New Dealer, The 314 Gov ernor Bldg., Portland, Ore. Portland and Oregon Industrial Union Councils. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Lee Coe, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. LABOR NEW DEALER, THE (w) Fri. 314 Gov ernor Bldg., Portland, Ore. Official Organ Portland and Oregon Industrial Union Councils. CIO. Est. 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Lee Coe, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Liberal Press And Labor's Press Of Dela Ware County 524 Market St., Ches ter, Pa. 20 Labor Unions in Delaware County. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 2c per issue. Stanley Milne, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. FP, UNS. LIBERAL PRESS AND LABOR'S PRESS OF DELA WARE COUNTY (w) Thur. 524 Market St., Ches ter, Pa. Official Organ 20 Labor Unions in Delaware County. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 2c per issue. Stanley Milne, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. FP, UNS.
Erie County Press, The Room 303, Lincoln Bldg., Erie, Pa. Erie Indus trial Union Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.25 per yr., 3c per issue. Wade Shurtleff, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. ERIE COUNTY PRESS, THE (w) Thur. Room 303, Lincoln Bldg., Erie, Pa. Official Organ Erie Indus trial Union Council. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.25 per yr., 3c per issue. Wade Shurtleff, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Spark 11 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa. Official Organ United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Local No. 506. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions SPARK (m) 1st of mo. 11 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa. Official Organ United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Local No. 506. CIO.
Pennsylvania Reporter Front and Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Official or gan Pennsylvania Region, State, County and Muni cipal Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Jack Strobel, man aging ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions PENNSYLVANIA REPORTER (m) 15th of mo. Front and Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Official or gan Pennsylvania Region, State, County and Muni cipal Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Jack Strobel, man aging ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Anthracite Tri- District News Hazleton, Pa. Districts 1, 7, 9, United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1917, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. S. A. Kupstas, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, movies, comics, women's page. Local ads. Uses mats. 22,000 circ., publisher's report. FP, ILPA. ANTHRACITE TRI- DISTRICT NEWS (w) Fri. Hazleton, Pa. Official Organ Districts 1, 7, 9, United Mine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1917, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. S. A. Kupstas, ed. Columnist : Len De Caux. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, movies, comics, women's page. Local ads. Uses mats. 22,000 circ., publisher's report. FP, ILPA.
Aluminum Workers Journal 526 9th St., New Kensington, Pa. Local 2, International Union Aluminum Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1936, 4 cols., 4 pp. Mary M. Peli, ed. Lo cal labor news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. ALUMINUM WORKERS JOURNAL (f) Thur. 526 9th St., New Kensington, Pa. Official Organ Local 2, International Union Aluminum Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 4 pp. Mary M. Peli, ed. Lo cal labor news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats.
Union Labor Record 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Central Labor Councils of Camden, N. J., York and Easton, Pa., Delaware and Montgomery Counties, Pa. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1928, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. David Schick, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 45,000 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP. UNION LABOR RECORD (w) Thur. 1512 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Central Labor Councils of Camden, N. J., York and Easton, Pa., Delaware and Montgomery Counties, Pa. CIO. Est. 1928, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. David Schick, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 45,000 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP.
Steel Labor 1500 Commonwealth Bldg., Pitts burgh, Pa. Steel Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1936, 4 cols., 48c per yr. Vincent Sweeney, ed. UNS. STEEL LABOR (f ) . 1500 Commonwealth Bldg., Pitts burgh, Pa. Official Organ Steel Workers Organizing Committee. CIO. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 48c per yr. Vincent Sweeney, ed. UNS.
Workers Digest Fayette Law Bldg., Uniontown, Pa. Connellsville Central Labor Council. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 7 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. P. E. Connelly, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 23,000 circ., Estimated. WORKERS DIGEst (w) Fri. Fayette Law Bldg., Uniontown, Pa. Official Organ Connellsville Central Labor Council. CIO. Est. 1937, 7 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. P. E. Connelly, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. Uses mats. 23,000 circ., Estimated.
Air Brake Union News 516 Station St., Wilmerding, Pa. Local 610, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. Henry Holmes, sec. Local and National ads AIR BRAKE UNION NEWS (b-m) 1st of mo. 516 Station St., Wilmerding, Pa. Official Organ Local 610, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp. Henry Holmes, sec. Local and National ads; classified ads.
Labor Advocate, The 811 Virginia St., CharlEston, W. Va. Industrial Union Councils of Logan, Kanawka and Mercer Coun ties. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Comics. LABOR ADVOCATE, THE (w) Fri. 811 Virginia St., CharlEston, W. Va. Official Organ Industrial Union Councils of Logan, Kanawka and Mercer Coun ties. CIO. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Comics.
Voice O'labor, The 163 Kirk St., Mor gantown, W. Va. Monongalia, Marion and Harrison County C. I. O. Councils. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. F. R. Thompson, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Sports, movies. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. FP. VOICE O'LABOR, THE (w) Fri. 163 Kirk St., Mor gantown, W. Va. Official Organ Monongalia, Marion and Harrison County C. I. O. Councils. CIO. Est. 1935, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. F. R. Thompson, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Sports, movies. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Ohio Valley Labor News 1506 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. Wheeling, Belmont and Jefferson County C. I. O. Councils. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1937, 5 cols., 14 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Louis Pollock, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, consumers' notes. Local ads. FP. OHIO VALLEY LABOR NEWS (m) 2d week of mo. 1506 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. Official Organ Wheeling, Belmont and Jefferson County C. I. O. Councils. CIO. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 14 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Louis Pollock, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, consumers' notes. Local ads. FP.
C. I. O. News; Wisconsin Edition Plankington Arcade, Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin State and Milwaukee County Industrial Unions Councils. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. C. I. O. NEWS; WISCONSIN EDITION (w) Mon. Plankington Arcade, Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ Wisconsin State and Milwaukee County Industrial Unions Councils. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Phoenix – Holeproof Union News 1012 N. 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Branch No. 16, American Federation of Hos iery Workers. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp. Milton Yoder, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats. PHOENIX – HOLEPROOF UNION NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 1012 N. 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ Branch No. 16, American Federation of Hos iery Workers. CIO. Est. 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp., Milton Yoder, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports. Local ads. Uses mats.
Allis – Chalmers Workers' Union News 6513 W. Greenfield Ave., WEst Allis, Wis. Local No. 248 United Auto Workers of America. CIO. Congress Of Industrial Organizations Local Unions 1938, 5 col., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Harold Christoffel, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Sports. No ads. Uses mats. FP. ALLIS – CHALMERS WORKERS' UNION NEWS (f ) 2d and 4th weeks. 6513 W. Greenfield Ave., WEst Allis, Wis. Official Organ Local No. 248 United Auto Workers of America. CIO. Est. 1938, 5 col., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Harold Christoffel, ed. Local and na tional labor news. Sports. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
Alaska Fishing News, The , Wed., Fri. 418 Mission St., Ketchikan, Alaska. Alaska Trollers' Association. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $3.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. D. Charles, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads ALASKA FISHING NEWS, THE (3 issues per week) Mon., Wed., Fri. 418 Mission St., Ketchikan, Alaska. Official Organ Alaska Trollers' Association. Ind. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $3.50 per yr., 5c per issue. S. D. Charles, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads; classified ads. UP, PCN.
American Lace Worker, The Edit. add., 545 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Amalgamated Lace Operatives of America. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1931, 6 by 9 in., 10 pp. av. AMERICAN LACE WORKER, THE (b-m) 15th of mo. Edit. add., 545 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Official Organ Amalgamated Lace Operatives of America. Ind. Est. 1931, 6 by 9 in., 10 pp. av. Local and National labor news. National general news. No ads.
Brotherhood Of Locomotive Firemen And Enginemen's Magazine 2112 E. 46th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1876, 8 by 1ly2 in., 93 pp., $2 per yr. R. L. Glenn, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal and National ads. Uses mats. 79,297 circ., sworn statement. BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN'S MAGAZINE (m) 1st of mo. 2112 E. 46th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Official Organ Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. Ind. Est. 1876, 8 by 1ly2 in., 93 pp., $2 per yr. R. L. Glenn, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal and National ads. Uses mats. 79,297 circ., sworn statement.
Butcher And Grocery Clerks Journal 1140 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill. Official Organ Butcher and Grocery Clerks Association of Illinois. Ind. Est. 1885, 2 cols., $2 per yr. H. C. Harmon, ed. Independent Trade Unions BUTCHER AND GROCERY CLERKS JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 1140 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill. Official Organ Butcher and Grocery Clerks Association of Illinois. Ind. Est. 1885, 2 cols., $2 per yr. H. C. Harmon, ed.
Engineers' Bulletin, The 525 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo. Colorado Society of Engineers. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1917, 8i/2 by 11 V2 in., 24 pp., $2 per yr., 25c per issue. C. M. Light- burn, ed. Local and National labor news. Book re views. Local ads. Uses mats. ENGINEERS' BULLETIN, THE (m) 1st of mo. 525 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo. Official Organ Colorado Society of Engineers. Ind. Est. 1917, 8i/2 by 11 V2 in., 24 pp., $2 per yr., 25c per issue. C. M. Light- burn, ed. Local and National labor news. Book re views. Local ads. Uses mats.
Federal Employee, The Edit. add., 10 Independence Ave., Washington, D. C. Pubn. > add., 7770 Falkland Drive, Silver Spring, Md. Official Organ National Federation of Federal Employees. Ind. Est. 1916, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. L. C. Stewart, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 65,000 circ., Estimated. Independent Trade Unions FEDERAL EMPLOYEE, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 10 Independence Ave., Washington, D. C. Pubn. > add., 7770 Falkland Drive, Silver Spring, Md. Official Organ National Federation of Federal Employees. Ind. Est. 1916, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 32 pp. L. C. Stewart, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 65,000 circ., Estimated.
Fraternal Outlook 80 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. International Work ers Order. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1939, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 34 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Max Bedacht, ed. Na tional labor news. Sports, Book Reviews, Women's Page. No ads. Uses mats. FRATERNAL OUTLOOK (m) 1st of mo. 80 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ International Work ers Order. Ind. Est. 1939, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 34 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Max Bedacht, ed. Na tional labor news. Sports, Book Reviews, Women's Page. No ads. Uses mats.
Industrial Worker 2422 N. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. Industrial Workers of the World. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1909, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Carl Keller, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP. INDUSTRIAL WORKER (w) Sat. 2422 N. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Industrial Workers of the World. Ind. Est. 1909, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Carl Keller, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. FP.
I. T. R. News 57 Cumberland St., Woonsocket, R. I. Independent Tex tile Union. Independent Trade Unions Lawrence Spitz, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., Estimated. FP. I. T. R. NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 57 Cumberland St., Woonsocket, R. I. Official Organ Independent Tex tile Union. Est. 1936. Lawrence Spitz, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 8,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Locomotive Engineers Journal Edit. add., Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Union. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1866, 8 by 12 in., 80 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. P. M. Smith, ed. National labor and general news. Women's Dep't. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 60,218 circ., Estimated. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Official Organ Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Union. Ind. Est. 1866, 8 by 12 in., 80 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. P. M. Smith, ed. National labor and general news. Women's Dep't. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 60,218 circ., Estimated.
Mesa Educator, The 317 B Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Mechanics Educational Society of America. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1936, 4 cols., 8 pp. George Bocker, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. No ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., Estimated. MESA EDUCATOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. 317 B Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Official Organ Mechanics Educational Society of America. Ind. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 8 pp. George Bocker, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. No ads. Uses mats. 25,000 circ., Estimated.
Postal Alliance, The 2629 S. Compton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. National Alliance of Postal Employees. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1913, 8i/2 by 11 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr. J. B. Brown, Jr., ed. National labor news. Women's page. Local ads. . 40,000 circ., Estimated. ANP. POSTAL ALLIANCE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 2629 S. Compton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ National Alliance of Postal Employees. Ind. Est. 1913, 8i/2 by 11 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr. J. B. Brown, Jr., ed. National labor news. Women's page. Local ads. . 40,000 circ., Estimated. ANP.
Postal Supervisor, The 2238 Blvd. Napoleon, Louisville, Ky. The National Association of Postal Supervisors. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1910, 9 by 12 in., $1 per yr. J. J. Fields, ed. National labor news. Comics, Women's Auxiliary. National ads. Uses mats. 125 circ., publisher's report ÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ paid. 8,000 circ., publisher's report ÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ free list. POSTAL SUPERVISOR, THE (m) 15th of mo. 2238 Blvd. Napoleon, Louisville, Ky. Official Organ The National Association of Postal Supervisors. Ind. Est. 1910, 9 by 12 in., $1 per yr. J. J. Fields, ed. National labor news. Comics, Women's Auxiliary. National ads. Uses mats. 125 circ., publisher's report ÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ paid. 8,000 circ., publisher's report ÌÎÌÊå¨Ì¥ÌÎÌÕ free list.
Postmasters' Advocate 1110 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Na tional League of District Postmasters of the United States. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1895, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. V. H. Stonesifer, ed. POSTMASTERS' ADVOCATE (m) 1st of mo. 1110 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Na tional League of District Postmasters of the United States. Ind. Est. 1895, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. V. H. Stonesifer, ed.
Post Office Clerk, The Edit. add., Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 373 E. 148th St., New York, N. Y. United National Association of Post Office Clerks. Ind., Independent Trade Unions 1900, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 70 pp. av., 50c per yr., 15c per issue. T. P. Bussier, ed. Local and National labor news. Radio, Auxiliary News. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 35,000 circ., Estimated. POST OFFICE CLERK, THE (q) 1st of mo. Edit. add., Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. Pubn. add., 373 E. 148th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ United National Association of Post Office Clerks. Ind., Est. 1900, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 70 pp. av., 50c per yr., 15c per issue. T. P. Bussier, ed. Local and National labor news. Radio, Auxiliary News. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 35,000 circ., Esti mated.
Railway Conductor, The O. H. C. Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Order of Railway Conductors of America. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1884, 8i/2 by 11i/3 in., 31 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. R. T. Rives, ed. National labor and general news. Con sumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 36,232 circ., Estimated. RAILWAY CONDUCTOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. O. H. C. Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Official Organ Order of Railway Conductors of America. Ind. Est. 1884, 8i/2 by 11i/3 in., 31 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. R. T. Rives, ed. National labor and general news. Con sumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 36,232 circ., Estimated.
Union Herald, The Red Lion, Pa. Allied Woodworkers Union. Independent Trade Unions Clarence McCleary, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. UNS. UNION HERALD, THE (m) 1st of mo. Red Lion, Pa. Official Organ Allied Woodworkers Union. Est. 1933. Clarence McCleary, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. UNS.
Universal Engineer Edit, add., 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., Noble St. East of Broad, Philadelphia, Pa. Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers of the World. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1907, 8% by 11i/2 in., 72 pp. E. P. Lombard, ed. Local and National labor news. Buyers' Guide. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 15,036 circ., sworn statement. UNIVERSAL ENGINEER (m) 1st of mo. Edit, add., 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., Noble St. East of Broad, Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers of the World. Ind. Est. 1907, 8% by 11i/2 in., 72 pp. E. P. Lombard, ed. Local and National labor news. Buyers' Guide. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 15,036 circ., sworn statement.
Welders Journal 160 1st St., Bremerton, Wash. Welders' Inter National Association. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1938, 8V& by 11 in., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. E. J. Aaberg, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers' Notes. No ads. WELDERS JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 160 1st St., Bremerton, Wash. Official Organ Welders' Inter National Association. Ind. Est. 1938, 8V& by 11 in., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. E. J. Aaberg, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumers' Notes. No ads.
Women At Work 3451 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Women's Auxiliary, International Brotherhood of Red Caps. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1939, 81/2 by 11 in., 12 pp. WOMEN AT WORK (Irreg.) Wed. 3451 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Women's Auxiliary, International Brotherhood of Red Caps. Ind. Est. 1939, 81/2 by 11 in., 12 pp. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Workers Alliance Organizer , San Diego, Calif. Workers Alli ance of San Diego County. Ind., Independent Trade Unions D. F. Taylor, ed. Local ads. 2,500 circ., Estimated. WORKERS ALLIANCE ORGANIZER (f) 625 "E" St., San Diego, Calif. Official Organ Workers Alli ance of San Diego County. Ind., Est. 1936. D. F. Taylor, ed. Local ads. 2,500 circ., Estimated.
Work, National Edition 930 M St. N. W., Washington, D. C. The Work ers Alliance of America. Ind. Independent Trade Unions 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. M. K. Gorman, ed. National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 35,000 circ., Estimated. FP. WORK, National EDITION (f ) Thur. 930 M St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ The Work ers Alliance of America. Ind. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. M. K. Gorman, ed. National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 35,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
American Consumer, The 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Consumer Publications, Inc. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1933, 3 cols., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10 per issue. Crump Smith, ed. National labor and general news. Radio programs, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. AMERICAN CONSUMER, THE (m) 20th of mo. 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Consumer Publications, Inc. Ind. Est. 1933, 3 cols., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10 per issue. Crump Smith, ed. National labor and general news. Radio programs, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Colorado Union Farmer Wilda Bldg., 1441 Welton St., Denver, Colo. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Division of Colorado. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1918, 3 cols., 6 pp. av., $1 per yr. H. R. Solberg, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Junior department. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,400 circ., Estimated. COLORADO UNION FARMER (m) 1st of mo. Wilda Bldg., 1441 Welton St., Denver, Colo. Official Organ Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Division of Colorado. Ind. Est. 1918, 3 cols., 6 pp. av., $1 per yr. H. R. Solberg, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Junior department. Local ads. Uses mats. 6,400 circ., Estimated.
Consumers' Cooperation 167 W. 12th St., New York, N. Y. Con sumers' Cooperative League of the U. S. A. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1915, 5% by 8i/2 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. E. R. Bowen, ed. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads. CONSUMERS' COOPERATION (m) 1st of mo. 167 W. 12th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Con sumers' Cooperative League of the U. S. A. Ind. Est. 1915, 5% by 8i/2 in., 16 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. E. R. Bowen, ed. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads.
Consumers Union Reports 17 Union Square, W., New York, N. Y. Consumers Union of United States. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1936, 8i/2 by 11 in., 32 pp., $3.50 per yr., 25c issue. D. W. Masters, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads. Uses mats. CONSUMERS UNION REPORTS (m) 1st of mo. 17 Union Square, W., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Consumers Union of United States. Ind. Est. 1936, 8i/2 by 11 in., 32 pp., $3.50 per yr., 25c issue. D. W. Masters, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads. Uses mats.
Co-operative Builder, The Box 2,000, Superior, Wis. Central Co operative Wholesale, Northern States Co-op League, Central States Co-op League. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1930, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1.25 per yr., 5c per issue. Oscar Cooley, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, women's page, serial story. Local and na tional ads. CO-OPERATIVE BUILDER, THE (w) Sat. Box 2,000, Superior, Wis. Official Organ Central Co operative Wholesale, Northern States Co-op League, Central States Co-op League. Ind. Est. 1930, 5 cols., 12 pp., $1.25 per yr., 5c per issue. Oscar Cooley, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, women's page, serial story. Local and na tional ads. ; classified ads. Uses mats. 20,000 circ., Estimated. CLNS.
Cooperative Consumer, The North Kansas City, Mo. Consumers Coopera tive Association. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1934, 5 cols., 12 pp., 25c per yr. J. W. Cummins, ed. Columnist: J. V. Knight. Local and National and general news. Com ics, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 76,613 circ., Estimated. CLNS, FP. COOPERATIVE CONSUMER, THE (f ) Mon. North Kansas City, Mo. Official Organ Consumers Coopera tive Association. Ind. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 12 pp., 25c per yr. J. W. Cummins, ed. Columnist: J. V. Knight. Local and National and general news. Com ics, book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 76,613 circ., Estimated. CLNS, FP.
Cooperative Farmer, The 2008 Swift Ave., North Kansas City, Mo. Mis souri Farmers Union. Cooperative Organizations 1929, 4 cols., 50c per yr. M. F. Miller, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated. COOPERATIVE FARMER, THE (f). 2008 Swift Ave., North Kansas City, Mo. Official Organ Mis souri Farmers Union. Est. 1929, 4 cols., 50c per yr. M. F. Miller, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Co-op News 1640 W. Juneway Ter race, Chicago, Ill. Co-operative Union. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1936, 3 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 2c per issue. W. W. Grant, ed. Local labor news. Local ads. CO-OP NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 1640 W. Juneway Ter race, Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Co-operative Union. Ind. Est. 1936, 3 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr., 2c per issue. W. W. Grant, ed. Local labor news. Local ads.
Dairymen's League News 11 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1917, 4 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. D. J. Carter, ed. Local labor news, Local and National general news. Radio news, women's page, children's page. Local and National ads. DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE NEWS (w) Tues. 11 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc. Ind. Est. 1917, 4 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. D. J. Carter, ed. Local labor news, Local and National general news. Radio news, women's page, children's page. Local and National ads.; classified ads. Uses mats.
Farmers Equity Union News Edit. add., 5 E. Spring St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Pubn. add., Frederic, Wis. Farmers Educational and Cooperative Equity Union, Inc., Wisconsin Division. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1933, 7 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. K. W. Hones, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Junior page. Local ads. Uses mats. FARMERS EQUITY UNION NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 5 E. Spring St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Pubn. add., Frederic, Wis. Official Organ Farmers Educational and Cooperative Equity Union, Inc., Wisconsin Division. Ind. Est. 1933, 7 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. K. W. Hones, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Junior page. Local ads. Uses mats.
Iowa Union Farmer, The Edit. add., 504V& Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Pubn. add., Columbus Junction, Iowa. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Iowa Division. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1918, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. A. J. Johnson, ed. Local and na tional farmer-labor news. Local ads. 2,000 circ., Estimated. IOWA UNION FARMER, THE (f) Sat. Edit. add., 504V& Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Pubn. add., Columbus Junction, Iowa. Official Organ Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Iowa Division. Ind. Est. 1918, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. A. J. Johnson, ed. Local and na tional farmer-labor news. Local ads. 2,000 circ., Estimated.
Kansas Union Farmer, The 119 S. 7th St., Salina, Kan. Kansas Branch, Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America. 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. R. H. Troutman, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Junior and juvenile department. Local ads. Uses mats. Cooperative Organizations KANSAS UNION FARMER, THE (b-m) Thurs. 119 S. 7th St., Salina, Kan. Official Organ Kansas Branch, Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America. 7 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. R. H. Troutman, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Junior and juvenile department. Local ads. Uses mats.
Midland Cooperator 739 Johnson St., Minneapolis, Minn. Midland Co operative Wholesale. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr. S. Joseph Gilbert, ed. Local and National labor news. Store section. Local ads. 50,000 circ., Estimated. CLN MIDLAND COOPERATOR (f) Wed. 739 Johnson St., Minneapolis, Minn. Official Organ Midland Co operative Wholesale. Ind. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., 50c per yr. Joseph Gilbert, ed. Local and National labor news. Store section. Local ads. 50,000 circ., Estimated. CLNS.
Minneapolis Copperator 2108 Washington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Franklin Cooperative Creamery Association. Ind. Cooperative Organizations H. S. Borman, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated. MINNEAPOLIS COpPERATOR (Irreg.). 2108 Washington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Official Organ Franklin Cooperative Creamery Association. Ind. Est. 1921. H. S. Borman, ed. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
National Consumers League Bulletin 114 E. 32nd St., New York, N. Y. National Consumers League. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1936, 3 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. Mary Dublin, sec. National labor and general news. No ads. National CONSUMERS LEAGUE BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 114 E. 32nd St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Consumers League. Ind. Est. 1936, 3 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. Mary Dublin, sec. National labor and general news. No ads.
National Union Farmer 3rd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Farmers' Edu cational and Cooperative Union of America. Cooperative Organizations 1935, 8 cols., 50c per yr. National UNION FARMER (f) 17 W. 3rd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Official Organ Farmers' Edu cational and Cooperative Union of America. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 50c per yr. 20,000 circ., Estimated.
Nebraska Union Farmer Farm ers' Union Bldg., 39th and Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Farmers' Educational and Co operative State Union of Nebraska. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1914, 4 cols., 12 pp., 50c per yr. L. S. Herron, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Local and National ads. 20,000 circ., Estimated. CLNS. NEBRASKA UNION FARMER (f) Wed. Farm ers' Union Bldg., 39th and Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Official Organ Farmers' Educational and Co operative State Union of Nebraska. Ind. Est. 1914, 4 cols., 12 pp., 50c per yr. L. S. Herron, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Local and National ads. 20,000 circ., Estimated. CLNS.
Oklahoma Union Farmer, The 18 N. Klein St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Oklahoma Division. Ind. Cooperative Organizations 1920, 8 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr. T. W. Cheek, ed. Local and National farmer-labor and general news. Junion column. Local ads OKLAHOMA UNION FARMER, THE (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 18 N. Klein St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Official Organ Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Oklahoma Division. Ind. Est. 1920, 8 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr. T. W. Cheek, ed. Local and National farmer-labor and general news. Junion column. Local ads; classified ads. Uses mats. 20,000 circ., Estimated. CLNS.
Advocate, The P. O. Box 183, Madison, Wis. Communist Party, Dane County, Wis. CP. Communist Party 1936, 5 cols., 2 pp. ADVOCATE, THE (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 183, Madison, Wis. Official Organ Communist Party, Dane County, Wis. CP. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 2 pp. Local and National labor and general news. Book Reviews. Local ads.
Communist, The P. O. Box 148, Station D. (50 E. 13th St.), New York, N. Y. Official Organ Communist Party of the USA. CP. Est. 1922, 6i/2 by 9y2 in., 100 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome, eds. National labor and general news. Book Re views. No ads. Communist Party COMMUNIST, THE (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 148, Station D. (50 E. 13th St.), New York, N. Y. Official Organ Communist Party of the USA. CP. Est. 1922, 6i/2 by 9y2 in., 100 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome, eds. National labor and general news. Book Re views. No ads.
Communist International, The P. O. Box 148, Station D, New York, N. Y. The Executive Committee of the Com munist International CP. Communist Party 1924, 6i/2 by 9i/2 in., 90 pp. av., $1.75 per yr., 15c per issue. National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads. COMMUNIST INTERNational, THE (in) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 148, Station D, New York, N. Y. Official Organ The Executive Committee of the Com munist International CP. Est. 1924, 6i/2 by 9i/2 in., 90 pp. av., $1.75 per yr., 15c per issue. National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads.
Daily Worker 50 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Communist Party. U. S. A. (Central). CP. Communist Party 1924, 8 cols., 8 pp., $6 per yr., 3c per issue. C. A. Hathaway, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, sports, comics, movies, drama, women's section. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 30,598 circ., Estimated daily. UP, FP, ICN. (Ownership recently transferred to the Freedom of the Press Company.) DAILY WORKER (d). 50 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Communist Party. U. S. A. (Central). CP. Est. 1924, 8 cols., 8 pp., $6 per yr., 3c per issue. C. A. Hathaway, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Radio, sports, comics, movies, drama, women's section. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 30,598 circ., Estimated daily. UP, FP, ICN. (Ownership recently transferred to the Freedom of the Press Company.)
National Issues Edit, add., 35 E. 12th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., P. O. Box 148, Station D, New York, N. Y. Communist Party, U. S. A. CP. Communist Party 1939, 8i/2 by 11 in., 28 pp. av., $1.25 per yr., 15c per issue. Gene Dennis, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. National issueS (m) 1st of mo. Edit, add., 35 E. 12th St., New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., P. O. Box 148, Station D, New York, N. Y. Official Organ Communist Party, U. S. A. CP. Est. 1939, 8i/2 by 11 in., 28 pp. av., $1.25 per yr., 15c per issue. Gene Dennis, ed. National labor and general news. No ads.
People's Daily World 583 Mar ket St., San Francisco, Calif. World Publishing Company, pubr. CP. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 6 pp.. $6 per yr., 5c per issue. Harrison George, ed. Col umnist: Harry Cannes. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, radio, want ads, maga zine Section on Sat. Local ads. Uses mats. FP, ICN. Communist Party PEOPLE'S DAILY WORLD (d. ex. Sun.). 583 Mar ket St., San Francisco, Calif. World Publishing Company, pubr. CP. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 6 pp.. $6 per yr., 5c per issue. Harrison George, ed. Col umnist: Harry Cannes. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, radio, want ads, maga zine Section on Sat. Local ads. Uses mats. FP, ICN.
Sunday Worker The 50 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Communist Party of the United States of America. Communist Party 1936, 5 cols., 5c per issue. Clarence Hathaway, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 72,000 circ., Estimated. UP. (Ownership recently transferred to the Freedom of the Press Company.) SUNDAY WORKER THE (w) Sun. 50 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Communist Party of the United States of America. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 5c per issue. Clarence Hathaway, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. 72,000 circ., Estimated. UP. (Ownership recently transferred to the Freedom of the Press Company.)
Young Communist Review 799 Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Council, Young Communist League, USA. Communist Party 1935, 734, by 10% in., 30 pp., 10c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. YOUNG COMMUNIST REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 799 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Council, Young Communist League, USA. Est. 1935, 734, by 10% in., 30 pp., 10c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
Arise 810 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Young People's Socialist League. SP. Socialist Party 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Bill Hollister, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. ARISE (m) 1st of mo. 810 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Official Organ Young People's Socialist League. SP. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., 3c per issue. Bill Hollister, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
L. I. D. News Bulletin 112 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. League for Industrial Democracy. SP. Socialist Party 1934, 8i/2 by 11 in., 8 pp. L. I. D. NEWS BULLETIN (w) 1st of mo. 112 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ League for Industrial Democracy. SP. Est. 1934, 8i/2 by 11 in., 8 pp. National labor and general news. No ads.
Socialist Call Edit, add., 549 Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 540 Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Socialist Party of the U. S. A. SP. Socialist Party 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Gerry Allard, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports radio, book re views. Local and National ads. Uses mats. SOCIALIST CALL (f ) . Edit, add., 549 Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 540 Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Official Organ Socialist Party of the U. S. A. SP. Est. 1935, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Gerry Allard, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports radio, book re views. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Anchor Russell, Minn. Farmer-Labor Association of Lyown County. Farmer-labor Groups 1907, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. H. G. Wallin, ed. Uses mats. 400 circ., Estimated. WNU. ANCHOR (w) Thurs. Russell, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Association of Lyown County. Est. 1907, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. H. G. Wallin, ed. Uses mats. 400 circ., Estimated. WNU.
Bovey Press, The Bovey, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Association. Est. 1923, 7 cols., $2 per yr. H. S. Barnes, ed. Uses mats. 450 circ., Estimated. Farmer-labor Groups BOVEY PRESS, THE (w) Fri. Bovey, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Association. Est. 1923, 7 cols., $2 per yr. H. S. Barnes, ed. Uses mats. 450 circ., Estimated.
Farmer's Independent Bagley, Minn. Farmer-Labor Association of Clearwater County. Farmer-labor Groups 1918, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. F. S. Jesness, ed. Uses mats. 1,000 circ., Estimated. FARMER'S INDEPENDENT (w) Thurs. Bagley, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Association of Clearwater County. Est. 1918, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. F. S. Jesness, ed. Uses mats. 1,000 circ., Esti mated.
Farmers Union Herald, The 1200 N. Concord St., South St. Paul, Minn. Farmers Union Central Exchange. Ind. Farmer-labor Groups 1927, 7 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. A. W. Ricker, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Comics, Junior and Juvenile Department. Local and na tional ads. FARMERS UNION HERALD, THE (m) 1st of mo. 1200 N. Concord St., South St. Paul, Minn. Official Organ Farmers Union Central Exchange. Ind. Est. 1927, 7 cols., 6 pp., 50c per yr. A. W. Ricker, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Comics, Junior and Juvenile Department. Local and na tional ads. ; classified ads. Uses mats. 105,000 circ., Estimated.
Hoosier Farmer, The Edit, add., 600 Farm Bureau Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Pubn. add., 165 S. Main St., Spencer, Ind. Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. Ind. Farmer-labor Groups 1916, 8 by 12 in., 34 pp., 50c per yr. E. C. Foust, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Women's page. Local and na tional ads HOOSIER FARMER, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit, add., 600 Farm Bureau Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Pubn. add., 165 S. Main St., Spencer, Ind. Official Organ Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. Ind. Est. 1916, 8 by 12 in., 34 pp., 50c per yr. E. C. Foust, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Women's page. Local and na tional ads; classified ads. Uses mats. 51,000 circ., Estimated.
Louisiana Farmers' Union News 414 Godchaux Bldg., New Orleans, La. Louisiana Farmers' Union. Ind. Farmer-labor Groups 1938, 8l/2 by 11 in., 3 pp. Margery Dallet, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. No ads. LOUISIANA FARMERS' UNION NEWS (b-m) 1st of mo. 414 Godchaux Bldg., New Orleans, La. Official Organ Louisiana Farmers' Union. Ind. Est. 1938, 8l/2 by 11 in., 3 pp. Margery Dallet, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. No ads.
Marshall County Star Box A, Warren, Minn. Marshall County Farmer-Labor Association. Farmer-labor Groups Verner Nelson, ed. 1,800 circ., Estimated. MARSHALL COUNTY STAR (w). Box A, Warren, Minn. Official Organ Marshall County Farmer-Labor Association. Est. 1936. Verner Nelson, ed. 1,800 circ., Estimated.
Meeker County News Litchfield, Minn. Farmer-Labor Association. Farmer-labor Groups Est, 1894, 7 cols., $2 per yr. P. J. Palm, ed. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. MEEKER COUNTY NEWS (w) Thur. Litchfield, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Association. Est, 1894, 7 cols., $2 per yr. P. J. Palm, ed. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated.
Minnesota Leader, The 416 N. Frank lin St., St. Paul, Minn. Farmer-Labor Party. Farmer-labor Groups 1930, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. V. J. Steffire, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 55,000 circ., publisher's report. FP. MINNESOTA LEADER, THE (f ) Sat. 416 N. Frank lin St., St. Paul, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Party. Established 1930, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. V. J. Steffire, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 55,000 circ., publisher's report. FP.
Northern Minnesota Leader Roseau, Minn. Roseau County Farmer- Labor Association. Farmer-labor Groups 1931, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. Verner Nelson, ed. Uses mats. 2,500 circ., Estimated. NORTHERN MINNESOTA LEADER (w) Thurs. Roseau, Minn. Official Organ Roseau County Farmer- Labor Association. Est. 1931, 7 cols., $1.50 per yr. Verner Nelson, ed. Uses mats. 2,500 circ., Esti mated.
Northland Times Bemidji, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Party of Beltrami County. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 20 pp., $1.50 per yr. R. W. Brad ford, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Local and na tional general news. Sports, theater news, church news. Local and National ads classified ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Farmer-labor Groups NORTHLAND TIMES (w) Fri. Bemidji, Minn. Official Organ Farmer-Labor Party of Beltrami County. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 20 pp., $1.50 per yr. R. W. Brad ford, ed. Local farmer-labor news. Local and na tional general news. Sports, theater news, church news. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated.
Ohio Farm Bureau News Edit. add., 246 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Pubn. add., 165 S. Main St., Spencer, Ind. Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. Ind. Farmer-labor Groups 1921, 8i/2 by 111/2 in., 34 pp., 50c per yr. J. R. Moore, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Local and National ads OHIO FARM BUREAU NEWS (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 246 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Pubn. add., 165 S. Main St., Spencer, Ind. Official Organ Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. Ind. Est. 1921, 8i/2 by 111/2 in., 34 pp., 50c per yr. J. R. Moore, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats.
South Dakota News Wentworth, S. D. South Dakota Farmer-Labor Party. Farmer-labor Groups SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS (w). Wentworth, S. D. Official Organ South Dakota Farmer-Labor Party. Est. 1908. 800 circ., Estimated.
Challenge 229 Avenue A., New York, N. Y. Libertarian (Anarchist) Move ment. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Abe Coleman, ed. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads. CHALLENGE (w) Sat. 229 Avenue A., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Libertarian (Anarchist) Move ment. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Abe Coleman, ed. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads.
Fighting Worker, The 1904 Division St., Chicago, Ill. Revo lutionary Workers League of the U. S., 4th Inter National. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. FIGHTING WORKER, THE (f ) 1st and 15th of mo. 1904 Division St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Revo lutionary Workers League of the U. S., 4th Inter National. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
Industrial Unionist 1301 Bos ton Rd., New York, N. Y. Industrial Union Party. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1933, 8 by 11 in., 14 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. Manton, bus mgr. Na tional labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads. INDUSTRIAL UNIONIST (m) 1st of mo. 1301 Bos ton Rd., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Industrial Union Party. Established 1933, 8 by 11 in., 14 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. J. Manton, bus mgr. Na tional labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads.
International News 1904 Di vision St., Chicago, Ill. Provisional International Contact Commission of the New Com munist (4th) International. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1939, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp., 5c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads. INTERNational NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 1904 Di vision St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Provisional International Contact Commission of the New Com munist (4th) International. Est. 1939, 8% by 11 in., 22 pp., 5c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads.
Labor Front 51 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. League for a Revolution ary Workers' Party, U. S. Section. Ind. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1934, 4 cols., 6 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. LABOR FRONT (m) 1st of mo. 51 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ League for a Revolution ary Workers' Party, U. S. Section. Ind. Est. 1934, 4 cols., 6 pp., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. No ads.
Labor Power 1301 Boston Rd., New York, N. Y. Socialist Union Party. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1939, 6 by 9 in., 19 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. B. Bobbins, A. Levine, F. Pierson, eds. National labor and general news. No ads. LABOR POWER (m) 1st of mo. 1301 Boston Rd., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Socialist Union Party. Established 1939, 6 by 9 in., 19 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. B. Bobbins, A. Levine, F. Pierson, eds. National labor and general news. No ads.
Living Marxism P. O. Box 5343, Chicago, Ill. Groups of Council Communists. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1936, 6 by 9 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads. LIVING MARXISM (m. irreg.) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 5343, Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Groups of Council Communists. Established 1936, 6 by 9 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr., 15c per issue. National labor and general news. Book reviews. No ads.
Man P. O. Box 971, Los Angeles, Calif. Anarchist Movement. An. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1933, 3 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Marcus Graham, ed. Local and National labor news. Na tional general news. Art and literature page. No ads. MAN (im) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 971, Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ Anarchist Movement. An. Est. 1933, 3 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Marcus Graham, ed. Local and National labor news. Na tional general news. Art and literature page. No ads.
New International, The 116 University PL, New York, N. Y. So cialist Workers Party. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1935, 9 by 12 in., 27 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. James Burnham, Max Schachtman, eds. National labor and general news. No ads. NEW INTERNational, THE (m) 1st of mo. 116 University PL, New York, N. Y. Official Organ So cialist Workers Party. Established 1935, 9 by 12 in., 27 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. James Burnham, Max Schachtman, eds. National labor and general news. No ads.
News Of The Week 151 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. American Labor Party. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1935, 2 cols., 1 p. Alex Rose, ed. Local labor and general news. No ads. NEWS OF THE WEEK (w) Mon. 151 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ American Labor Party. Est. 1935, 2 cols., 1 p. Alex Rose, ed. Local labor and general news. No ads.
People 61 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Socialist Labor Party. Est. 1891, 7 cols., $2 per yr. 7,000 circ., Estimated. Other "left Wing" Organizations PEOPLE (w) Sat. 61 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Socialist Labor Party. Est. 1891, 7 cols., $2 per yr. 7,000 circ., Estimated.
Proletarian Outlook 137 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. The Proletarian Group, pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 8i/2 by 11 in., 23 pp., 5c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads. Other "left Wing" Organizations PROLETARIAN OUTLOOK (f) 1st and 15th of mo. 137 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. The Proletarian Group, pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 8i/2 by 11 in., 23 pp., 5c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads.
Socialist Appeal , Wed., Fri. 116 University Pl., New York, N. Y. Socialist Workers Party. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 3c per issue. Max Schachtman, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. SOCIALIST APPEAL (3 issues weekly) Mon., Wed., Fri. 116 University Pl., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Socialist Workers Party. Established 1937, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 3c per issue. Max Schachtman, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Weekly People Edit, add., P. O. Box 1076, Church St. Annex, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 61 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. The Socialist Labor Party. SLP. Other "left Wing" Organizations 1890, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Arnold Petersen, sec. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads. WEEKLY PEOPLE (w) Sat. Edit, add., P. O. Box 1076, Church St. Annex, New York, N. Y. Pubn. add., 61 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ The Socialist Labor Party. SLP. Est. 1890, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Arnold Petersen, sec. Local and National labor news. Book reviews. No ads.
Anchorage Weekly Times Anchor age, Alaska. Anchorage Times Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1916, 6 cols., $2.50 per yr. R. B. Atwood, ed. Uses mats. 512 circ., Estimated. Other "left Wing" Organizations ANCHORAGE WEEKLY TIMES (w) Thur. Anchor age, Alaska. Anchorage Times Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1916, 6 cols., $2.50 per yr. R. B. Atwood, ed. Uses mats. 512 circ., Estimated.
Alaska Labor Dispatch. Juneau, Alaska. Arizona General Labor Publications ALASKA LABOR DISPATCH. Juneau, Alaska. ARIZONA
Arizona Independent Labor News of mo. P. O. Box 1411, Tucson, Ariz. Ind. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $3 per yr. F. G. Cooper, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. General Labor Publications ARIZONA INDEPENDENT LABOR NEWS (m) last Fri. of mo. P. O. Box 1411, Tucson, Ariz. Ind. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 12 pp., $3 per yr. F. G. Cooper, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Open Forum, The 257 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. American Civil Lib erties Union, Southern California Branch. Ind. General Labor Publications 1924, 3 cols., 2 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. C. J. Taft, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. UNS. OPEN FORUM, THE (w) Sat. 257 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. Official Organ American Civil Lib erties Union, Southern California Branch. Ind. Est. 1924, 3 cols., 2 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. C. J. Taft, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. UNS.
California Labor Review 5823 Oc cidental St., Oakland, Calif. The California Labor Press Association, pubr. Ind. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Warren H. Corn- well, ed. Local and National labor and general news. . Consumer notes. No ads. General Labor Publications CALIFORNIA LABOR REVIEW (w) Fri. 5823 Oc cidental St., Oakland, Calif. The California Labor Press Association, pubr. Ind. Est. 1938, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Warren H. Corn- well, ed. Local and National labor and general news. . Consumer notes. No ads.
From Apathy To Action 472 Russ Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Associated Farmers of California, Inc. Ind. General Labor Publications 1939, 2 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr. Local and National farmer-labor and general news. No ads. FROM APATHY TO ACTION (m) 15th of mo. 472 Russ Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Official Organ Associated Farmers of California, Inc. Ind. Est. 1939, 2 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr. Local and National farmer-labor and general news. No ads.
Leader 122 9th St., San Francisco, Calif. Aldus Press Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1902, 8 cols., $3 per yr. John Considine, ed. Uses mats. 15,000 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications LEADER (w) Sat. 122 9th St., San Francisco, Calif. Aldus Press Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1902, 8 cols., $3 per yr. John Considine, ed. Uses mats. 15,000 circ., Estimated.
Denver Labor Bulletin 1255 Penn St., Denver, Colo. Ind. Est. 1905, 5 cols., 4 pp. av., $1 per yr. E. J. Hines, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local ads. General Labor Publications DENVER LABOR BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 1255 Penn St., Denver, Colo. Ind. Est. 1905, 5 cols., 4 pp. av., $1 per yr. E. J. Hines, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local ads.
Economic Justice 87 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. National Religion and Labor Foundation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1932, 3 cols., 4 pp., 25c per yr. W. E. Uphans, ed. National labor news. No ads. ECONOMIC JUSTICE (m) 1st of mo. 87 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. Official Organ National Religion and Labor Foundation. Ind. Est. 1932, 3 cols., 4 pp., 25c per yr. W. E. Uphans, ed. National labor news. No ads.
I. L. O. Month By Month, The 734 Jackson Pl., Washington, D. C. International Labor Office. Ind. General Labor Publications 1939, 6% by 9*4 in.. 27 pp. National labor news. Uses mats. I. L. O. MONTH BY MONTH, THE (m) 1st of mo. 734 Jackson Pl., Washington, D. C. Official Organ International Labor Office. Ind. Est. 1939, 6% by 9*4 in.. 27 pp. National labor news. Uses mats.
International Labour Review 734 Jackson Pl., Washington, D. C. of International Labour Office. Ind. General Labor Publications 1900, 6 by 9% in., 140 pp. av., $6 per yr., 60c per issue. National labor and general news. Book re views. InterNational ads. INTERNational LABOUR REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 734 Jackson Pl., Washington, D. C. Official Organ of International Labour Office. Ind. Est. 1900, 6 by 9% in., 140 pp. av., $6 per yr., 60c per issue. National labor and general news. Book re views. International ads.
Labor Relations Reporter 2201 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Ind. General Labor Publications 1935, by 11 in., 28 pp. Dean Dinwoodey, ed. National labor news. No ads. LABOR RELATIONS REPORTER (w) Mon. 2201 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Official Organ Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Ind. Est. 1935, by 11 in., 28 pp. Dean Dinwoodey, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Life And Labor Bulletin 307 Ma chinists Bldg., Washington, D. C. National Women's Trade Union League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1922, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 4 pp. National labor and gen eral news. No ads. LIFE AND LABOR BULLETIN (irreg.). 307 Ma chinists Bldg., Washington, D. C. Official Organ National Women's Trade Union League. Ind. Est. 1922, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 4 pp. National labor and gen eral news. No ads.
National Bulletin, Labor's Non-partisan League 1037 Earle Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Labor's Non-Partisan League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1937, 8 by 10i/2 in., 4 pp., 1c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads. National BULLETIN, LABOR'S NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE (b-m) irreg. 1037 Earle Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. Official Organ Labor's Non-Partisan League. Ind. Est. 1937, 8 by 10i/2 in., 4 pp., 1c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads.
Monthly Labor Review U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C. U. S. Dept. of Labor. Ind. General Labor Publications 1915, 6 by 9 in., 264 pp. ay., $3.50 per yr., 30c per issue. H. S. Hanna, ed. National labor news. No ads. MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C. Official Organ U. S. Dept. of Labor. Ind. Est. 1915, 6 by 9 in., 264 pp. ay., $3.50 per yr., 30c per issue. H. S. Hanna, ed. National labor news. No ads.
News For Farmer Cooperatives U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Farm Credit Administration. General Labor Publications 1934, 8 by 11i/2 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. National farmer-labor news. Uses mats. NEWS FOR FARMER COOPERATIVES (m) 1st of mo. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Official Organ Farm Credit Administration. Est. 1934, 8 by 11i/2 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. National farmer-labor news. Uses mats.
Columbus Labor Advertiser, The 1335 6th Ave., Columbus, Ga. Columbus Office Sup ply Co., pubr. Est. 1928, 7 cols., $2 per yr. L. C. Kunze, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications COLUMBUS LABOR ADVERTISER, THE (w) Thur. 1335 6th Ave., Columbus, Ga. Columbus Office Sup ply Co., pubr. Est. 1928, 7 cols., $2 per yr. L. C. Kunze, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated.
Bibb Recorder, The Macon, Ga. Bibb Manufacturing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 6 pp. Alberta Trulock, ed. Local labor and general news. Movies, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. General Labor Publications BIBB RECORDER, THE (w) Fri. Macon, Ga. Bibb Manufacturing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 6 pp. Alberta Trulock, ed. Local labor and general news. Movies, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Fox River Leader, The Aurora, Ill. Fox River Leader, pubr. Ind. Est. 1903, 6 cols., . $2 per yr. J. G. Bodry, ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications FOX RIVER LEADER, THE (w) Thur. Aurora, Ill. Fox River Leader, pubr. Ind. Est. 1903, 6 cols., . $2 per yr. J. G. Bodry, ed. Uses mats.
American Farm Bureau Federation Official News Letter 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. American Farm Bureau Federation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1922, 4 cols., 4 pp., 70c AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION Official NEWS LETTER (f ) Mon. 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ American Farm Bu reau Federation. Ind. Est. 1922, 4 cols., 4 pp., 70c ; per yr. W. R. Ogg, ed. Local and National farmer- labor news. No ads.
Milwaukee Magazine, The Union Station Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company. Ind. General Labor Publications 1913, 8 by 11 in., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Carpenter Kendall, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Club news, agriculture department, women's section. Local and National ads MILWAUKEE MAGAZINE, THE (m) 1st of mo. Union Station Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company. Ind. Est. 1913, 8 by 11 in., 32 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Carpenter Kendall, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Club news, agriculture department, women's section. Local and National ads ; classified ads. Uses mats.
Nation's Agriculture, The Edit. add., 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 125 E. Brackenridge St., Fort Wayne, Ind. American Farm General Labor Publications NATION'S AGRICULTURE, THE (m; b-m July and Aug.) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Pubn. add., 125 E. Brackenridge St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Official Organ American Farm ; Bureau Federation. Ind. Est. 1926, 3 cols., 17 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. J. J. Lacey, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Women's page. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 425,000 circ., Esti mated.
New American, The P.O. Box 1311, Chicago, Il1. New America. Ind. General Labor Publications 1937, 4 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 2c per issue. R. S. Childs, J. T. Bobbitt, eds. National, labor and general news. No ads. NEW AMERICAN, THE (f; ex. m. Aug., Sept.). P.O. Box 1311, Chicago, Il1. Official Organ New America. Ind. Est. 1937, 4 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 2c per issue. R. S. Childs, J. T. Bobbitt, eds. National, labor and general news. No ads.
Railroad Pension Review 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. The Railroad Employes' National Pension Association, Inc. Ind. General Labor Publications 1931, 4 cols., 6 pp. av., $4 per yr. J. L. Cosgrove, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. RAILROAD PENSION REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ The Railroad Employes' National Pension Association, Inc. Ind. Est. 1931, 4 cols., 6 pp. av., $4 per yr. J. L. Cosgrove, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Railway Employees Journal Edit. add., 901 Montrose Ave., P.O. Box 790, Chicago. Ill. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, Ill. Benefit Association of Railway Em ployees. Ind. General Labor Publications 1912, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 23 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. A. L. Miller, ed. National labor news. Women's page. No ads. Uses mats. RAILWAY EMPLOYEES JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 901 Montrose Ave., P.O. Box 790, Chicago. Ill. Pubn. add., 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, Ill. Official Organ Benefit Association of Railway Em ployees. Ind. Est. 1912, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 23 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. A. L. Miller, ed. National labor news. Women's page. No ads. Uses mats.
Union Server, The 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. The Union Server, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr. G. W. Blakeley, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. General Labor Publications UNION SERVER, THE (w) Thur. 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. The Union Server, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 16 pp., $2 per yr. G. W. Blakeley, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Vermilion County Star, The 106 W. Main St., Danville, Ill. Vermilion County Pub lishing Association, pubr. Est. 1921, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr. E. J. Lewis, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, recipes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,500 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS, FP. General Labor Publications VERMILION COUNTY STAR, THE (w) Thur. 106 W. Main St., Danville, Ill. Vermilion County Pub lishing Association, pubr. Est. 1921, 7 cols., 8 pp., $2.50 per yr. E. J. Lewis, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, recipes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,500 circ., publisher's report. AFL.WNS, FP.
Bridge, The Edit. add., 1002 Lin coln Park Drive, Decatur, Il1. Pubn. add., 4600 Di- versey Ave., Chicago, Ill. Credit Union National Association. Ind. General Labor Publications 1935, Si/2 by 11% in., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. R. G. Long, ed. National labor and general news. National ads. Uses mats. BRIDGE, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 1002 Lin coln Park Drive, Decatur, Il1. Pubn. add., 4600 Di- versey Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official Organ Credit Union National Association. Ind. Est. 1935, Si/2 by 11% in., 24 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. R. G. Long, ed. National labor and general news. National ads. Uses mats.
Galesburg Labor News 56 N. Cherry St., Galesburg., Ill. The Labor News Co., Inc., pubr. Ind., Est. 1895, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. T. R. Downie, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads classified ads. 2,300 circ., publisher's report. ILNS. General Labor Publications GALESBURG LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 56 N. Cherry St., Galesburg., Ill. The Labor News Co., Inc., pubr. Ind., Est. 1895, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. T. R. Downie, ed. Columnist: F. W. Braun. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads; classified ads. 2,300 circ., publisher's report. ILNS.
Tribune Connersville, Ind. Fayetter Press, pubr. Est. 1933, 7 cols., $1 per yr. R. J. Richardson, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications TRIBUNE (w) Fri. Connersville, Ind. Fayetter Press, pubr. Est. 1933, 7 cols., $1 per yr. R. J. Richardson, ed. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated.
Central Labor News 610 Main St., Gary, Ind. Est. 1909. F. G. McCoy, ed. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS. General Labor Publications CENTRAL LABOR NEWS (w). 610 Main St., Gary, Ind. Est. 1909. F. G. McCoy, ed. Uses mats. 2,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Labor Digest, The Labor DigEst Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Labor DigEst Publishing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1928, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. N. A. Zolezzi, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. General Labor Publications LABOR DIGEst, THE (m) 1st of mo. Labor DigEst Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Labor DigEst Publishing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1928, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. N. A. Zolezzi, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Labor News, South Bend Edition, The 724 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. 9 Local unions of South Bend. Ind. General Labor Publications 1927, 8 cols., 4 pp., Alvin Hagey, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats. LABOR NEWS, SOUTH BEND EDITION, THE (w) Fri. 724 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. Official Organ 9 Local unions of South Bend. Ind. Est. 1927, 8 cols., 4 pp., Alvin Hagey, ed. Local and National labor news. Consumer notes. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Spotlight And Progressive News, ,the Box 302, Denison, Iowa. Ind. Est. 1937, 2 cols., 6 pp. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. General Labor Publications SPOTLIGHT AND PROGRESSIVE NEWS, ,THE (w) Sat. Box 302, Denison, Iowa. Ind. Est. 1937, 2 cols., 6 pp. Local and National labor and general news. No ads.
Union Labor Review, The 400 Youngerman Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Union Labor Review, pubr. Ind. Est. 1930, 6 cols., 8 pp., 40c per yr., 5c per issue. Frank McCarthy, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications UNION LABOR REVIEW, THE (m) 1st of mo. 400 Youngerman Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. Union Labor Review, pubr. Ind. Est. 1930, 6 cols., 8 pp., 40c per yr., 5c per issue. Frank McCarthy, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 4,000 circ., Estimated.
Dubuque Leader, The Main and 6th Sts., Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa Cooperative Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Roland White, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Movies. Local ads. 2,610 circ., Estimated. UNS, AFL.WNS. General Labor Publications DUBUQUE LEADER, THE (w) Fri. Main and 6th Sts., Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa Cooperative Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Roland White, ed. Local and National labor news. Local general news. Movies. Local ads. 2,610 circ., Estimated. UNS, AFL.WNS.
Central Iowa Independent 103 E. Church St., Marshalltown, Iowa. Ind. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. C. Koett, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and na tional ads General Labor Publications CENTRAL IOWA INDEPENDENT (w) Thur. 103 E. Church St., Marshalltown, Iowa. Ind. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 6 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. C. Koett, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and na tional ads ; classified ads. Legal notices. Uses mats.
Mason City News 16% W. State St., Mason City, Iowa. The Mason City News, pubr. Ind. Est. 1938, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. L. M. Wicklander, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal general news. Movies, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications MASON CITY NEWS (w) Fri. 16% W. State St., Mason City, Iowa. The Mason City News, pubr. Ind. Est. 1938, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. L. M. Wicklander, ed. Local and National labor news. Lo cal general news. Movies, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated.
Unionist And Public Forum, The 613i/2 Nebraska St., P. O. Box 1197, Sioux City, Iowa. Unionist & Public Forum, pubr. Ind. Est. 1927, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. M. Short, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Women's page. Local ads. 5,000 circ., publisher's report. General Labor Publications UNIONIST AND PUBLIC FORUM, THE (w) Thur. 613i/2 Nebraska St., P. O. Box 1197, Sioux City, Iowa. Unionist & Public Forum, pubr. Ind. Est. 1927, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. W. M. Short, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Women's page. Local ads. 5,000 circ., publisher's report.
Labor Review, The 111 N. Walnut St., Hutchinson, Kan. National Social Security League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1926, 5 cols., $1 per yr. H. W. Soughworth, ed. Uses mats. 800 circ., pub lisher's report. AFL.WNS. LABOR REVIEW, THE (w) Fri. 111 N. Walnut St., Hutchinson, Kan. Official Organ National Social Security League. Ind. Est. 1926, 5 cols., $1 per yr. H. W. Soughworth, ed. Uses mats. 800 circ., pub lisher's report. AFL.WNS.
Union Messenger And Perry County News, The 440 Main St., Hazard, Ky. Union Messenger and Perry County News, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. Mrs. J. F. Nolan, ed. Columnist : F. W. Braun. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,900 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications UNION MESSENGER AND PERRY COUNTY NEWS, THE (w) Thur. 440 Main St., Hazard, Ky. Union Messenger and Perry County News, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 6 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. Mrs. J. F. Nolan, ed. Columnist : F. W. Braun. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,900 circ., Estimated.
Union Advocate Pikeville, Ky. Union Publishing Co., Inc., pubr. Est. 1935, 8 cols., $2 per yr. T. J. Holland, ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications UNION ADVOCATE (w) Tues. Pikeville, Ky. Union Publishing Co., Inc., pubr. Est. 1935, 8 cols., $2 per yr. T. J. Holland, ed. Uses mats.
Maryland Leader 1029 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Marshall Leader Association, pubr. Est. 1929, 7 cols., $1 per yr. M. L. Polin, ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications MARYLAND LEADER (w) Sat. 1029 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Marshall Leader Association, pubr. Est. 1929, 7 cols., $1 per yr. M. L. Polin, ed. Uses mats.
Labor Herald 4 E. Redwood St., Balti more, Md. Herald Cooperative Press, pubr. Ind. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. S. Bernstein, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, sports. Local ads want ads. Uses mats. 12,000 circ., General Labor Publications LABOR HERALD (w) Fri. 4 E. Redwood St., Balti more, Md. Herald Cooperative Press, pubr. Ind. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. C. S. Bernstein, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, sports. Local ads ; want ads. Uses mats. 12,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Wage Earner, The 27 School St., Bos ton, Mass. Interstate Pub. Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1909, 5 cols., 10 pp., $2.50 per yr., 10c per issue. L. H. Bonner, Jr., asst. pubr. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. General Labor Publications WAGE EARNER, THE (f ) Mon. 27 School St., Bos ton, Mass. Interstate Pub. Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1909, 5 cols., 10 pp., $2.50 per yr., 10c per issue. L. H. Bonner, Jr., asst. pubr. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Brockton Labor Journal. 92 Crescent St., Brockton, Mass. General Labor Publications BROCKTON LABOR JOURNAL. 92 Crescent St., Brockton, Mass.
Industrial Unionist 390 Main St., WorcEster, Mass. Est. 1937. L. V. Smith, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 67,000 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP. General Labor Publications INDUSTRIAL UNIONIST (m) 1st of mo. 390 Main St., WorcEster, Mass. Est. 1937. L. V. Smith, ed. Local ads. Uses mats. 67,000 circ., Estimated. UNS, FP.
Michigan Labor Leader, The 50 Harper Avenue, Detroit, Mich. As sociation of Catholic Trade Unionists. Detroit Chapter. Ind. General Labor Publications 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads. Uses mats. MICHIGAN LABOR LEADER, THE (f) Fri. 50 Harper Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Official Organ As sociation of Catholic Trade Unionists. Detroit Chapter. Ind. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1.20 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads. Uses mats.
I. M. A. News, The I. M. A. Club Bldg., Flint, Mich. Industrial Mutual Asso ciation of Flint. Ind. General Labor Publications 1909, 5 cols., 12 pp. av., 2c per issue. J. E. Morre, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. I. M. A. NEWS, THE (w) Thur. I. M. A. Club Bldg., Flint, Mich. Official Organ Industrial Mutual Asso ciation of Flint. Ind. Est. 1909, 5 cols., 12 pp. av., 2c per issue. J. E. Morre, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports, radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Christian Labor Herald 227 Ottawa Ave. N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Christian Labor Association of the United States. Ind. General Labor Publications 1878, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. Gritter, ed. Uses mats. CHRISTIAN LABOR HERALD (w) Sat. 227 Ottawa Ave. N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Official Organ Christian Labor Association of the United States. Ind. Est. 1878, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. Gritter, ed. Uses mats.
Times Michigan Center, Mich. W. L. Cruthers, pubr. Est. 1934, 6 cols., $1 per yr. W. L. Cruthers ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications TIMES (w) Thur. Michigan Center, Mich. W. L. Cruthers, pubr. Est. 1934, 6 cols., $1 per yr. W. L. Cruthers ed. Uses mats.
Tri – City Labor Review 224 Mont gomery Block, Muskegon, Mich. Port Cities Industrial Union Council and Muskegon Trades and Labor Council. General Labor Publications 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. E. J. Drabinski, ed. CIO. TRI – CITY LABOR REVIEW (w) Thur. 224 Mont gomery Block, Muskegon, Mich. Official Organ Port Cities Industrial Union Council and Muskegon Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. CIO. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1.50 per yr. E. J. Drabinski, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Movies. Local ads. 4,000 circ., sworn statement.
Steel Plant News 14 E. Gary St., Du luth, Minn. H. B. Kaltenhauser, pubr. Est. 1913, 7 cols., $1 per yr. H. B. Kaltenhauser, ed. General Labor Publications STEEL PLANT NEWS (m) Sat. 14 E. Gary St., Du luth, Minn. H. B. Kaltenhauser, pubr. Est. 1913, 7 cols., $1 per yr. H. B. Kaltenhauser, ed.
St. Louis County Independent 104 W. Howard St., Hibbing, Minn. St. Louis County Independent, pubr. Ind. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. Oscar Widstrand, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers' notes, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. FP. General Labor Publications ST. LOUIS COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) Fri. 104 W. Howard St., Hibbing, Minn. St. Louis County Independent, pubr. Ind. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr. Oscar Widstrand, ed. Columnist : Henry Zon. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers' notes, legal notices. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 1,500 circ., Estimated. FP.
Tri – County Forum Thief River Falls, Minn. Forum Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Formerly Thief River Falls Forum. Est. 1932, 7 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. H. Ulvan, ed. Col umnist : Henry Zon. Local, National labor and gen eral news. Church news, legal notices, sports. Local and National ads General Labor Publications TRI – COUNTY FORUM (w) Thur. Thief River Falls, Minn. Forum Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Formerly Thief River Falls Forum. Est. 1932, 7 cols., 12 pp., $1.50 per yr. J. H. Ulvan, ed. Col umnist : Henry Zon. Local, National labor and gen eral news. Church news, legal notices, sports. Local and National ads; classified ads. Uses mats. 2,778 circ., Estimated. ILNS, FP.
Central – Blatt And Social Justice 3835 WEstminster PL, St. Louis, Mo. Catholic Central Verein of Amer ica and the Central Bureau. Ind. General Labor Publications 1908, 7% by 10i/Ì´åÂÌ´å£ in., 32 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. National labor and general news. German language section. Local and National ads. CENTRAL – BLATT AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (m., b-m) 1st of mo. 3835 WEstminster PL, St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ Catholic Central Verein of Amer ica and the Central Bureau. Ind. Est. 1908, 7% by 10i/Ì´åÂÌ´å£ in., 32 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. National labor and general news. German language section. Local and National ads.
M – K – T Employees' Magazine, The Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines. Ind. General Labor Publications 1913, 8 1/2 by 12 in., 16 pp. W. A. Johnson, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. M – K – T EMPLOYEES' MAGAZINE, THE (m) 1st of mo. Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Official Organ Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines. Ind. Est. 1913, 8 1/2 by 12 in., 16 pp. W. A. Johnson, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads.
Eye Opener 741 S. Arizona St., Butte, Mont. C. A. Hauswirth, pubr. and ed. Ind. Est. 1932, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Radio. Local ads. Uses mats. FP. General Labor Publications EYE OPENER (w) Fri. 741 S. Arizona St., Butte, Mont. C. A. Hauswirth, pubr. and ed. Ind. Est. 1932, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Radio. Local ads. Uses mats. FP.
Industry And Labor 89 Man chEster St., ManchEster, N. H. Indus try and Labor. Ind. General Labor Publications 1927, 10%, by 13i/2 in., 14 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. W. K. Putney, ed. National labor and general news. INDUSTRY AND LABOR (m) 1st of mo. 89 Man chEster St., ManchEster, N. H. Official Organ Indus try and Labor. Ind. Est. 1927, 10%, by 13i/2 in., 14 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. W. K. Putney, ed. National labor and general news.
New Hampshire Labor Review 89 ManchEster St., ManchEster, N. H. W. W. Cowan, pubr. Est. 1923, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. A. P. Morley, ed. No ads. General Labor Publications NEW HAMPSHIRE LABOR REVIEW (m) 1st of mo. 89 ManchEster St., ManchEster, N. H. W. W. Cowan, pubr. Est. 1923, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. A. P. Morley, ed. No ads.
Railroad Employee, The 494 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Railroad Employee Pub. Co., Inc., pubr. Est. 1891, 3 cols., $1 per yr. A. L. Cord, ed. 18,000 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications RAILROAD EMPLOYEE, THE (m) 1st of mo. 494 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Railroad Employee Pub. Co., Inc., pubr. Est. 1891, 3 cols., $1 per yr. A. L. Cord, ed. 18,000 circ., Estimated.
Industrial Bulletin, The State Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Industrial Commissioner of New York State. General Labor Publications 1922, 7% by 10i/2 in., 47 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. T. Whittemore, ed. National labor news. No ads. INDUSTRIAL BULLETIN, THE (m) 1st of mo. State Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Official Organ Industrial Commissioner of New York State. Est. 1922, 7% by 10i/2 in., 47 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. W. T. Whittemore, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Industrial Hygiene State Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Industrial Commissioner of New York State. General Labor Publications 1922, 2 cols., 4 pp. National labor news. No ads. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE (m) 1st of mo. State Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Official Organ Industrial Commissioner of New York State. Est. 1922, 2 cols., 4 pp. National labor news. No ads.
American Labor Reporter 509 D. S. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. John Cole- man, Sr., pubr. Est. 1912, 7 cols., $2 per yr. John Coleman, Sr., ed. General Labor Publications AMERICAN LABOR REPORTER (,m) 1st of mo. 509 D. S. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. John Cole- man, Sr., pubr. Est. 1912, 7 cols., $2 per yr. John Coleman, Sr., ed.
Central Railway Chronicle 1817 Hotel Statler, Buffalo, N. Y. Central Railway Club of Buffalo. Ind. General Labor Publications 1895, 6 by 9 in., 50 pp. av., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. M. D. Reed, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. 1,350 circ., Estimated. CENTRAL RAILWAY CHRONICLE (5 issues per yr.) 1st of mo. 1817 Hotel Statler, Buffalo, N. Y. Official Organ Central Railway Club of Buffalo. Ind. Est. 1895, 6 by 9 in., 50 pp. av., $1 per yr., 25c per issue. M. D. Reed, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. 1,350 circ., Estimated.
Labor News-railroad World P. O. Box 877, Buffalo, N. Y. Labor News Co., pubr. Est. 1917, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. T. J. Cullen, ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications LABOR NEWS-RAILROAD WORLD (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 877, Buffalo, N. Y. Labor News Co., pubr. Est. 1917, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. T. J. Cullen, ed. Uses mats.
Progressive News 31 WEst Ful ton St., Gloversville, N. Y. United Labor Unions of Fulton County. Ind. General Labor Publications 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Zel Lurie, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports, consumer notes. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,556 circ., Estimated. UP. PROGRESSIVE NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 31 WEst Ful ton St., Gloversville, N. Y. Official Organ United Labor Unions of Fulton County. Ind. Est. 1939, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Zel Lurie, ed. Local and National labor news. Sports, consumer notes. Local ads. Uses mats. 4,556 circ., Esti mated. UP.
Tri-county Herald 10 W. 1st St., JamEstown, N. Y. AFL., CIO and Independent Locals. AFL., CIO, and Ind. General Labor Publications 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Henry Pritchard, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. FP. TRI-COUNTY HERALD (w) Thur. 10 W. 1st St., JamEstown, N. Y. Official Organ AFL., CIO and Independent Locals. AFL., CIO, and Ind. Est. 1938, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Henry Pritchard, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
American Child, The 419 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. National Child Labor Committee. General Labor Publications 1919, 2 cols., $2 per yr. G. F. Zimand, ed. No ads. 12,500 circ., Estimated. AMERICAN CHILD, THE (m., except July, Aug. and Sept.) 1st of mo. 419 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Child Labor Committee. Est. 1919, 2 cols., $2 per yr. G. F. Zimand, ed. No ads. 12,500 circ., Estimated.
American Labor Legislation Review, The 1313 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. American Association for Labor Legislation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1911, 6 by 9 in., 40 pp. av., $3 per yr., $1 per issue. J. B. Andrews, ed. Na tional labor news. No ads. 2,250 circ., Estimated. AMERICAN LABOR LEGISLATION REVIEW, THE (q) 1st of mo. 1313 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ American Association for Labor Legislation. Ind. Est. 1911, 6 by 9 in., 40 pp. av., $3 per yr., $1 per issue. J. B. Andrews, ed. Na tional labor news. No ads. 2,250 circ., Estimated.
American Labor World 66 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Ind. Est. 1919, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. S. Lewis, ed. 17,000 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications AMERICAN LABOR WORLD (m) 1st of mo. 66 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Ind. Est. 1919, 2 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. S. Lewis, ed. 17,000 circ., Estimated.
Anti-nazi Bulletin, The 20 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, Inc. Ind. General Labor Publications 1934, 8i/2 by 12 in., 6 pp., $3 per yr., 25c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads. ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN, THE (m) 1st of mo. 20 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, Inc. Ind. Est. 1934, 8i/2 by 12 in., 6 pp., $3 per yr., 25c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads.
Arbitrator, The 114 E. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Ind. Est. 1919, 3 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. William Floyd, ed. National labor news. No ads. General Labor Publications ARBITRATOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. 114 E. 31st St., New York, N. Y. Ind. Est. 1919, 3 cols., 4 pp., 60c per yr., 5c per issue. William Floyd, ed. National labor news. No ads.
Bulletin 2 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Committee for Cultural Free dom. Ind. General Labor Publications Oct. 15, 1939, 8*4 by 10% in., 12 pp., 10^ per issue. Ferdinand Lundberg, sec. Na tional labor and general news. No ads. BULLETIN (m) 15th of mo. 2 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Committee for Cultural Free dom. Ind. Est. Oct. 15, 1939, 8*4 by 10% in., 12 pp., 10^ per issue. Ferdinand Lundberg, sec. Na tional labor and general news. No ads.
Catholic Worker, The 115 Mott St., New York, N. Y. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., 25c per yr., 1c per issue. Dorothy Day, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book reviews, agriculture column. No ads. Uses mats. CPA. General Labor Publications CATHOLIC WORKER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 115 Mott St., New York, N. Y. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., 25c per yr., 1c per issue. Dorothy Day, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book reviews, agriculture column. No ads. Uses mats. CPA.
Economic Notes 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Labor Research Association. Ind. General Labor Publications 1933, 8% by 11 in., 9 pp., 65c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. No ads. 1,800 circ., Estimated. ECONOMIC NOTES (m) 1st of mo. 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Labor Research Association. Ind. Est. 1933, 8% by 11 in., 9 pp., 65c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. No ads. 1,800 circ., Estimated.
International Juridical Association Monthly Bulletin 100 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. International Juridical Association. Ind. General Labor Publications 1932, 8y2 by 11 in., 12 pp., $2 per yr. National labor and general news. No ads. INTERNational JURIDICAL ASSOCIATION MONTHLY BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 100 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ International Juridical Association. Ind. Est. 1932, 8y2 by 11 in., 12 pp., $2 per yr. National labor and general news. No ads.
International Review P. O. Box 44, Station O, New York, N. Y. InterNational Associates, pubr. Ind. Est. 1937, 9 by 11 i/2 in., 14 pp., $1 (8 issues), 15c per issue. John Cliger, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book Reviews. Local and National ads. General Labor Publications INTERNational REVIEW (b-m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 44, Station O, New York, N. Y. International Associates, pubr. Ind. Est. 1937, 9 by 11 i/2 in., 14 pp., $1 (8 issues), 15c per issue. John Cliger, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book Reviews. Local and National ads.
Jewish Workers' Voice, The 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Jewish National Workers' Alliance of America. Ind. General Labor Publications 1912, 9 by 12 in., 24 pp. av., 80c per yr., 20c per issue. Louis Segal, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. JEWISH WORKERS' VOICE, THE (q) 1st of mo. 251 4th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Jewish National Workers' Alliance of America. Ind. Est. 1912, 9 by 12 in., 24 pp. av., 80c per yr., 20c per issue. Louis Segal, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads.
Labor Leader, The 226 Lafayette St., New York, N. Y. Association of Catholic Trade Unionists. Ind. General Labor Publications 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr.. 5c per issue. G. R. Donahue, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. LABOR LEADER, THE (f ) 2nd & 4th weeks of mo. 226 Lafayette St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Association of Catholic Trade Unionists. Ind. Est. 1938, 5 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr.. 5c per issue. G. R. Donahue, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
Labor Notes 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Labor Research Asso ciation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1933, 8i/2 by 11 in., 9 pp., 65c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. No ads. 1,400 circ., Estimated. LABOR NOTES (m) 1st of mo. 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Labor Research Asso ciation. Ind. Est. 1933, 8i/2 by 11 in., 9 pp., 65c per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor news. No ads. 1,400 circ., Estimated.
Long Lines 36 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. Employes of Long Line De partment, American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. Ind. General Labor Publications 1911, 9 by 12 in., 30 pp. R. B. Williams, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats. LONG LINES (m) 1st of mo. 36 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Employes of Long Line De partment, American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. Ind. Est. 1911, 9 by 12 in., 30 pp. R. B. Williams, ed. Local and National labor and general news. No ads. Uses mats.
New Leader 7 E". 15th St., New York, N. Y. Social Democratic Federation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1922, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Editorial board. Columnist: Charles Yale Harrison. Local and National labor and general news. Drama, music. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 35,600 circ., sworn statement. NEW LEADER (w) Sat. 7 E". 15th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Social Democratic Federation. Ind. Est. 1922, 7 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Editorial board. Columnist: Charles Yale Harrison. Local and National labor and general news. Drama, music. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 35,600 circ., sworn statement.
New Order 80 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. International Workers Order. Ind. General Labor Publications 1933. Max Bedacht, ed. 12,000 circ.,Estimated. NEW ORDER (m) 1st of mo. 80 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ International Workers Order. Ind. Est. 1933. Max Bedacht, ed. 12,000 circ., Estimated.
New Theatre News 132 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. New The atre League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1938, 6 by 8%, in., 23 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Mark Marvin, ed. Local and National labor news. Stage Reviews. No ads. Uses mats. NEW THEATRE NEWS (b-m) 1st of mo. 132 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ New The atre League. Ind. Est. 1938, 6 by 8%, in., 23 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Mark Marvin, ed. Local and National labor news. Stage Reviews. No ads. Uses mats.
New Theatre News 110 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. New Theatre League. Ind., General Labor Publications 1939, 9 by 11 in., 15 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Ben Irwin, ed. National labor news. No ads. NEW THEATRE NEWS (m) 1st of mo. 110 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ New Theatre League. Ind., Est. 1939, 9 by 11 in., 15 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. Ben Irwin, ed. National labor news. No ads.
New York Women's Trade Union League Bulletin 247 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Women's Trade Union League. Ind. 8l/z by 14 in., 3 pp. av. Local and National labor news. No ads. General Labor Publications NEW YORK WOMEN'S TRADE UNION LEAGUE BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. 247 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Women's Trade Union League. Ind. 8l/z by 14 in., 3 pp. av. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Opportunity 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Urban League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1923, 8 by 11 in., 31 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. E. A. Carter, ed. National labor and general news. Book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats. OPPORTUNITY (m) 1st of mo. 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Urban League. Ind. Est. 1923, 8 by 11 in., 31 pp., $1.50 per yr., 15c per issue. E. A. Carter, ed. National labor and general news. Book reviews. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Railroad Notes 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Labor Research Association. Ind. General Labor Publications 1937, 8l/Ì´åÂÌ´å£ by 11 in., 5 pp., 50c per yr. National labor news. No ads. RAILROAD NOTES (m) 1st of mo. 80 E. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Labor Research Association. Ind. Est. 1937, 8l/Ì´åÂÌ´å£ by 11 in., 5 pp., 50c per yr. National labor news. No ads.
Social Questions Bulletin 150 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Methodist Federation for Social Service, pubr. Ind. Est. 1911, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. H. F. Ward, sec. National labor and general news. No ads. General Labor Publications SOCIAL QUEstIONS BULLETIN (m. ex. July and August) 1st of mo. 150 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Methodist Federation for Social Service, pubr. Ind. Est. 1911, 3 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr. H. F. Ward, sec. National labor and general news. No ads.
Solidarity Edit. add., 714 Seneca Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pubn. add., 480 Canal St., New York, N. Y. Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit of the U. S. A. Ind. General Labor Publications 1906, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor news, National general news. Women's page, consumers notes, sports, children's page. Local ads. Uses mats. SOLIDARITY (English-German Edition) (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 714 Seneca Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pubn. add., 480 Canal St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit of the U. S. A. Ind. Est. 1906, 8i/2 by 11i/2 in., 31 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor news, National general news. Women's page, consumers notes, sports, children's page. Local ads. Uses mats.
Union Labor News P. O. Box 478, Madison Square Station. New York, N. Y. General Labor Publications UNION LABOR NEWS (m) 1st of mo. P. O. Box 478, Madison Square Station. New York, N. Y.
Vanguard 45 W. 17th St., New York, N. Y. The Vanguard Group, pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads. General Labor Publications VANGUARD (m) 1st of mo. 45 W. 17th St., New York, N. Y. The Vanguard Group, pubr. Ind. Est. 1935, 9 by 12 in., 16 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. National labor and general news. No ads.
Wisdom 32 W. 60th St., New York, N. Y. The Trinity League. Ind. General Labor Publications 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. P. B. Ward, ed. National labor and general news. No ads. WISDOM (m) 1st of mo. 32 W. 60th St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ The Trinity League. Ind. Est. 1936, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. P. B. Ward, ed. National labor and general news. No ads.
Workers Age 131 W. 33d St., New York, N. Y. The National Council, Inde pendent Labor League of America. Ind. General Labor Publications 1932, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Will Her- berg, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Book Reviews, No ads. Uses mats. WORKERS AGE (w) Sat. 131 W. 33d St., New York, N. Y. Official Organ The National Council, Inde pendent Labor League of America. Ind. Est. 1932, 7 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. Will Her- berg, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Book Reviews, No ads. Uses mats.
Workmen's Circle Call, The 175 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. National Executive Com mittee of the Workmen's Circle. Ind. General Labor Publications 1932, 8 by 11 in., 24 pp., 75c per yr., 10c per issue. Israel Knox, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, Book Reviews. Local ads. Uses mats. WORKMEN'S CIRCLE CALL, THE (m. ex. Feb., June, Aug.) 1st of mo. 175 E. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Official Organ National Executive Com mittee of the Workmen's Circle. Ind. Est. 1932, 8 by 11 in., 24 pp., 75c per yr., 10c per issue. Israel Knox, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, Book Reviews. Local ads. Uses mats.
Summit County Labor News 920 S. High St., Akron, Ohio. The Summit County Labor News, pubr. Ind. Est. 1910, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Alex Eigenmacht, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies, Legal Notices. Local ads. Uses mats. 18,000 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, AFL.WNS. General Labor Publications SUMMIT COUNTY LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 920 S. High St., Akron, Ohio. The Summit County Labor News, pubr. Ind. Est. 1910, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. Alex Eigenmacht, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies, Legal Notices. Local ads. Uses mats. 18,000 circ., publisher's report. ILNS, AFL.WNS.
Newark Leader Newark, Ohio. Ex press Printing Co., pubr. Est. 1917, 7 cols., $1 per yr. Luther Mohler, ed. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications NEWARK LEADER (w) Thurs. Newark, Ohio. Ex press Printing Co., pubr. Est. 1917, 7 cols., $1 per yr. Luther Mohler, ed. Uses mats. 3,500 circ., Estimated.
Labor Magazine, The Box 522, Muskogee, Okla. The Labor Magazine, pubr. Ind. Est. 1925, 9 by 15 in., 37 pp. av.. $2 per yr., 20c per issue. A. L. McKenney, managing ed. National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. TINS. General Labor Publications LABOR MAGAZINE, THE (b-m) 1st of mo. Box 522, Muskogee, Okla. The Labor Magazine, pubr. Ind. Est. 1925, 9 by 15 in., 37 pp. av.. $2 per yr., 20c per issue. A. L. McKenney, managing ed. National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. TINS.
American Guardian, The 17 W. 3rd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. American Foundation for Abundance. Ind. General Labor Publications 1931, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Oscar Ameringer, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 41,103 circ., sworn statement. AMERICAN GUARDIAN, THE (w) Fri. 17 W. 3rd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Official Organ American Foundation for Abundance. Ind. Est. 1931, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Oscar Ameringer, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. 41,103 circ., sworn statement.
Labor's Voice 312i/2 W. California St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Veterans of Industry of America. Ind. General Labor Publications 1934, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. I. M. Finley, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats. LABOR'S VOICE (f) Tue. 312i/2 W. California St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Official Organ Veterans of Industry of America. Ind. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 3c per issue. I. M. Finley, ed. Local and National labor news. No ads. Uses mats.
Union Labor Bulletin Labor Temple, Salem, Ore. Union Label League of Salem. Ind. General Labor Publications UNION LABOR BULLETIN (m) 1st of mo. Labor Temple, Salem, Ore. Official Organ Union Label League of Salem. Ind.
Keystone Labor And Industry, The State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Department of Labor and Industry, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. General Labor Publications 1929, 6 by 9 in., 64 pp. R. M. Bashore, sec. Local labor news. No ads. KEYSTONE LABOR AND INDUSTRY, THE (m) 1st of mo. State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa. Official Organ Department of Labor and Industry, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Est. 1929, 6 by 9 in., 64 pp. R. M. Bashore, sec. Local labor news. No ads.
Keystone Labor And Industry, Graphic Supplement State Capitol, Har- risburg, Pa. Department of Labor and Industry, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Es tablished 1939, 9 by 12 in., 48 pp. R. M. Bashore, sec. Local and National labor news. No ads. General Labor Publications KEYSTONE LABOR AND INDUSTRY, GRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT (m) 1st of mo. State Capitol, Har- risburg, Pa. Official Organ Department of Labor and Industry, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Es tablished 1939, 9 by 12 in., 48 pp. R. M. Bashore, sec. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Union Press-courier, The 723 S. 5th Ave., Patton, Pa. T. A. Owens, pubr. Est. 1893, 6 cols., $2 per yr. T. A. Owens, ed. Uses mats. 2,200 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS. General Labor Publications UNION PRESS-COURIER, THE (w) Thurs. 723 S. 5th Ave., Patton, Pa. T. A. Owens, pubr. Est. 1893, 6 cols., $2 per yr. T. A. Owens, ed. Uses mats. 2,200 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS, UNS.
Union Labor Record Edit. add., 2319 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pubn. add., 216 Locust St., Harrisburg, Pa. Labor's Non-Partisan League and CIO Labor Union Record. Ind. General Labor Publications 1929, 5 cols., 8 pp. av., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. David Schick, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies, Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. UNS, FP. UNION LABOR RECORD (w) Sat. Edit. add., 2319 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pubn. add., 216 Locust St., Harrisburg, Pa. Official Organ Labor's Non-Partisan League and CIO Labor Union Record. Ind. Est. 1929, 5 cols., 8 pp. av., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. David Schick, ed. Local and National labor news. Movies, Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. UNS, FP.
Labor World 914 Federal St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Est. 1892. Louis McGrew, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, UNS. General Labor Publications LABOR WORLD (m) 1st of mo. 914 Federal St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Est. 1892. Louis McGrew, ed. Uses mats. AFL.WNS, UNS.
National Labor Tribune 108 Smith- field St., Pittsburgh, Pa. National Labor Tribune, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1872, 8 cols., 8 pp., $5 per yr., 10c per issue. J. H. VitchEstain, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS. General Labor Publications National LABOR TRIBUNE (f ) Sat. 108 Smith- field St., Pittsburgh, Pa. National Labor Tribune, Inc., pubr. Ind. Est. 1872, 8 cols., 8 pp., $5 per yr., 10c per issue. J. H. VitchEstain, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and na tional ads. Uses mats. AFL.WNS.
Hosiery Examiner, The Edit. add., 510 Walnut St., Reading, Pa. Pubn. add., 48 S. Reading Ave., Boyertown, Pa. Berks County Hosiery Employees Assn., and the Berkshire Employees Assn., Inc. Ind. General Labor Publications 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. R. D. Trautman, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads. HOSIERY EXAMINER, THE (m) 5th of mo. Edit. add., 510 Walnut St., Reading, Pa. Pubn. add., 48 S. Reading Ave., Boyertown, Pa. Official Organ Berks County Hosiery Employees Assn., and the Berkshire Employees Assn., Inc. Ind. Est. 1934, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. R. D. Trautman, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. Local ads.
Labor News 139 S. Main St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Wilkes-Barre Central Labor Union and the United Mine Workers of America, District No. 1. AFL., CIO. General Labor Publications 1924, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Kromelbein, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS. LABOR NEWS (w) Sat. 139 S. Main St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Official Organ Wilkes-Barre Central Labor Union and the United Mine Workers of America, District No. 1. AFL., CIO. Est. 1924, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. W. J. Kromelbein, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 7,500 circ., Estimated. ILNS.
Labor Journal 149 Calhoun St., Charles ton, S. C. General Labor Publications LABOR JOURNAL (w). 149 Calhoun St., Charles ton, S. C.
News Review, The Una, S. C. The News Review, pubr. Ind. Est. 1930, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr.. 5c per issue. J. L. Brooks, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP. General Labor Publications NEWS REVIEW, THE (w). Una, S. C. The News Review, pubr. Ind. Est. 1930, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr.. 5c per issue. J. L. Brooks, ed. Local and na tional labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FP.
Western Labor Journal Box 1898, Amarillo, Texas. Est. 1929. A. P. McSwain, ed. Uses mats. General Labor Publications WEstERN LABOR JOURNAL (m). Box 1898, Amarillo, Texas. Est. 1929. A. P. McSwain, ed. Uses mats.
Union Banner, The. Furman Bldg., Corpus Christi, Texas. General Labor Publications UNION BANNER, THE. Furman Bldg., Corpus Christi, Texas.
Union Leader, The. 414 Chaparral St., Corpus Christi, Texas. General Labor Publications UNION LEADER, THE. 414 Chaparral St., Corpus Christi, Texas.
El Paso Labor News. P. O. Box 2011. El Paso, Texas. General Labor Publications EL PASO LABOR NEWS. P. O. Box 2011. El Paso, Texas.
Southwestern Railway Journal 5th and Calhoun Sts., Fort Worth, Texas. SouthwEstern Railway Journal, Inc., pubr. Ind. Established 1907, 8V2 by 12 in., 27 pp., $1 per yr. C. W. Rogers, Assoc. ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,500 circ., publisher's report. ILPA, TLPA. General Labor Publications SOUTHWEstERN RAILWAY JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. 5th and Calhoun Sts., Fort Worth, Texas. SouthwEstern Railway Journal, Inc., pubr. Ind. Established 1907, 8V2 by 12 in., 27 pp., $1 per yr. C. W. Rogers, Assoc. ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 6,500 circ., publisher's report. ILPA, TLPA.
Workers Forum, The. Box 711, Longview, Texas. F. N. Henderson, Ed. General Labor Publications WORKERS FORUM, THE. Box 711, Longview, Texas. F. N. Henderson, ed.
Labor Forum, The 420 Fifth St., Port Arthur, Texas. Est. 1919. General Labor Publications LABOR FORUM, THE (w) Fri. 420 Fifth St., Port Arthur, Texas. Est. 1919.
Voice Of Labor, The. 17 W. Twebig, San An Tonio, Texas. Frank Sanford, Ed. General Labor Publications VOICE OF LABOR, THE. 17 W. Twebig, San An tonio, Texas. Frank Sanford, ed.
Utah Labor News 28 S. 4th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Organ of Utah Labor Unions. Ind. Est. 1929, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. M. T. Thompson, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers' Notes. Local and National ads. 7,700 circ., publisher's report. UNS, ILPA. General Labor Publications UTAH LABOR NEWS (w) Fri. 28 S. 4th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Organ of Utah Labor Unions. Ind. Est. 1929, 5 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr., 5c per issue. M. T. Thompson, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Consumers' Notes. Local and National ads. 7,700 circ., publisher's report. UNS, ILPA.
Times Advocate 155 Bank St., Nor folk, Va. H. R. McKay, pubr. Est. 1902, 6 cols., $2 per yr. A. C. Derby, ed. Uses mats. 8,500 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications TIMES ADVOCATE (w) Thurs. 155 Bank St., Nor folk, Va. H. R. McKay, pubr. Est. 1902, 6 cols., $2 per yr. A. C. Derby, ed. Uses mats. 8,500 circ., Estimated.
Eye Opener. Box 373, Bremerton, Wash. C. W. Jones, Ed. General Labor Publications EYE OPENER. Box 373, Bremerton, Wash. C. W. Jones, ed.
Information 533 N. Tower Ave., Centralia, Wash. J. C. Rhodes, pubr. Est. 1937, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. C. Rhodes, ed. General Labor Publications INFORMATION (w) Thurs. 533 N. Tower Ave., Centralia, Wash. J. C. Rhodes, pubr. Est. 1937, 5 cols., $1.50 per yr. J. C. Rhodes, ed.
Washington New-dealer 3rd and James Sts., Seattle, Wash. Washing ton Commonwealth Federation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1939, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Terry Pettus, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. WASHINGTON NEW-DEALER (w) Thurs. 3rd and James Sts., Seattle, Wash. Official Organ Washing ton Commonwealth Federation. Ind. Est. 1939, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Terry Pettus, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. ; classified ads. Book and movie reviews, legal notices. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. FP.
Willapa Harbor Pilot South Bend, Wash. Willapa Harbor Publishing Company, Inc., pubr. Est. 1890, 6 cols., $2 per yr. Terry Pettus, ed. Uses mats. 1,700 circ., Estimated. General Labor Publications WILLAPA HARBOR PILOT (w) Thurs. South Bend, Wash. Willapa Harbor Publishing Company, Inc., pubr. Est. 1890, 6 cols., $2 per yr. Terry Pettus, ed. Uses mats. 1,700 circ., Estimated.
Independent Observer, The 81 McCreary St., Beckley, W. Va. The Independent Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Norman Stoken, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. UNS. General Labor Publications INDEPENDENT OBSERVER, THE (w) Fri. 81 McCreary St., Beckley, W. Va. The Independent Publishing Company, pubr. Ind. Est. 1933, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Norman Stoken, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 10,000 circ., Estimated. UNS.
Industrial News, The laeger, W. Va. Industrial News, pubr. Est. 1923, 7 cols., $2 per yr. J. A. Johnson, ed. General Labor Publications INDUSTRIAL NEWS, THE (w) Thurs. laeger, W. Va. Industrial News, pubr. Est. 1923, 7 cols., $2 per yr. J. A. Johnson, ed.
Badger Farm Bureau News, The 744 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation. Ind. General Labor Publications 1930, 7 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. L. F. Roherty, ed. Local and National labor news. Women's column. Local and National ads. Uses mats. BADGER FARM BUREAU NEWS, THE (m) 1st of mo. 744 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. Official Organ Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation. Ind. Est. 1930, 7 cols., 4 pp., 50c per yr., 5c per issue. L. F. Roherty, ed. Local and National labor news. Women's column. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Progressive, The Tenney Bldg., 110 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. Organ Progressive Party of Wisconsin and National Progressives of America. NPA. Est. 1909, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. M. H. Rubin, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics. No ads. General Labor Publications PROGRESSIVE, THE (w) Sat. Tenney Bldg., 110 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. Organ Progressive Party of Wisconsin and National Progressives of America. NPA. Est. 1909, 8 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. M. H. Rubin, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Comics. No ads.
Milwaukee Evening Post 540 W. Juneau Aye., Milwaukee, Wise. Wisconsin Guardian Publishing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1911, 8 cols., 10 pp. av., 3c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, radio. Local and National ads., classified ads. Uses mats. UP. General Labor Publications MILWAUKEE EVENING POST (d. ex. Sun.). 540 W. Juneau Aye., Milwaukee, Wise. Wisconsin Guardian Publishing Co., pubr. Ind. Est. 1911, 8 cols., 10 pp. av., 3c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, radio. Local and National ads., classified ads. Uses mats. UP.
Advocate, The 163 WEst Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C., Can. Communist Party of Canada. General Labor Publications 1935, 6 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and gen eral news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. ICN. ADVOCATE, THE (w) Fri. 163 WEst Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C., Can. Official Organ Communist Party of Canada. Est. 1935, 6 cols., 6 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and gen eral news. Local ads, classified ads. Uses mats. ICN.
B. C. Lumber Worker Union Bulletin, The Holden Bldg., Vancouver, B. C., Canada. B. C. Coast District Council, Inter National Woodworkers of America. CIO. Canadian Labor Publications 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. Nigel Morgan, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. B. C. LUMBER WORKER UNION BULLETIN, THE (f) Tues. Holden Bldg., Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Official Organ B. C. Coast District Council, Inter National Woodworkers of America. CIO. Est. 1939, 4 cols., 4 pp. Nigel Morgan, ed. Local and National labor news. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Booster, The 74 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Brother hood of Express Employees. Canadian Labor Publications 1919, 7 by 10 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr. W. A. McDonald, pres. T oral and BOOSTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. 74 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Brother hood of Express Employees. AFL.. Est. 1919, 7 by 10 in., 24 pp., $1 per yr. W. A. McDonald, pres. T oral and National labor news. No ads.
Canadian Congress Journal Edit. add., 172 McLaren St., Ottawa, Ontario, Can ada. Pubn. add., 616 Lagauchetiere St., WEst, Mon treal, Quebec, Canada. The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. Canadian Labor Publications 1922, 9 by 12 in., 50 pp. av., $1 per yr. P. M. Draper, ed. CANADIAN CONGRESS JOURNAL (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 172 McLaren St., Ottawa, Ontario, Can ada. Pubn. add., 616 Lagauchetiere St., WEst, Mon treal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. AFL.. Est. 1922, 9 by 12 in., 50 pp. av., $1 per yr. P. M. Draper, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. French Section, Women's Page. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Canadian Co-operator, The 215 Nelson St., Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Cooperative Union of Canada. Est. 1910, 6 by 9 in., 16 pp., 75c per yr. George Keen, sec.- treas. Local and National labor news. No ads. Canadian Labor Publications CANADIAN CO-OPERATOR, THE (m) 1st of mo. 215 Nelson St., Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Cooperative Union of Canada. Est. 1910, 6 by 9 in., 16 pp., 75c per yr. George Keen, sec.- treas. Local and National labor news. No ads.
Canadian Labour World Em pire Bldg., King William St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Labour World Pub. Co., pubr. Est. 1919, 8 cols., $1 per yr. Local ads. Canadian Labor Publications CANADIAN LABOUR WORLD (m) 1st of mo. Em pire Bldg., King William St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Labour World Pub. Co., pubr. Est. 1919, 8 cols., $1 per yr. Local ads.
Canadian Railway Employees' Monthly, The Edit. add., P. O. Box 395, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Pubn. add., 1405 Bishop St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees. Canadian Labor Publications 1909, 9 by 11 in., 28 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. M. M. MacLean, ed. CANADIAN RAILWAY EMPLOYEES' MONTHLY, THE (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., P. O. Box 395, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Pubn. add., 1405 Bishop St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees. AFL.. Est. 1909, 9 by 11 in., 28 pp. av., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. M. M. MacLean, ed. Local and National labor news, National general news. French Sec tion. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 18,000 circ., publisher's report.
Canadian Unionist Edit. add., 230 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Pubn. add., Coronation Bldg., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. All-Canadian Congress of Labour. Canadian Labor Publications 1927, 9 by 12 in., 32 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. N. S. Dowd, ed. CANADIAN UNIONIST (m) 1st of mo. Edit. add., 230 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Pubn. add., Coronation Bldg., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ All-Canadian Congress of Labour. AFL.. Est. 1927, 9 by 12 in., 32 pp., $2 per yr., 20c per issue. N. S. Dowd, ed. Local and National labor news. English and French language sections. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Citizen, The 54 Argyle St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Citizen, pubr. Ind. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS. Canadian Labor Publications CITIZEN, THE (w) Fri. 54 Argyle St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Citizen, pubr. Ind. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Comics, Sports. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 3,000 circ., Estimated. AFL.WNS.
Civil Servants Digest, Incorporating The Organizer Edit, add., 9 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Canada. Pubn. add., Confederation Bldg., McGill College Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Civil Service. Ind. Canadian Labor Publications CIVIL SERVANTS DIGEst, INCORPORATING THE ORGANIZER (m) 25th of mo. Edit, add., 9 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Canada. Pubn. add., Confederation Bldg., McGill College Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ Canadian Civil Service. Ind. Est. 1921, 8i/2 by liyz in., 22 pp. av., $1 per yr., 10c per issue. J. W. B. Green, ed. Local and National ads, classified ads. Uses mats.
Clarion, The 121 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Cojmmunist Party of Canada. Canadian Labor Publications 1922, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2.50 per yr., 5c per issue. T. C. Sims, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. ICN. CLARION, THE (w) Sat. 121 Simcoe St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Cojmmunist Party of Canada. Established in 1922, 8 cols., 6 pp., $2.50 per yr., 5c per issue. T. C. Sims, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. ICN.
Federated Railwaymen 11 St. Paul W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Division No. 4, Railway Employees' Depart ment. Canadian Labor Publications 1925, 4 cols., $1 per yr. 16,000 circ., Estimated. FEDERATED RAILWAYMEN (m) 1st of mo. 11 St. Paul W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ Division No. 4, Railway Employees' Depart ment. AFL.. Est. 1925, 4 cols., $1 per yr. 16,000 circ., Estimated.
Federationist, The Holden Bldg., 16 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Canadian Labor Publications 1936, 6 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Theater news, features. Local and National ads. Uses mats. FEDERATIONIST, THE (w) Thurs. Holden Bldg., 16 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Official Organ Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Est. 1936, 6 cols., 6 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. Local and National labor and general news. Theater news, features. Local and National ads. Uses mats.
Fisherman, The 164 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Pacific Coast Fishermen's Union and Salmon Purse Seiners' Union, Local 141. Ind. Canadian Labor Publications 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. George Dray- ton, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads. FISHERMAN, THE (f) Tues. 164 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Official Organ Pacific Coast Fishermen's Union and Salmon Purse Seiners' Union, Local 141. Ind. Est. 1938, 4 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. George Dray- ton, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
Hamilton Steel Worker. 1215 Cannon St., E., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cio. Charles Mcclure, Ed. Canadian Labor Publications HAMILTON STEEL WORKER. 1215 Cannon St., E., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. CIO. Charles McClure, ed.
Labor Leader, The 64 Duke St., To ronto, Ontario, Canada. American Federation of Labor. Canadian Labor Publications 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. T. A. Stevenson, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. LABOR LEADER, THE (f) Fri. 64 Duke St., To ronto, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ American Federation of Labor. AFL.. Est. 1919, 8 cols., 4 pp., $1.50 per yr. T. A. Stevenson, ed. Columnist: Philip Pearl. National labor and general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 32,800 circ., Estimated.
Labor News, The 304 Lister Bldg., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Labor News Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. G. W. Nelson, ed. Local and na tional labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,560 circ., Estimated. Canadian Labor Publications LABOR NEWS, THE (m) 4th week of mo. 304 Lister Bldg., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Labor News Publishing Co., pubr. AFL.. Est. 1906, 7 cols., 4 pp., $2 per yr. G. W. Nelson, ed. Local and na tional labor news, National general news. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,560 circ., Estimated.
Labor Statesman of mo. Labor Headquarters, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Vancouver Trades and Labor Council. Canadian Labor Publications 1924, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. H. W. Watts, ed. LABOR STATESMAN (m) 1st Thurs. of mo. Labor Headquarters, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Official Organ Vancouver Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1924, 6 cols., 4 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. H. W. Watts, ed. Local and National labor news. Local ads.
Labor World, The 11 St. Paul St. WEst, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Montreal Trades and Labor Council. Canadian Labor Publications 1916, 4 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. Ellis Searles, ed. LABOR WORLD, THE (w) Sat. 11 St. Paul St. WEst, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Official Organ Montreal Trades and Labor Council. AFL.. Est. 1916, 4 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr. Ellis Searles, ed. National labor and general news. French Section. Local and na tional ads. AFL.WNS.
Labour Day Review. 25 Ouelette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Windsor And Dis Trict Trades And Labor Council. Afl.. Canadian Labor Publications LABOUR DAY REVIEW. 25 Ouelette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ Windsor and Dis trict Trades and Labor Council. AFL..
Labour Gazetter, The The Dept. of Labour, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The Dept. of Labour, Ottawa, Canada. Ind. Canadian Labor Publications 1900, 6i/2 by 9*4 in., 90 pp., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. National labor news. No ads. LABOUR GAZETTER, THE (m) 1st of mo. The Dept. of Labour, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Official Organ The Dept. of Labour, Ottawa, Canada. Ind. Est. 1900, 6i/2 by 9*4 in., 90 pp., $1 per yr., 20c per issue. National labor news. No ads.
Manitoba Commonwealth 211 Con federation Life Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Co-operative Commonwealth Federa tion. Ind. Canadian Labor Publications 1926, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Charles Biesick, managing ed. Local and National labor, general news. Local ads. Uses mats. MANITOBA COMMONWEALTH (f) Fri. 211 Con federation Life Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Official Organ Co-operative Commonwealth Federa tion. Ind. Est. 1926, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr., 5c per issue. Charles Biesick, managing ed. Local and National labor, general news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Mid-west Clarion 406 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Princess St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Mid-WEst Clarion Publishing Association, pubr. John Weir, ed. $1.50 per yr. Canadian Labor Publications MID-WEst CLARION (w) Sat. 406 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Princess St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Mid-WEst Clarion Publishing Association, pubr. John Weir, ed. $1.50 per yr.
New Commonwealth 225 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. New Common wealth Pub. Co., pubr. Est. 1890, 7 cols., $2 per yr. Graham Spry, ed. Canadian Labor Publications NEW COMMONWEALTH (w) Sat. 225 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. New Common wealth Pub. Co., pubr. Est. 1890, 7 cols., $2 per yr. Graham Spry, ed.
People's Weekly, The 10010 102nd St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Co operative Commonwealth Federation. Ind. Canadian Labor Publications 1920, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. E. Roper, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book Reviews, Radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,100 circ., Estimated. PEOPLE'S WEEKLY, THE (w) Sat. 10010 102nd St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Official Organ Co operative Commonwealth Federation. Ind. Est. 1920, 5 cols., 8 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. E. E. Roper, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Book Reviews, Radio. Local and National ads. Uses mats. 5,100 circ., Estimated.
Saskatchewan Commonwealth 510 Kerr Bldg., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Cooperative Commonwealth Federa tion. Canadian Labor Publications 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats. SASKATCHEWAN COMMONWEALTH (w) Wed. 510 Kerr Bldg., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Official Organ Cooperative Commonwealth Federa tion. Est. 1937, 5 cols., 8 pp., $1 per yr. Local and National labor and general news. Local ads. Uses mats.
Steelworker And Miner, The 54 Dodd St., Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Communist Party of Canada. Canadian Labor Publications 1934, 3 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. M. A. MacKenzie, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads. STEELWORKER AND MINER, THE (w) Sat. 54 Dodd St., Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Official Organ Communist Party of Canada. Est. 1934, 3 cols., 12 pp., $2 per yr., 5c per issue. M. A. MacKenzie, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Local and National ads.
Union Advocate New Castle, New Brunswick, Canada. Eugene Connolly, pubr. Est. 1867, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. Eugene Connolly, ed. Uses mats. 500 circ., Estimated. Canadian Labor Publications UNION ADVOCATE (w) Wed. New Castle, New Brunswick, Canada. Eugene Connolly, pubr. Est. 1867, 6 cols., $1.50 per yr. Eugene Connolly, ed. Uses mats. 500 circ., Estimated.
Western Farm Leader, The Ren frew Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Ind. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. 5c per issue. W. N. Smith, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Women's page, sports. Local and National ads classified ads. Uses mats. Canadian Labor Publications WEstERN FARM LEADER, THE (f) Fri. Ren frew Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Ind. Est. 1936, 4 cols., 16 pp., $1 per yr. 5c per issue. W. N. Smith, ed. Local and National farmer-labor news. Women's page, sports. Local and National ads; classified ads. Uses mats.
Western Producer, The 456 2nd Ave., N., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Ind. Est. 1923, 5 cols., 32 pp., $2 per yr. A. P. Waldron, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, market quotations, comics, children's sec tion, women's section, serial story. Local and na tional ads classified ads. Uses mats. Canadian Labor Publications WEstERN PRODUCER, THE (w) Thurs. 456 2nd Ave., N., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Ind. Est. 1923, 5 cols., 32 pp., $2 per yr. A. P. Waldron, ed. Local and National labor and general news. Sports, market quotations, comics, children's sec tion, women's section, serial story. Local and na tional ads; classified ads. Uses mats.